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Practice Questions for Exam 2
As you prepare for the exam you should review all of your lecture notes, study guides,
key medical terms, blood test information, and previous quizzes. The following are a
sample of the type of questions that could be asked on the upcoming exam. I do not
provide a key as some of the questions will show up on the exam. If you are able to
answer the following questions then you are doing well in your preparation. Note: The
exam will have a number of questions not shown here so you need to learn all the
information to do well. If you need help in understanding any of the concepts please do
not hesitate to contact me either by email or stop by my office.
I have also included the questions from the muscular system quiz 7AB and 8 AB in this
practice set.
1) Label the parts of the following histology slide
2) What does a triad consist of?
3) Name of the elastic protein that anchors a thick
filament to both a Z disc and the M
line.Contributes to the elastic recoil of muscles in
their return to resting length during relaxation.
4) Name of the enzyme located in the junctional
folds, it degrades acetylcholine, thus ending the
depolarizing signal to the muscle cell.
5) Describe the function of DHP receptors and
ryanodine receptors
6) Label the parts of the following diagram of the
neuromuscular junction.
7) Type of muscle fibers that do not contain a lot of
myoglobin and best suited for short term, power
activities such as throwing a ball or weight lifting.
8) The amount of oxygen used in the recovery period to restore normal pre-exertion
conditions is referred to as:
A. Oxygen dept
B. Reduced load
C. hypoxia
D. Increased load
9) Select all of the following that gets smaller during a muscle contraction?
A. A band
B. H zone
C. I band
D. sarcomere E. M line
10) During rest and light exercise, most of the ATP used by skeletal muscle comes from
the aerobic respiration of
A. proteins
B. fatty acids
C. glucose
D. glycogen
11) Name the connective tissue that surrounds each muscle fascicle.
12) A patient is brought into the ER and suspected to have had a heart attack. Name the
specific enzyme will be checked for in a blood test to confirm a heart attack? Need to
provide the full name and abbreviation in answer.
13) Of the following, which does not get smaller during a muscle contraction?
A. A band
B. H zone
C. I band
D. sarcomere
14) Detachment of the cross bridges is directly triggered by:
A. calcium
B. ATP hydrolysis C. T tubule repolarization
D. acetylcholine
15) Muscles dominated by slow fibers are sometimes referred to as
A. White muscle
B. Red muscle
D. Blue muscle
D. Brown muscle
16) During a contraction, calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and binds
A. myosin head
B. troponin
C. tropomyosin
D. thick filaments
17) In order for the myosin to be fully activated in smooth muscle, the myosin head and
the myosin light-chain has to be ____________ .
A. bound to calmodulin B. bound to calcium C. bound to kinase D. phosphorylated
18) Contractions can be classified as two major types; name the type of contraction in
which there is appreciable shortening of the muscle – contraction results in muscle
19) A patient is brought into the ER and suspected to have had a stroke. Name the
specific enzyme will be checked for in a blood test to confirm a stroke? Need to
provide the full name and abbreviation in answer.
20) The oxygen-carrying pigment of muscle tissue that stores oxygen temporarily until
the muscle needs it.
21) Within smooth muscle, calcium binds to what structure during a contraction?
A. troponin B. calmodulin
C. tropomyosin D. kinase
E. sarcoplasmic
22) _____________________ Name the disorder characterized by long-term, body-wide
pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Cause is
unknown but thought to amplify painful sensations resulting in a lower threshold for
23) Type of muscle fibers that contain intercalated discs:
24) Explain how does BOTOX work to prevent muscle contraction?
25) Name the type of muscle that is striated with long cylinder-shaped cells that are
26) Name the autoimmune disease where antibodies attack the acetylcholine receptors
on the neuromuscular junction.
27) Name the type of connective tissue that surrounds individual skeletal muscle cells.
28) Name the type of connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle.
29) Nerve gas works by causing spastic paralysis by inhibiting what specific enzyme?
30) The functional unit of a skeletal muscle is called the ___________
31) Name the neurotransmitter that is released at the neuromuscular junction.
32) During a muscle contraction in skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle, calcium is
released by the __________ and binds to what specific structure?
33) Name the structure that blocks the myosin head from binding to the actin binding
34) Name the type of muscle fibers that have abundant capillaries, mitochondria, and
myoglobin and function in endurance type activities.
35) Describe the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions.
36) Describe the two ways that muscle force is increased?
37) Muscles that control small precise movements have many or few motor units with
many or few muscle fibers per motor unit.
38) Identify the following structures
39) During a muscle contraction which of the following bands and structures get smaller
during a muscle contraction? I band, A band, sarcomere, thick filament, thin filament.
40) Name at least three factors that contribute to
muscle fatigue
41) Define a motor unit?
42) Name the following parts of the graph
43) Why is it that you don’t get a strong
contraction when the muscle is stretched out
or when it is compacted? Use the graph in
your explanation.
44) What are the causes of muscle hypertrophy?
Of those listed, what is the major cause of
muscle hypertrophy
45) Name the substance that is used as a poison
in blow darts by South American Indians to
paralyze their prey. This compound is used during surgery to relax skeletal muscle
by blocking acetylcholine receptors. What is the name of this compound (drug)?
46) The contractile unit of skeletal muscle that extends from Z line to Z line is the:
47) Explain what rigor mortis is.
48) The type of muscle that is non-striated and lines the walls of hollow organs such as
the stomach, blood vessels and intestines.
49) In order to detach the myosin head from actin and activate it (cock it back) requires
what to energize it.
50) A motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers that the neuron innervates is called
a ___________________
Nervous System
51) Type of cell that can form tumors known as gliomas
52) Name the give the functions of the six type of neuroglial cells.
53) Type of neuroglia cells that produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
54) Type of neuroglia cells that myelinate the neurons of the CNS.
55) Type of neuroglia cells that myelinate the neurons of the PNS
56) What membrane pump helps restore the resting membrane potential? Describe the
action of this membrane pump.
57) Using the diagram, name the parts of an
action potential and describe what is
happening at each phase. Make sure
you know what ions are moving in and
out of the neuron.
58) Term used to describe the minimum
stimulus that initiates an action potential
is called
59) Term for the subdivision of the nervous
system that is composed of the brain
and spinal cord.
60) Name the portion of the neuron that
releases neurotransmitters
61) Which of the following contains unmyelinated neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and
A. Nodes of Ranvier B. white matter C. cerebral cortex D. gray matter
62) The portion of the autonomic nervous system that causes the “fight-or-flight”
response such as increased heart rate and breathing rate.
63) During an action potential, the depolarization of the axon membrane is the result of
__________ ions rapidly coming into the cell’s axon while the repolarization is the
result of __________ ions rapidly leaving the cell’ axon.
64) How does nerve gas cause muscle paralysis?
65) Autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the myelin sheath
of oligodendrocytes forming hardened scars along the axon.
66) Explain how does BOTOX cause paralysis?
67) Local anesthetics such as Novocain work by blocking _______________ channels.
68) In class we went over the details of how a motor neuron conducts an action
potential. You should be able to draw and label a motor neuron and describe how an
action potential is conducted.
69) Describe the difference between continuous and salutatory conduction.
70) Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by microorganisms that produce what specific
toxin? What does this toxin bind to?
71) How does heavy metal poisoning damage the nervous system?
72) Name the three types of membrane gated channels:
73) The minimum stimulus that initiates an action potential is called:
74) Name the two major inhibitory neurotransmitters found in the CNS. How do they
cause IPSP? Name the major excitatory neurotransmitter found in the CNS?
75) Explain Absolute and Relative Refractory periods. In your explanation draw and
label the action potential with the areas of the two refractory periods.
76) Explain how G protein membrane receptors function.
Endocrine System
77) Explain the difference between and exocrine and endocrine glands
78) Explain the three chemical classes of hormones based on their chemical structure.
79) Hormones are derived from cholesterol are classified as:
80) Name the two hormones made in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior
pituitary gland.
81) The vascular link between the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary is called the:
82) Explain how thyroid hormones are produced. Explanation should include a
description of MIT and DIT.
83) Cretinism is a type of dwarfism with mental retardation. What is its cause?
84) Describe the different types of diabetes discussed in class
85) Name and acronym of the hormone that stimulates sperm production in males.
86) Name and acronym of the hormone that stimulates the production of thyroid
hormones (T3 and T4)
87) Name and acronym of the hormone that induces ovulation
88) Name and acronym of the hormone that stimulates the testes to produce
89) Name the three hormones produced by the thyroid gland and their function.
90) Name the hormone produced by the parathyroid glands and its function.
91) Aldosterone is produced by what specific organ/structure?
92) Aldosterone stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb what specific ion?
93) Name and acronym of the hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex to release its
hormones. What specific gland produces this hormone?
94) Name the three categories of corticosteroids released from the adrenal cortex and
know the function of each.
95) Name the hormones produced by the adrenal medulla.
96) In females, Name the hormone causes uterine contractions during labor.
97) Name the hormone that raises blood calcium levels.
98) A goiter can be caused by insufficient amount of:
A. vitamin A
B. iodine
C. NaCl
D. K+
E. glycogen
99) The pituitary hormone that stimulates the development of the breasts and mammary
glands during pregnancy – promote milk production after birth of the baby:
100) Cretinism is results from insufficient amounts of what hormone?
101) Name the type of insulin resistant diabetes characterized by a decrease in insulin
sensitivity and insulin production of the central nervous system. Largely confined to
the brain.
102) You suspect that a person has diabetes mellitus II. In order to see what that
person’s average blood glucose level has been over the past 3 months you order
which of the following tests?
103) The person shown in the picture comes into the
clinic. To ensure the accuracy of your diagnosis you
order a blood test and the results indicate the person
has antibodies that mimic TSH. What condition does the
patient have?___. What is the term that describes the
protruding eyes? ____. Would it be possible for the
patient to also have a goiter with this condition? ___
104) Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies mimic the action
of what specific hormone and causes hypersecretion of what hormones?
105) Name the hormone that is deficient in type I diabetes.
106) Name the disorder that causes most of the cases of hypothyroidism in the United
107) Cushing’s syndrome results from hypersecretion of what hormone?
108) Explain what NSAIDS are and their mechanism of action. Give examples of
commonly used NSAIDS
109) What is the disorder that goes by the acronym SAD and how does it occur and
how is it treated?
110) Term used to describe the Drooping of the upper eyelid. May be seen in
myasthenia gravis, botulism, or damage to cranial nerve III, which innervates the
upper eyelid muscle.
111) Hypersecretion of growth hormone in an adult (epiphyseal plates are closed)
results in the condition known as ___________