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The endocannabinoid system
The greatest medical breakthrough of our time?
he body does not want to be ill: this is a very simple, very fundamental feature in every living being.
When we fall ill we are used to linking this to an outside factor that has disrupted the balance – a virus, a
parasite, a bacterium. Our immune system can take care of this type of illness. But illness that can’t be traced
to any outside source? Cancer, chronic inflammatory diseases, anxiety? Our immune system doesn’t handle
issues that stem from within – sometimes the immune system can even be the issue.
t wasn’t until 1995 that science discovered what it is that regulates the inner balance of the body: the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system, ECS, helps the body heal itself. It is something that exists in all mammals and
has been around for approximately 600 million years. With ECS we aren’t talking about a system of “cables”,
like the nervous system, but a “wireless network”: ECS consists of receptors that can be found on the cell
surface, where they receive and interpret signals. The receptor types identified thus far are CB1 and CB2 , of
which CB1 is most prevalent in brain tissue and nervous system while CB2 is more commonly found on body
organs and immune cells. The signals themselves consist of endocannabinoids, which are fat based molecules
that attach to the receptors and activate them. At present we know two main types of these molecules: 2-AG
and anandaminde, where the latter derives its name from ananda, which is Sanskrit for bliss/happiness.
he most basic function of the ECS is the maintaining of homeostasis in the body. Homeostasis means
balance, but not balance the way we might be used to thinking of it: this is a dynamic balance, where
several different processes continuously and mutually influence each other as they contribute to the state of
harmony in the being as a whole.
The ECS has the ability to counter many of the states we are used to associating with illness and disease. For
example, the system has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has shown positive effect in
a number of conditions of inflammatory nature, such as atherosclerosis and Crohn’s. The ECS is also closely
connected with the nervous system in body and brain, where it has been shown to perform many interesting
functions. It can alleviate both pain and anxiety, and even work as a natural antidepressant.
One can’t talk about the nervous system without mentioning neuroprotection. Substances that are neuroprotective prevent damage to the neurons of the brain. The ECS has neuroprotective properties, which have
made it a highly interesting field of research for treatment of diseases such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s, where
researchers have noted positive results.
The ECS not only protects nerves, but body cells in general. When homeostasis is disrupted and cells begin to
display defects, the ECS intervenes and neutralizes them: a function that has led to a great interest in the role
the ECS might play in cancer. Both antiproliferative and antimetastatic properties have been identified in the
ECS, meaning that it prevents both growth, mitosis, and migration of cancerous cells. Worth noting in this
context is that these effects are only seen at higher doses of endocannabinoids.
s the ECS was discovered in the 90’s, there still are gaps in our knowledge of its potential, but what we do
know is that it is incredibly powerful and important – essential – to our health. Receptors of the ECS are
found on every tissue and organ – brain, liver, lungs, blood vessels, bones, intestines, etc. – and regulate their
function all the way down on cellular level. The system regulates our sleep, our hunger, our immune system,
and probably many other functions where we are yet unaware of a connection. In this publication we will discuss some of the physical and psychological illnesses that are linked to the ECS and can be healed by the ECS.
Activate your ECS
6 simple means to activate your endocannabinoid system
Exercise: That regular exercise has positive effects on health is well established. Exercise reduces stress,
anxiety, and pain, and helps improve our mood. It has long been believed that endorphins are responsible for
these effects, but in fact this is just something scientists believe: endorphins as molecules are too big to pass
through the blood brain barrier and enter the brain, and thus can’t possibly create said effects (which are produced in the brain). The more likely candidate is instead endocannabinoids, as these can enter the brain and
have shown dramatically increased levels in response to exercise.
Good food: We are what we eat, and avoiding processed foods and artificial sweeteners is a good start
for a healthier body: both processed foods and sweeteners contain substances that inhibit the function of the
ECS. Eat more untreated primary produce where you can be sure that what you ingest is natural substances.
Omega-3: This one we are sure you have heard before: we consume an disproportionate amount of omega-6 in relation to our intake of omega-3. Both are fatty acids, but they have different properties. A too high
ratio of omega-6 creates a predisposition for inflammation, which in turn increases the risk of a number of
illnesses that originate within the body itself; a too high ratio of omega-3 will impede the immune system to
the point that we become more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. To maintain a balanced ratio of 1:1 is important both for the immune system and for the ECS: the body produces its endocannabinoids from omega
fatty acids, both -3 and -6.
Meditation: Most already know that the chronic stress many experience today is detrimental to our
health. One contributing factor to this is that stress depletes the ECS, which is supposed to help the body
maintain equilibrium, so that the amount of endocannabinoids accessible diminishes. By avoiding stress – as
far as that is possible – and practising meditation and relaxation, we can help the ECS remain functioning.
Positive thinking: Mind and body are not two separate entities. To view things in a positive light is an
exercise that strengthens both, and helps the ECS by lessening feelings of stress and dejection.
Phytocannabinoids: Our bodies produce their own cannabinoids, but so does hemp: phytocannabinoids (phyto = of/relating to plants). The most efficient way to activate the ECS is to kick-start it by providing
phytocannabinoids, as these chemically work the same way as the body’s endocannabinoids.
A complex interplay between body and mind
ndividuals suffering from chronic pain are becoming a regular feature in our society. These same people are
often dependent on pain medication that takes a toll on liver and kidneys.
ain is a complex interplay between body and mind. When we experience pain this happens, in a simplified model, through three processes: transduction, transmission, and perception. Transduction occurs in
special nociceptive nerves (noci = pain) that registers pain, and then transmits this signal to the brain. In the
final stage, the brain interprets the signal and perceives pain.
Neuropathic pain follows the same process but has a different origin: in this case the nerves themselves have
been damaged, by trauma or by illness, and send pain signals to the brain. This type of pain is a common side
effect of diabetes, MS, cancer/cancer treatment, immune disorders, or trauma.
Chronic pain is tied to a process known as sensitisation. What has occurred is that prolonged inflammation
or repeated trauma has lowered the pain threshold of the nociceptive nerves, either peripherally (in the nerve
ends) or centrally (where the nerves connect to the spinal cord). The body has become more sensitive to pain.
he nervous system cooperates jointly with the ECS, which has the ability to alleviate pain. When sensitisation has happened – or is happening – an active ECS will intervene and shut down the sensitisation
process, as well as prevent the nerves from transmitting the pain signal. It’s not a matter of “anaesthesia” the
way we are used to thinking of it, as a numbness in the tissues, but a state similar to the one that occurs from
an adrenaline high: you will perceive touch and other stimuli, but you won’t feel pain. Coincidentally, the
ECS is also what stimulates the release of endorphins when we are exposed to pain – all for the purpose of
limiting the amount of harmful stress to the body.
positive effects of the oil are huge. When I stop taking it my head”acheThereturns
and I need painkillers, but when I take the oil again it takes
away the ache much more effectively than the meds. I feel happier and
have more contact with other people, and I really have barely any anxiety
at all. What might be the biggest gain is that I have energy! I’m no longer
fatigued and I don’t feel worn and weak.
Sincerely, Martin
been taking the oil for a month soon! Began with 2x2 drops the
day. Then I increased gradually and now I take 8 drops twice daily!
My mood improved instantly after just a couple of days! The pain I have
(myaliga, etc.) has become such that I can almost halve my daily dose of
strong pain medication (morphine type)! This far the oil has been nothing
but a positive experience!
My pain has improved infinitely. The aching pain that’s always there in the background… it’s gone, but left
”is that
ghastly bone ache and neuropathic pain that comes when foul weather arrives (for example). My mood
is soo much better – I used to be so irritated and fed up with everything but now I catch myself smiling often,
and I don’t feel as much brain fog as I did with the Tramadol.
Cannabinoids may be the solution
he body’s cells are renewed several times during life, when they have become worn out and need to be replaced. A healthy cell copies and splits itself in intervals that are determined by the genes in its DNA; the
aged cells go through so called apoptosis or programmed cell death, which means the cell degrades itself and
makes its components available to other cells as building blocks. If the DNA of the cell were to be damaged
or mutate, for example from toxins in cigarette smoke, the genes that regulate copying intervals might be lost.
The cell will then copy itself uncontrollably, without going into apoptosis, and form a tumor.
he ECS has a unique ability to combat tumors: cancerous cells express far more CB receptors than do
healthy cells. The purpose of the ECS is to maintain homeostasis in the body, all the way down to the
cellular level, and that is exactly what it does when confronted with a cancerous cell. Cancerous cells disrupt
the balance, and via the CB receptors the ECS can force the apoptosis the cell itself doesn’t carry out. The ECS
fights tumors in several indirect ways, too: it prevents the cells from cloning and thereby stops tumor growth
and migration, and it starves the tumor by preventing angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the process in which new
blood vessels form in order to carry oxygen and nutrition to new tissue, which is undesirable when the new
tissue is a tumor.
Why doesn’t this happen all the time, then, when people get cancer? Why doesn’t the ECS intervene? The
answer is that the ECS itself isn’t infallible. Even the ECS can have its programming altered, as we have seen
happen to the nervous system when prolonged inflammation alters its reactions to pain. The wrong circumstances can make the ECS perceive cancerous growth as normal to the body homeostasis, and then it does
nothing to intervene. Exactly how this reprogramming happens, and which circumstances that might cause
it, is yet unknown. What we do know is that if the ECS doesn’t react to the cancer we can make it react by
supplying cannbinoids, which have the same ability as endocannabinoids to halt growth and initiate apoptosis in cancerous cells, while healthy cells are left untouched.
I had my lungs x-rayed. I have many metastases there. The
had shrunk remarkably and so had a few others. The really small
ones were unchanged and no new had developed. It was truly wonderful
news. Earlier x-rays were taken in April and those were not happy news.
I’ve taken CBD once a day, ca 20 drops, practically the whole time. Parallel
I’ve been taking meds in tablet form. Now I’m on a break in treatment and
will be x-rayed again in October. Continuing with the CBD-oil and hoping
for another uplifting response in October.
Sincerely, Ann-Christin
Hi! I’ve started using CBD-oil as I was diagnosed with skeletal
Have been given radiation therapy for it. Everybody knows
skeletal cancer hurts and is the worst kind of cancer regarding pain. Have
been given morphine and a bunch of other painkillers. Can only say one
thing. I’m not using anything except CBD-oil. ‘Cause the pains are basically gone. That if anything means a lot for my wellbeing
So grateful you exist!
Been taking cbd oil for a while now and my cancer values are down on 3.7. Feels good not to have to take
Sincerely, Daniel
Mental illness
ECS is the link between body and soul
ental illness comes in many shapes and with many causes. There are also an endless number of medicines to treat mental illness. They all come with side effects, which in some cases can be so severe that
taking them is just as unpleasant as not taking them.
In the brain it’s all about chemistry, and whether signal substances are in balance or not. Imbalances in these
affect our mood and may make us experience abnormal states of stress, fear, anxiety, or melancholy. One
should, however, always bear in mind that the body is on entity, and that only looking at what happens in the
brain will not give the whole picture. The HPA axis, which plays a big part in regulating our emotional chemistry, consists of organs in the brain (hypothalamus, pituitary gland) and in the body (adrenal cortex). Like
the brain, this axis of organs is involved in anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, etc.
There is a complex, not fully understood connection between memory and several mental illnesses like stress,
anxiety, and PTSD. If we simplify, we can speak of an “emotional memory” that stores stressful or traumatic
memories which, when activated, produce feelings of distress in situations that aren’t actually dangerous.
The ECS is sometimes called the link between body and soul, as its receptors are situated both in body and
brain and influence one’s mental health as well as one’s physical health. Connections aren’t fully understood
here either, but several studies have shown interesting results: namely, that the ECS has receptors in all organs
involved in modulating mood, emotion, stress, and memory.
n studies where CB receptors in the brain have been blocked, this produced symptoms of anxiety and
depression; conversely, when CB receptors were activated, this relieved both anxiety and depression. An
interesting enzyme in this context is FAAH, which is responsible for degrading endocannabinoids once they
have done their job: an increased prevalence of FAAH means that endocannabinoids are degraded before
they have done their job. This is what happens when subjected to chronic stress, which causes the body to
overproduce FAAH. A shortage of endocannabinoids can thus present itself as mental illness. This kind of
endocannabinoid shortage is something that has been observed in people with PTSD, where stress forms a
part of the disorder. Many suffering from PTSD self-medicate with marijuana: the cannabinoids in the plant
help the ECS to ease the stress symptoms and make the emotional memory of the trauma less distressing.
I also feel a certain relief from my anxiety; the cbd-oil has a ‘calming’
on me that makes me relaxed & peaceful both day and night!
After a month or so of using this I’m still a little surprised how well it
for me. That feeling of stress and anxiety that has plagued me for
years, and that I haven’t been able to control despite several prescriptions,
has dropped to a completely manageable level now with these oil drops. I
feel better and better with every passing day. Can definitely recommend
the oil to anyone with similar problems. For me a low dose of 3x3 drops a
day sufficed for a month, after which I increased the dose after how I felt.
As I write I’m on 4-6-7 drops per day, and I’ve gone from panic and anxiety attacks a couple of times a week to being free of real attacks for almost
a month… I’m starting to get my life back. Thank you for everything.
Sleeping problems
Sleep is necessary for the human being to function
hen we sleep, body and brain relax and restore energy for the coming day. When we can’t sleep properly – because of illness, stress, medication, or other factors – it affects every aspect of our daily lives
negatively. Our mood becomes unstable, memory and learning capacity drops, but the body itself also suffers
when it can’t rest: too little sleep is associated with increased strain on the cardiovascular system, weakened
immune system, and imbalances in the hormones that regulate hunger. To have the opportunity to sleep isn’t
only a matter of comfort: sleep is necessary for the human being to function.
Exactly how sleep is regulated is unknown beyond the notion that it involves a plethora of nerves, chemical
substances, and receptors that work in concert. One of these substances is adenosine, which is formed as a
byproduct when cells burn fuel. During the day adenosine accumulates in the brain, which makes it more
and more tired until we go to sleep: night time is ”waste disposal time”, when the body breaks down the adenosine so we will wake fit for a new day.
akefulness is governed by just as many chemical substances as sleep. When we wake we do so in part
because light inhibits the production of melatonin, a substance that helps us remain sleeping when we
sleep, and in part because the body produces cortisol to wake up. Cortisol is more commonly known as one
of the hormones produced in response to stress, with effects such as change in appetite, rising blood pressure,
and increased wakefulness.
hat the ECS is involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness has been known long before we knew
of the ECS itself, as people in India treated sleeping problems with hemp several hundred years ago. Today we know that CB1 is directly involved in sleeping, while there is also speculation that the ECS might aid
sleep through its ability to relieve stress and thereby moderate the release of cortisol.
been taking the oil for about a month and a half now and my sleep
remarkably. It’s deeper, and I wake fresh and rested – I haven’t done that in many years. I also experience decreased stress, a greater
calm and relaxation. I warmly recommend this!
Three weeks since I started taking the oil. I sleep better, not waking up
”as many
times per night as I used to. I have more energy now, I can do
more than just the bare necessities. Actually I’ve taken up projects at home
that have been shelved for a long time even if it’s stuff I actually enjoy doing: I haven’t had the energy for it.
Mvh Jessica
After 5 weeks’ use I can only conclude that my sleep has markedly im”proved.
I can now sleep almost a full night. I’ve tried increasing the dose
but noticed at 4-5 drops twice daily made me sleepier during daytime and
I have therefore gone back to 2x2 drops. It seems to be the ideal dose for
me, which I’m grateful for. I will not go back to my old meds. CBD oil is
the only thing for me now.
Mvh Mats
ECS has potential to treat epilepsy
pilepsy takes many different shapes and can present either as hallucinations and blurred consciousness
(focal seizures) or as loss of muscle control and/or consciousness (generalised seizures). Seizures arise
when neurons in the brain fire too many signals at once, or fail to connect properly because of injury such as
physical trauma or Alzheimer’s. Some forms of epilepsy have genetic background, and can then be difficult to
treat as the genes responsible might also make the body resistant to such medications.
It is a simplification, but generally speaking brain activity is regulated by several signal substances that the
brain’s neurons use to communicate. Some of these substances, like glutamate, are excitatory (increased
signalling: “acceleration”) while others, foremost GABA, are inhibitory (lessened signalling: “brake”). Aside
the signals, the neurons themselves play a part, too. Some might be easier to activate (hypopolarised nerves:
“downhill”) while some might be more difficult (hyperpolarised nerves: “uphill”). By this we hope to illustrate
how epileptic seizures can have several causes: the “accelerator” might get stuck, the “brake” might be out of
order, the brain’s signals might be rolling “downhill” with no way to stop, etc.
esearch is currently underway to uncover how the ECS affects signalling in the brain. Much is still unclear, but what scientists have agreed on is that the ECS has potential to treat epilepsy: it is intimately
connected with the regulation of signalling in the brain, and has the ability to act as brake when GABA itself
won’t. What happens is that the endocannabinoids can make neurons lower their release of glutamate and
thereby counter the cascades of signals that trigger epileptic seizures and spasms.
son with cerebral palsy has had great results after about a month.
cramps and sleep have improved, and that despite us hav-
ing had both the flu, a bout of could and norovirus during this time. We
do treat with ketogenic diet since before and have seen amazing results but
it has been difficult to lower the dose of medication these past six months.
Since we began treating with the oil we have made two smaller decreases
without seeing any increase in cramps, and he seems to tolerate the new
dose well. His spasticity has decreased foremost in his hands. Instead of
sitting with tightly clenched fists his hands are now relaxed and open. This
is amazing if you know how spastic he is – nothing has helped is tense
arms. It might be a coincidence but if so it came perfectly timed. His stomach has begun to work. Earlier he would relieve himself about once a day,
and that aided by a daily dose magnesium oxide to make it easier to pass.
Now he relieves himself two or three times per day and we have even been
able to exclude the magnesium oxide. His sleep has improved in the sense
that he isn’t as spastic anymore, and doesn’t wake himself when tense arms
get stuck in his pillow or under his head a.s.o. He can even sleep in now,
which is amazing as he’s usually an early bird and is awake at four-five in the morning. Some new feedback
from us. Our son has been able to lower his medication another two times this month and we are close to
initiating the final itsy-bitsy lowering. We don’t know yet if we will be able to go all the way but we keep our
fingers crossed. Increasingly relaxed hands and he feels overall very well.
Mvh Sofia
IBS, Crohn’s, stomach
An overactive immune system can be cooled down naturally
rritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis are all illnesses that impact the gastrointestinal
tract. We don’t yet know why this happens. Complications arising from these conditions include pain,
bleeding, diarrhoeas, and impeded uptake of nutrition.
The common denominator for these illnesses is chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the
gastrointestinal tract. Our immune system is especially reinforced here because it is through food we run the
highest risk of encountering parasites and bacteria. Inflammation arises when the immune system releases
substances that degrade microorganisms, but if this inflammation never ceases the substances will degrade
the body’s own tissues, as happens in Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. Three types of immune cells are particularly interesting here: macrophages, TH-cells, and mast cells.
acrophages come in different types (M1, M2c) and play important parts both in the initiation and
termination of inflammation. M1 initiate the process: it is therefore important that they don’t react to
the indigenous gut bacteria as dangerous, but in patients with Crohn’s and other IBDs researchers have found
M1s that do. M2c helps terminate the inflammatory process. However, studies suggest that Crohn’s comes
with a genetic mutation that makes M2c malfunction, and thus the inflammation does not get turned off.
TH-cells are coordinators that activate and organise other immune cells. In illnesses such as Crohn’s and
ulcerative colitis these TH-cells appear to be overactive, which contributes to an overactive inflammation.
The primary function of mast cells is to sound the alarm when microorganisms enter the body. This happens
through a release of signal substances that call other immune cells to the location while also causing typical
IBS symptoms like diarrhoea and stomach pain. Overactivation of mast cells is deemed to be a greatly contributing factor, in particular to IBS.
he immune system is thus intimately connected to illnesses affecting the GI-tract. In turn, the ECS is
connected to the immune system: CB-receptors are present on each and every immune cell, and through
these the inflammation can be controlled. An overactive immune system can be cooled down naturally
through the ECS.
Hi there! I’ve been taking the drops for a month or so and yesterday
I got my test results the doctor said I now only need to take 1 of
the medicines I take for ulcerative colitis!! It’s the first time in many years
he has given me such uplifting feedback. I sleep better, taking the drops
alongside my medicine morning and evening. Have had to adjust the
number of drops and think I’ve found my ideal dose now. My stomach has
been dandy these past months so whether that is coincidence or the oil I
will continue taking it.
Sincerely, Christer
5 weeks’ use I can only say that my sleep has clearly improved
I can now sleep almost through the whole night. I’ve tried increasing
dosage but noted that already at 4-5 drops morning and evening made me
more tired during daytime. Therefore I’ve gone back to 2 drops morning
and evening. It seems to be the ideal dose for me which I’m grateful for. I
won’t go back to my old meds, CBD-oil is the only thing for me now.
Sincerely, Mats
Parting words
here is much we don’t yet know about the endocannabinoid system, but given what we do know about
it, it is motivated to call the ECS the most important medical breakthrough of our time. There are no
commersial medicines that can treat the broad array of ailments the ECS can provide help for, let alone any
that can do it entirely without side effects. What we need is not more synthetic drugs to strain body and mind
with: what we need to do is turn our attention inwards, find the link between body and soul again, and help
the body reestablish its natural balance.
Take care. Activate your ECS and let body and mind heal.
Mental illness:
Sleep problems:
IBS, Crohn’s, stomach: