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Biology 11 – Viruses - pages 334-340-Biology 11
What is the Latin meaning for the word virus?
What makes a virus unique?
How big are viruses? Give the size range in your answer.
What are the two main parts of a virus?
Define the term bacteriophage.
Is every virus considered to be a pathogen? Explain.
How specific are viruses in terms of the range of hosts that they can
8. Summarize the four steps involved in viral replication.
9. What is the difference between the lytic cycle and the lysogenic
cycle? You may draw a diagram to help with your answer.
10. What is an oncogenic virus?
11. Using Table 1, page 337, name the two main groups of viral
pathogens, and give an example for each group, including the mode of
12. In terms of the phylogeny of viruses, there is no fossil evidence for
their development, however there are three theories that have
been proposed. Which theory is the most commonly accepted?
Please write this theory in its’ complete form.
13. Distinguish between a viroid and a prion.
14. Describe how ADA-afflicted children can be treated with viral
vectors and gene therapy?
15. What are some simple precautions you can take to reduce the risk
of infection by a virus when a family member has an infection?