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FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
The methanol oxidation genes mxaFJGIR(S)ACKLD in
Methylobacterium extorquens
Karen Amaratunga, Pat M. Goodwin, C. David O'Connor, Christopher Anthony *
Department of Biochemistry, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 7PX, UK
Received 11 September 1996; accepted 18 September 1996
MxaJ is a protein of unknown function encoded by mxaJ in the mxaFJGI operon. We have constructed a mxaJ mutant of
M. extorquens with a deletion which does not affect transcription of downstream genes. It contained cytochrome cL (MxaG),
but neither subunit of methanol dehydrogenase (MxaF and MxaI). MxaJ is probably involved in processing this enzyme. We
have sequenced the region between mxaFJGI and five other methanol oxidation genes, mxaACKLD ; it includes one open
reading frame (mxaR) and a possible second open reading frame (mxaS), demonstrating the presence in M. extorquens of the
following gene cluster: mxaFJGIR(S)ACKLD.
Keywords: Methanol oxidation; Methylobacterium extorquens ; mxaFJGIR(S)ACKLD operon
1. Introduction
In Gram-negative methylotrophic bacteria, methanol is oxidised by methanol dehydrogenase (MDH),
a quinoprotein with an K2 L2 tetrameric structure,
containing pyrrolo-quinoline quinone (PQQ) and a
calcium ion at its active site. Its electron acceptor is a
speci¢c c-type cytochrome, usually designated cytochrome cL [1,2]. There are at least 30 methanol oxidation genes, arranged in 5 clusters; these include
the genes involved in PQQ biosynthesis [2]. The
genes encoding the K and L subunits of MDH
(mxaF and I) and cytochrome cL (mxaG) are situated
in an operon together with mxaJ [3^5]. This encodes
a 30-kDa periplasmic protein suggested to be either a
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (1703) 594 280;
fax: +44 (1703) 594 459; e-mail [email protected]
third (non-essential) subunit of MDH [6] or a molecular chaperone [5].
The genes mxaFJGI are transcribed from a promoter upstream of mxaF ; this is the only promoter
so far de¢nitively identi¢ed in a methylotroph [4,7].
About 2 kb downstream from mxaI in Methylobacterium extorquens is another cluster of genes
(mxaACKLD) some, if not all, of which are involved
in the insertion of calcium into the active site of
MDH [8,9]. The mxaACKLD cluster has not been
described in Paracoccus denitri¢cans, but immediately downstream of mxaI in this organism there is
another gene (mxaR) and the 3P end of a putative
open reading frame subsequently designated mxaS
[5,9]. Studies with mxaJ mutants have shed little
light on the role of this gene [5,10] because interpretation of the phenotype is di¤cult as the mutations
may a¡ect expression of neighbouring genes.
0378-1097 / 97 / $17.00 Copyright ß 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII S 0 3 7 8 - 1 0 9 7 ( 9 6 ) 0 0 3 9 9 - 0
K. Amaratunga et al./FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
mamide (Promega) was spread on each agar plate
In this paper we describe the construction of a
mutant of
M. extorquens
with a deletion in
just before plating.
M. extorquens
which does not have any confusing e¡ects on the
chromosomal DNA was puri¢ed as
transcription of downstream genes. We have also
described previously [13]. The Wizard
completed the sequencing of the region between
DNA puri¢cation system (Promega) was used for
mxaI mxaA
small-scale plasmid isolation from
; this indicates that there are 10 or
11 genes in this cluster, in the order
E. coli
. Large-
scale plasmid preparation by the alkaline lysis method, DNA manipulations, transformation of
E. coli
and agarose gel electrophoresis were done as described previously [11] ; restriction enzymes were ob-
2. Materials and methods
tained from Promega or New England Biolabs.
Southern blotting was done as described in the Hybaid Limited Hybridisation Guide (1992). Probes
The bacterial strains and plasmids used in this
study are shown in Table 1.
Escherichia coli
M. extor-
were labelled with [K-32 P]dCTP and random hexam-
ers using the Prime-a-Gene kit (Promega). Bacterial
were grown at 37³C in LB medium [11].
AM1 was grown at 30³C on minimal salts
matings were done as described in [13] except that
medium containing 0.5% methanol plus methylamine
donors and recipients were grown as lawns on solid
(0.4%) as described in [12]. Supplements were added
medium. The bacteria were scraped o¡, mixed in a
to the growth medium when appropriate to give the
1 :5 donor :recipient ratio and plated onto minimal
following ¢nal concentrations : for solid medium ka-
salts medium containing methanol and methylamine.
Wg ml31 ;
Wg ml31 :
ml31 ; tetra-
namycin, 50
ampicillin, 50
cycline, 20
for liquid medium antibiotic
Single and double stranded DNA was sequenced
by the dideoxy chain termination method using the
concentrations were halved. When X-gal was used,
Wl of a 50 mg ml31
stock solution in dimethylfor-
0 version 2.0 kit (USB) with the 7-deaza-
dGTP nucleotide mixtures, using speci¢c custommade primers. Oligonucleotide primers were synthe-
Fig. 1. Restriction map of the
operon from
is not strictly to scale. Transcription of the
M. extorquens
and strategy for construction of the
genes is from left to right. The 0.6 kb deletion within
deletion mutant. The map
is shown. The white box in-
dicates the kanamycin resistance reporter gene replacing the deleted DNA. The probe used for Southern hybridization is shown as a grey
box. Bars below each restriction map show the wild-type and mutant
the pBR322 vector sequence. The
I fragments hybridizing to the probe. The
I fragments from the wild-type (1 kb+3.6 kb) and the KAJ7 (v
kb+3.2 kb) hybridised with the T4 probe in Southern blotting experiments as expected.
RI site is within
) mutant sequences (2
K. Amaratunga et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
Table 1
Bacterial strains and plasmids
Strain or plasmid
Relevant propertiesa
0.6-kb deletion in mxaJ replaced by kanr gene
This study
F3 , leuB6, proA2, recA13, thi1, ara14, lacY1, galK2, xyl5, mtl1, supE44, hsd20
thi, pro, hsdR3 , hsdM3 , recA, RP4-2 integrated (Tc : :Mu)(Km : :Tn7)
M. extorquens
mxaJ : :Tn5 (kanr )
KAJ7 (vmxaJ : :kanr )
E. coli
(rB 3 , mB 3 ), Strr
F3 , ara,
lacZvM15, hsdR (rK 3 , mK ‡ )
ampr , tetr
ampr kanr gene cassette vector
tetr , kanr IncP1 cosmid
pVK100 (mxaFJGI)
pVK100 with an 8.6-kb HindIII-HindIII fragment containing mxaFJGI inserted
pBR322 lacking the SalI site. ampr
This study
in the kanr gene
6.8-kb mxaFJGI HindIII-BamHI fragment inserted in pKAO. ampr
pKA1 (vmxaJ)
pKA1 (vmxaJ : :kanr )
This study
pKA1 with 0.6kb deletion in mxaJ. ampr
This study
kanr gene cassette inserted in mxaJ.
ampr , lacZ‡ Y‡ A‡ , pBR322 backbone
vmxaJ : :kanr
This study
HindIII-BamHI fragment. ampr , kanr , lac‡
pRS415 containing
M13mp18 with 1.5 kb HindIII-BamHI fragment of region downstream of mxaI
This study
M13mp19 with 1.5 kb HindIII-BamHI fragment of region downstream of mxaI
This study
This study
a ampr , ampicillin-resistant ; kanr , kanamycin-resistant ; rifr , rifampicin-resistant ; strr , streptomycin-resistant ; tetr , tetracycline-resistant ; IncP1,
incompatibility group P1.
sised, with the trityl group attached, using a model
protein) were mixed with 0.2 volumes of loading
bu¡er, boiled for 5 min and spun brie£y before load-
scale. The synthetic DNA was puri¢ed using oligo-
ing. For SDS-PAGE when subsequently haem stain-
nucleotide puri¢cation cartridges (Applied Biosys-
ing, samples were mixed with loading bu¡er in the
1 DNA synthesiser on a 40 nmole
L-mercaptoethanol and were loaded with-
tems). Some compressions were resolved by adding
absence of
40% formamide to the sequencing gels. DNA frag-
out boiling. For Western blotting, proteins were
ments were cloned into M13mp18 in one direction
transferred from SDS-PAGE gels to nitrocellulose
and into M13mp19 in the opposite direction, to fa-
using the Bio-Rad mini Trans-Blot system. Rabbit
cilitate sequencing of both strands. The sequence was
anti-holoMDH, anti-MDH
also con¢rmed in both directions by automated
chrome cL were used as primary antibodies. Horse-
DNA sequencing on a Li-Cor model 4000 sequencer.
radish peroxidase-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit IgG
DNA and protein sequences were analysed using PC/
(Bio-Rad) was used as secondary antibody.
and anti-cyto-
Gene (IntelliGenetics) and DNASTAR (DNASTAR
Inc., Wisconsin, USA) and compared with sequences
in the GenBank, Swiss-Prot and Prosite databases
3. Results and discussion
using the FASTA and BLAST programs [14,15].
MDH assays [12], SDS-PAGE of cell extracts and
haem staining [17] were done as previously described
3.1. Construction and characterisation of a marked,
non-polar deletion mutant (mutant KAJ7) in
mxaJ in Methylobacterium extorquens
using at least two independent cultures. For SDSPAGE (for protein analysis), cell extracts (150
The strategy used for the construction of the dele-
K. Amaratunga et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
K. Amaratunga et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
mxaI and mxaA in M. extorquens. Nucleotides 1^344 and the sequence downstream
mxaR is underlined. The protein sequence labelled in parentheses (MxaS) represents the predicted translation product of the only open reading frame between mxaR and mxaA. The
protein sequence that is in italics and underlined represents the position of the start of the putative MxaS of P. denitri¢cans. The MgFig. 2. The nucleotide sequence of the region between
of 1886 have been described previously [9,20]. A possible Shine-Dalgarno site upstream of
ATP-binding Walker motifs A and B are underlined. The consensus sequence of motif A is pXXXXGXXGXGKT where p is a positively
charged amino acid. The consensus sequence of motif B is RXXGXXXL¡fD, where f is a hydrophobic residue. Asterisks indicate amino
acids that are identical in the predicted proteins in
tion mutant in
P. denitri¢cans.
mxaJ is outlined in Fig. 1. The SalI
cloned into pKA0, giving pKA1. To construct the
site of pBR322 was removed by repair of cohesive
ends with T4 DNA polymerase giving pKA0. The
was replaced by the kanamycin resistance gene from
6.8 kb
pUC4-KIXX [19]. This kanamycin resistance gene
HindIII-BamHI fragment of a pVK100 derivthe mxaFJGI operon [18], was
deletion, the 0.6 kb
fragment of
cassette was chosen because it did not contain tran-
K. Amaratunga et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
scription terminators which would otherwise prevent
subunit [3]. The phenotype of mutant KAJ7 is quite
transcription of
di¡erent from that of the
genes downstream of
P. denitri¢cans mxaJ dele-
The orientation of the kanamycin resistance gene
tion mutant which synthesised the
was determined by restriction digests with
MDH and also the
(Fig. 1). A clone carrying a kanamycin resistance
gene which would be transcribed in the same direction as
mxaFJGI was selected to construct the mu-
EcoRI site in the pBR322 sequence imHindIII site which was
used to construct pKA1, the EcoRI-BamHI fragment
from pKA1 (vmxaJ::kan ) was cloned into the suiUsing the
mediately upstream of the
subunit of
di¡erent role in these two methylotrophs and our
data are not inconsistent with the suggestion that
this protein is involved in the processing of MDH
[5]. However, it does appear that the
subunit of
M. extorquens is unstable in the absence of
In P. denitri¢cans the newly formed MxaF
E. coli
MDH. It is unlikely that MxaJ has a substantially
not replicate in
The resulting con-
subunit of
mxaJ transposon mutant of M. extorquens [10] and
mutant KAJ7 failed to produce the
MDH in
M. extorquens.
subunit and cytochrome
(albeit at decreased levels). By contrast, both the
cide vector pRS415, a pBR322 derivative, which canstruct, pKA415J, was ¢rst transformed into
and MxaI polypeptides may be intrinsically more
TB1, to con¢rm that clones still expressed the plas-
stable, or another protein may be able to take over
part of the function of MxaJ.
lacZ gene, and then mobilised into wildtype M. extorquens AM1 from E. coli S17-1. Trans-
conjugants were plated onto methanol medium con-
taining kanamycin and X-gal to select for colonies
which had arisen as a result of integration of the
plasmid into the chromosome by a single crossover.
These were then streaked onto nutrient agar contain-
ing kanamycin and X-gal to identify Lac3 clones in
which the vector and wild-type
mxaJ gene were sub-
3.2. The DNA sequence between mxaI and mxaA in
Methylobacterium extorquens
BamHI-HindIII fragmxaI and mxaA in M. ex-
The sequence of the 2 kb
ment which lies between
torquens has been deposited in the EMBL database
(accession number Y07864) ; it overlaps a small
sequently lost by a double crossover. Twelve pink,
amount of previously published sequence down-
kanamycin-resistant colonies which were unable to
stream from
grow on methanol were isolated and Southern blot-
[9]. This completes a 11 801-bp sequence and demon-
ting of the chromosomal DNA from one of these
strates that their are two putative reading frames
between the
cluster in
ance gene.
sequence of the ¢rst ORF has 60% identity with
Mutant KAJ7 had the growth properties expected
of a
[20] and upstream from
mxaFJGI cluster and the mxaACKLD
M. extorquens. The predicted amino acid
clones con¢rmed that 0.6 kb had been deleted from
mxaJ gene and replaced by the kanamycin resist-
mxaJ mutant ; that is, it was unable to grow on
MxaR of
P. denitri¢cans
(Fig. 2). There is no ob-
vious signal peptide or hydrophobic membrane-
methanol but could utilise methylamine as sole
spanning regions, and the sequence indicates that
source of carbon and energy. Whole cells oxidised
MxaR (38.6 kDa) is a typical cytoplasmic protein.
formaldehyde, methylamine and pyruvate, but not
As no other proteins in the databases have signi¢-
methanol. Extracts contained no methanol dehydro-
cant homology with MxaR from these two organ-
genase as determined in the dye-linked assay, and
isms, the only information regarding its function
neither the
subunit of this enzyme was
which can be deduced from its sequence is the pres-
detected by Western blotting. However, both haem
ence of two motifs relevant to MgATP binding. The
staining and Western blotting showed that cyto-
¢rst of these is the glycine-rich P-loop (Walker A
was present in the mutant at wild-type
sequence) [21] involved in binding ATP or GTP ;
levels, demonstrating that genes downstream of the
the second motif is also found in some ATP-binding
deletion could be expressed. The absence of the
proteins but not in GTP-binding proteins [21]. It can
nor the
subunit is consistent with previous observations
reasonably be concluded, therefore, that the MxaR
which suggested that its very small size (8.5 kDa)
protein has a function involving binding ATP. The
rendered it unstable in the absence of the large
properties of a
mxaR insertion mutant of P. denitri-
K. Amaratunga et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 146 (1997) 31^38
suggest that it may be involved in the proces-
sing of MDH in the cytoplasm, or in the regulation
of other
genes [5].
We thank The Wellcome Trust, BBSRC and Ze-
M. extorquens there
neca Bio-products for ¢nancial support, and Karen
is a single open reading frame after that encoding
Platt for help with the automated DNA sequencing.
Our sequence indicates that in
MxaR, which would code for a protein of 22.3
kDa. The C-terminal part shows 37% identity with
the putative MxaS of
P. denitri¢cans
but there was
no similarity to any other protein in the databases
M. extorquens,
(Fig. 2). In
in the 228-bp region at
the start of the putative ORF, the codon usage is
completely atypical and the extra predicted 76 N-
[1] Anthony, C., Ghosh, M. and Blake, C.C.F. (1994) The structure and function of methanol dehydrogenase and related quinoproteins containing pyrrolo-quinoline quinone. Biochem. J.
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taining high proportions of arginine and proline
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Clearly this is not a coding region. There is, however, no initiation codon (ATG or GTG) in the sequence corresponding to the start of
This is unlikely to be due to a mistake
in sequencing because the whole of the 2 kb were
sequenced on both strands by both manual and
automated sequencing, in duplicate. In the absence
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identi¢ed as
M. extorquens
should be inter-
preted with caution and we have consequently placed
in parentheses in the sequence of genes pro-
posed for this coding region. The sizes of the genes
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