Download CHAPTER II DISCUSSION 2.1 Definition of Global Warming

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A. Background
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth. Such as, the
increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean and land earth. Global
warming is caused by the effects of greenhouse gases produced by human activity. Due to
global warming the temperature of the planet is warming, the increasing number of
natural bencan and various natural phenomena that tend to be increasingly out of
control. Global Warming (Global Warming), occurred due to the rising average
temperature of Earth's surface, this is due to, among others:
a. Because the earth absorb more solar energy than is released back into the atmosphere
b. Causing an increase in gas emissions.
c. Cause an increase in geothermal and melting polar ice.
d. The main trigger is the increasing carbon emissions, due to the use of fossil energy (fuel
oil, coal and the like).
e. The largest emitters of carbon is is industrialized countries, this is because the
consumption patterns and lifestyle countries of the north are 10 times higher than the
population of the southern states.
Global warming is the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth's surface is mostly
caused by emissions of substances penecmar such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as responsible for changes in global weather
patterns. Carbon dioxide and pollutants lanilla gather in the atmosphere to form a thick
layer of blocking the sun's heat and causing the planet warming effect of greenhouse
gases. Global warming is a complex phenomenon, and the full impact is very difficult to
B. Problem Formulation
In the contents of this paper we put together we have taken several issues, namely we
want to know the impact of global warming fundamentally. The problem we have
outlined in some ways, namely:
1. What is global warming?
2. What causes global warming?
3. What is the impact of global warming on nature?
4. What is the impact of global warming on the social and political field?
5. How to control global warming?
C. Purpose
Our goal makes this paper is not only to meet one of the tasks of Natural Science Basic
Course, but there are many other objectives of this paper-making, including:
1. To know the notion of global warming.
2. To determine the cause of global warming.
3. To determine the impact of global warming on nature.
4. To determine the impact of global warming on the social and political field.
5. To determine the control of global warming.
2.1 Definition of Global Warming
Global warming is a process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere,
ocean, and land earth. Global average temperature at the earth's surface has risen 0.74 +
0,180C (1.33 + 0,320F) during the last hundred. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) concludes that "Most of the increase in global average temperatures since
the mid-20th century, most likely caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse
gases due to human activity through the greenhouse effect. These basic conclusions have
been put forward by at least 30 scientific and academic bodies including all the national
academic science from G8 countries. But still most a few scientists who do not agree with
some of the conclusions of the IPCC stated. Climate models referenced by the IPCC
project meunjukan global surface temperature will rise 1.1 to 6,40C (2.0 - 11,50F)
between 2020 and 2140.
Differences in estimates were caused by the use of different scenarios mengeani
emissions of greenhouse gases in the future. As well as models different climate
sensitivities. Although the bulk of the research focused on the period so 2000. Warming
and sea level rise is expected to continue for more than 1000 years. Although the level of
greenhouse gas emissions is not stable reflects the magnitude of the heat capacity of the
Diperkitakan rising global temperatures will cause other changes, such as sea water
naiknyapermukaan, the increased intensity of extreme weather and changes in the
amount and pattern of precipitation. Akiabat-induced global warming Laina impact on
agricultural output, loss of glaciers and the extinction of various animal species.
2.2 Cause of Global Warming
a. Greenhouse Effect
All energy sources that exist on earth comes from the sun, a large part shaped short-wave
radiation. When this energy arrives at the Earth's surface, it will change from light into
heat. Earth's surface will absorb some of the heat and reflect. The remaining portion of
this heat tangible infrared radiation, long waves into outer space. However, some heat
remains trapped in the atmosphere due to the buildup of greenhouse gases, among
others: water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and methane trap menajadi this
radiation. If this situation occurs continuously will result in annual average temperatures
continue to rise.
With the growing meningkatkany akonsentrasi these gases in the atmosphere, semakian
more heat is trapped underneath. Earth has actually hotter 330C (590F) from its original
temperature. If there is no greenhouse effect the earth's temperature to -180C only ice
will cover the entire surface of the earth. However, you should, if these gases in the
atmosphere excessively, will result in global warming.
b. Feedback
Feedback produced during the evaporation of water. In the case of warming caused by
greenhouse gases, such as CO2. Heating at walnya will lead to more water vapor that
evaporates into the atmosphere. Because uapm water itself is a greenhouse gas. Warming
will continue and increase the amount of water in the air until it reaches siuatu
equilibrium concentration of water vapor. Feedback increasing the water content of the
air in the air relative namunkelembaban almost constant or slightly decreased, because
the air becomes warmer. Feedback bhalik impact only slowly from below, clouds will
reflect infra-red radiation to the surface, thereby increasing the warming effect.
Conversely, if seen from above the clouds will reflect sunlight and infrared radiation into
space, thereby increasing the cooling effect.
c. Variations of the Sun
Variations generated from the sun with the possibility reinforced by the feedback from
clouds. Variations sun would heat the stratosphere. The phenomenon of solar variation
combined with volcanic activity, mungkintelah provide heating effect in the pre-industrial
period until the year 1950. According to Duke University estimates that the sun may have
contributed to the 45-50% increase in the average temperature over the period 19002000 and the spread 25-35 % between 1980 and 2000. According to some researchers,
that solar variations only bring a small effect on global warming, which is about 0.07%.
2.3 Impact on Nature
a) Climate From Unstable
During global warming the main part of the northern hemisphere will warm faster than
other regions. Consequently icebergs will melt tnam season will be longer in some areas.
The temperature in winter and at night will tend to increase. Warm areas will become
moist due to more banayak water that evaporates from the oceans. High humidity will
increase the rainy weather. Storms will become more frequent, the water will evaporate
more quickly from the soil that could result in some areas will become dry. In addition,
the wind will be blowing and the weather becomes less predictable and more extreme.
b) The increase in sea level
When the atmosphere warms, the surface layer of the sea will also be warmed up, so that
the volume will be enlarged and raise sea levels. Sea level worldwide has risen 10-25cm
(9-10 inches) during the 20th century and the IPCC scientists predict a further rise 9-88cm
(4-35inchi) in the 21st century high-seas changes will greatly affect life in coastal areas
and can menenggewlamkan some countries.
c) Global temperature tends to increase
The southern part of Canada, for example, may benefit from higher rainfall and over the
length of the growing season. On the other hand, ropis semi-arid agricultural land in some
parts of Africa may not be able to grow. Desert agricultural areas that use irrigation water
from distant mountains may suffer if the snowpack (snow collection) winter, which serves
as a natural reservoir, will melt before the peak season months of the growing season.
Food crops and forest insect and disease attack more powerful.
d) Disturbance Ecology
Animals plants into living creatures that are difficult avoid the effects of warming, because
the bulk of the land is controlled by humans. In global warming, henwan tend to migrate
toward the poles and up the mountains. Plants will change the direction of growth,
seeking new areas as old habitats become too warm. However, human development will
hinder this displacement. Species that migrate north or to the south that are blocked by
cities or agricultural lands may be dead. Some types of species that are not able to move
quickly towards the poles may also be destroyed.
2.4 Social and Cultural Impact
Changes in weather and the seas can lead to the emergence of diseases associated with
heat and nkematian. Hot temperatures can also cause crop failure resulting in hunger and
malnutrition. Extreme weather events and rising sea levels due to melting ice in the Arctic
could cause disease by natural disasters (floods, storms, and fires) and deaths due to
trauma. The incidence of natural disasters are usually accompanied by the displacement
of people into refugee camps, which often appear diarrheal diseases, malnutrition,
micronutrient deficiency, psychological trauma, skin diseases and others.
Shifting ecosystems can have an impact on the spread of waterborne diseases. Such as
the increasing incidence of dengue fever since the advent of space (ecosystem)
proliferate. With the climate change, then comes the disease vector species (eq. Aedes
Agipty). Viruses, bacteria, plasmodium become more resistant to certain drugs that target
these organisms.
In addition, it is predicted that there are some species that will become extinct due to
changes in the ecosystem. Gradation environment caused by waste pollution in the river
also contributes to waterborne diseases and vectors diseases. Coupled with air pollution
emissions of gases from uncontrolled factory, will contribute to respiratory diseases, such
as asthma, allergies, coccidiodomicosys, chronic heart and lung disease, and others.
2.5 Control of Global Warming
Control is done by addressing epek performed while to take steps to prevent increased
climate change in the future. The damage can never be overcome in various ways, for
a. Coastal areas can be protected by a wall and a barrier to prevent the ingress of sea
b. The government can assist populations in coastal areas to move to higher ground.
The two main approaches to slow the increasing greenhouse gases:
a) Preventing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by storing the gas or carbon
component elsewhere.
b) Reducing greenhouse gas production.
2.6 How to Eliminate Carbon
The easiest way to eliminate carbon dioxide is to preserve trees and planting more trees,
especially young and fast. Carbon dioxide gas can also be removed directly. You do this by
injecting the gas into oil wells to bring oil out of the bowels of the earth.
A. Conclusions
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean and
land earth. Is the biggest cause of global warming effects of greenhouse gases due to
human activities through the greenhouse effect. Global warming is very damaging to the
universe, such as rising sea levels, increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena,
changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation, influential agricultural products, loss
of glaciers, extinction of various animal species and the emergence of various diseases.
Global warming can only be controlled by addressing the effects while performing
preventive measures, including: the removal of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by
planting and maintaining trees more and reduce the production of greenhouse gases.
B. Suggestions
This life begins from life on earth long before living creatures there. Therefore to maintain
and preserve this earth to be a few decades do we think about it. Up on one side where
the earth was old and begging us to maintain and preserve it. Let us worked royang to
save the earth that has given us this perfect life. Stop global warming.