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Chapter 24, Viruses
Section Review Answers
Section 1 Answers
Stanley crystallized the tobacco mosaic virus. His work indicated that
because virus can be crystallized, they are unlikely made up of cells.
Viruses lack key characteristics of living organisms such as cytoplasm,
organelles, metabolism, and homeostasis.
A bacteriophage consists of a DNA-filled head, protein tail, and tail fibers.
In the lytic cycle, a virus infects a cell, it replicates, and the new viruses
burst from the cell. In the lysogenic cycle, viral DNA integrates with hose
DNA, where it may stay for a long period.
The earliest viruses may have originated from naked pieces of nucleic acid
that could travel from cell to cell. These nucleic acid fragments entered host
cells through a damaged cell membrane.
Viruses use their genetic material to hijack a living cell. They use the host
cells’ ability to make proteins to produce more virus.
Section 2 answers
An example, certain mosquito’s are vectors for West Nile Virus.
Chickenpox, shingles, hepatitis, and HIV are examples.
Vaccinations, vector control, and drug therapy.