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Cells and their
Cell Theory
Scientific theories have two components:
Pattern and process
All organisms are made of cells (pattern).
All cells arise from pre-existing cells
Relative Sizes
Cellular Sizes
Lack a distinct nucleus
 No cytoskeleton and essentially no organelles
 Often have a cell wall
Two Domains or Groups of Prokaryotes:
Eubacteria - found commonly
 Archaea - found in harsh environments;
discovered by Dr. Carl Woese
Protozoa, Fungi, Plants and Animals
Have a distinct nucleus
Great subcellular complexity represented
by cytoplasm and the variety of organelles
Significantly larger than prokaryotes
Can be single-celled organisms or complex
multicellular organisms
The Nucleus
Most visible of all organelles
Usually centrally located
Houses DNA
Contains the nucleolus
Site of ribosomal RNA processing and
ribosomal subunit organization
Has a unique membrane called the nuclear
envelope - know the features of this!
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Begins as an extension of the nuclear
Site of synthesis for cell membrane
components and export molecules
Two varieties:
Smooth : lipids, cell membrane components
 Rough : exported proteins
Evolution of Membranes
There is speculation that the nuclear and ER membranes
resulted from an invagination of the plasma membrane.
Golgi Apparatus
Consists of a stack of membrane bound
Receives, modifies, sorts and packages
molecules from the ER
Small portions of the Golgi pinch off to
create vesicles for transport and delivery
Site of intracellular digestion
 Rarely found in plant cells
Site where hydrogen peroxide is generated
and degraded
Secretory vesicles
Move secretions such as hormones from the
Golgi to the plasma membrane
Vesicle Transport
Endocytosis - import
A portion of the cell
membrane invaginates
and pinches off to
deliver extracellular
contents to the inside
Exocytosis - export
A vesicle fuses with
the cell membrane and
expels its contents into
the extracellular space
The “power plants” of the cell
About the size of bacteria
Why might this be?
Two membranes
Produce almost all of the energy necessary for cellular
processes in the form of ATP
Cellular respiration - uses O2 and produces CO2
Outer is smooth
Inner is highly convoluted - Why?
Contain their own DNA, divide in two
Large green organelles in higher plants
and algae; absent in animals and fungi
More complex than mitochondria
Two surrounding membranes
 An internal stack of membranes containing
Capture sunlight energy via
Contain their own DNA, divide in two
Mitochondrial Origin
It is thought that mitochondria arose as a result
of a eukaryote engulfing a prokaryote.
Internal pool of the cell excluding
membrane-bound organelles
Contained by plasma membrane
Loaded with proteins responsible for:
 Division
 Translation
 Signaling
System of filaments transversing the
Anchored to the cell membrane or a point
adjacent to the nucleus
Provides direction for organelles moving
within the cell
Provides shape and mechanical strength
Responsible for cell mobility
Largest cytoskeletal
Primarily responsible
for separating
chromosomes during
cell division
Very small, hollow
Intermediate Filaments
Provide mechanical
Actin Filaments
Smallest cytoskeletal
Also called
Primarily responsible
for contraction
Predominant in
muscle cells
Centrally located
Site of microtubule production and
Short cylinders that contain an array of
microtubules in nine groups
Replicate themselves during division and
move to opposite poles of the nucleus,
then of the cell
Lacking in plant cells
Cell Membrane
Amphipathic lipid bilayer enclosing the
Hydrophilic heads at membrane surfaces
 Hydrophobic tails intermingle in interior
Creates and maintains unique
environment within
Controls entrance and exit of materials
Strongly associated with proteins
Generally small in animal cells
Responsible for intracellular digestion and
removal of cellular waste
Much larger in plant cells
Responsible for maintaining turgor pressure
 Rigidity and upright support
Cell Wall
Found in plants and prokaryotes
Rigid structure surrounding cell
Comprised of the polysaccharide cellulose
Provides structural support and shape
Acts as a barrier
Cellular Organelles
In order to visualize cells and their
components we must employ microscopy
 Fluorescent
 Confocal
Light Microscopy
Allows magnification of up to one
thousand times
Resolution to 0.2 µM: cells and nucleus
Bright light focused on specimen
 Specimen prepared to allow passage of light
 Set of lenses must focus an image
Types: brightfield, phase-contrast,
Fluorescent Microscopy
Similar to light microscope
Requires fluorescent dye for cell staining
Specimen illumination differs by two
Filter 1 (before specimen) only allows passage
of wavelengths that excite the particular dye
 Filter 2 (after specimen) only allows passage
of wavelengths emitted when dye fluoresces
Used to selectively visualize molecules in
the cell
Confocal Microscopy
Fluorescent scope with specimen
illumination coming from a laser
Provides optical sectioning as it
specifically focuses on one plane, or one
particular depth in the specimen, at a time
Transmission Electron
Allows magnification of up to one million
Resolution of 2 nm: organelle details
Uses a beam of electrons instead of a beam
of light for illumination
Specimen must be extremely thin and in a
Contrast supplied by heavy metal dyes
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Resolution from 3 nm to 20 nm
Specimen is coated with a very thin film of
heavy metal
Uses a beam of electrons instead of light
Generates a detailed 3-D surface image of
organelle structure
Organelles and Disease
Organelles provide efficiency and an
excellent division of labor for the cell
However, as with any system, the greater
number of parts involved, the greater the
chances of something going wrong
Each organelle can have myriad defects that
lead to a host of disorders and diseases
Lysosome Malfunctions
As you can imagine, lysosome
malfunction can have dire consequences
Asbestosis - asbestos fibers lodge in
lysosomes and cause them to leak
 Results in severe coughing and shortness of breath
Rheumatoid arthritis - lysosomal enzymes
leak into joint fluid
 Results in painful joints due to inflammation
Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Inclusion-cell disease
Lysosomal enzymes are missing
 Results in skeletal and facial deformities and
mental retardation
Tay-Sachs disease
Absence of a single lysosomal enzyme
 Results glycolipid accumulation in the brain,
leading to rapid mental deterioration, paralysis
and death
Diseases associated with
Mitochondrial Disorders
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Huntington’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
All appear to be associated with damage to
the electron transport chain
Other Associations
Alzheimer’s disease and ALS are also
thought to be associated with defects of
the Golgi.
Stroke is associated with ER defects.
Hemolytic anemias are associated with
defects of the red blood cell membrane.
The cell is a magnificent entity.
It is minute.
 It is complex.
 It is efficient.
We have a variety of microscopic tools to
reveal various degrees of detail.
Dire consequences can result when any
part are the machinery malfunctions.