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Chapter 2: Cells
Section 2-1: Cell Structure
Prokaryotic – vs. – Eukaryotic Cells:
1. Prokaryotic Cells:
• No _________ around nuclear material = visible
• Example: bacteria found in pond scum
2. Eukaryotic Cells:
• Has a nucleus with a _________ = invisible nucleus
• Example: plant and animal cells
Animal Cells – vs. – Plant Cells:
1. Plant & Animal Cells:
a. Cell Membrane:
• Structure that forms ______
boundary of cell (like a fence)
• Made of double layer of ____ and
_________ scattered like chocolate
chips in a cookie
• Maintains _________ of materials
inside and out
• Food and oxygen move ___ and
wastes move ____
b. Nucleus:
• ________ organelle in eukaryotic cell
• ______/_________ of cell = coordinated all cell activities
• Surrounded by an envelope
• Contains genetic material known as:
_________ = ____= hereditary material
c. Cytoplasm:
• Gel like material ________ cell membrane and outside the nucleus
• ____________ moves/streams
d. Endoplasmic Reticulum:
• Appears as a ________ mass floating in the cytoplasm
• _____ materials around in the cell moving products though a factory
Example: Like a conveyer belt moving products though a factory
e. Ribosomes:
• Small _______ structures in cytoplasm
• Makes _________ (main function of cell)
• Protein is found through out the cell (outside the membrane and
embedded in the protein)
f. Golgi Bodies:
• ________ of membrane found in the cytoplasm
• Responsible for ___________, ___________ and ________
(secreting) proteins outside the cell
g. Mitochondria:
• _______ shaped organelle with squiggly line inside its center
• “power house of cell” = supplies needed energy for cell activities
…..Ex. Allows ribosomes, golgie bodies and ER to make, ________
and move ________ through and out of the cell
h. Lysosomes:
• ______ organelle (larger than a ribosome) found in cytoplasm
• Contains _______ (chemical) that breaks down worn out
organelles and cellular waste = Mr. Clean of Cell
i. Centrioles: (found only in animal cells)
• responsible for cell __________
Plant and Bacteria Cells:
A. Plant Cells
• Contain ____ ____, animal cells do not
• Contain _____________, animal cells do not
1. Cell Wall: rigid _________ that surrounds cell membrane
• _________ and ________ cell
2. Chloroplasts: involved in photosynthetic process = changing of
______ _______ ⟶ ________ ______ ⟶ _____
B. Bacteria Cell: is also known as a _______________ CELL
• does not have membranes around organelles and
nucleus = non noticeable nucleus under microscope
Section 2-2: Viewing Cells
The Microscope:
• Helps see _______ objects more clearly
Early Microscopes:
• Similar to __________ glass
Scientists responsible for Microscope Technology:
1. Zacharias Jansenn: Dutch scientist created first microscope in
1590 by combining two __________ lenses = more power
2. Anton Van Leeuwenhook : Discovered microbes in pond water
in 1600’s through the use of a tiny _____ bead for the ____
Types of Microscopes:
1. Compound Light Microscope: light passes through
___________ object and two lenses.
• Uses ______ lenses to bend light
• Contains _________ 10x = 1-3 _________ lens (43x’s or
10 x’s)
• Total magnification is the combining of the _________
and one _________ lens
Ex. (Eyepiece 10x multiplied by Object 43x = 430x)
• Can magnify an object up to 2000 times
2. Stereo Microscope:
• Gives ______ dimensional view (contains two eye pieces
and one objective)
• Used to look at thick structures (insects, leaves)
3. Electron Microscope:
• Uses ________ _____ to bend light.
• Magnifying power can reach _ ______ times
Cell Theory:
1. All _________ are made up of one or more _______
2. Cells are the _____ units of _________ and ________ in all
3. All _____ come from cells that already _____
Contributors of the Cell Theory:
• Robert Hooke first discovered cells in _____
• Matthias Schleiden, concluded that all ______ are made of cells
• Theodor Schwann reinforced Shleiden’s theory on plants, by noticing
cells make up _______ = all living things have cells
• Rudolph Virchow challenged the theory that life came about by
chance by noticing that cells ______ = cells come from pre-existing
Section 2-3: Viruses
Virus: A piece of __________ material covered by protein that infects and
____________ only inside a living cell.
Ex. Polio and AIDS.
Viruses don’t eat and grow but can _________
Need a cell to reproduce = _____ (can’t reproduce on their own)
Virus live in _______
Injects ________ ________ into cell, cell become infected and
then makes copies of the virus (works for virus)
Viruses do not appear to be _____ or non-living
Viruses are cell specific
Usually ________
Bacteriaphage is a type of virus that infects _________
__________ in size, need powerful microscope to see
(size = 17 x 10 9 m)
Types of Viruses:
1. Latent Virus: Virus inside host cell but is not active
• Becomes active later = LATENT
2. Active Virus: Beings making ________ of itself in an host cell in a
short period of time
Classifying Viruses:
Viruses are classified by their _____
______ gives them their shape
Also identified by types of nucleic acids they contain
Named after the _______ they cause
Draw a picture of the T4 Virus picture “D”.
• No _________ medications for viruses
• Antibiotics destroy bad ________
Vaccines: made from ________ virus particles that can't cause disease anymore.
• During small pox epidemic, scientist noticed people with ____
____ were immune to small pox = creation of small pox vaccine
Helpful viruses:
• Viruses can be used to replace bad genes with good genes = virus
acts as ambulance = ex. Of gene therapy
Aids Vaccine:
From HIV to AIDS:
• AIDS first discovered in 1983
• AIDS is caused by a _____ = HIV (Human Immune deficiency
• Aids attacks (________) immune system and takes away the
ability to fight disease
The War:
• HIV first wares down ______ system
• Once diagnosed HIV positive individual will have full blown AIDS in
10 years or more
Mutating Enemy:
• HIV has a ____ ________ rate (changes its appearance and
• Hard to find _______ due to mutation rate
Best way to reduce the spread of AIDS:
(1) through education
(2) protected sex
(3) don’t use dirty needles
Ways to Reduce Viral Infection
Educate yourself
Wash hands frequently
Keep hands away from your face
Cover mouth and notes when you cough or sneeze
Get vaccinated