Thesis - UvA-DARE - University of Amsterdam
... penetrates only millimeters deep into the sediment, and hence degradation of organic matter mostly occurs anaerobically (Howarth 1984). Anaerobic mineralization pathways include the respiration of NO3-, FeOOH, MnO2, and SO42- that follow a vertical redox zonation in the sediment that reflects the po ...
... penetrates only millimeters deep into the sediment, and hence degradation of organic matter mostly occurs anaerobically (Howarth 1984). Anaerobic mineralization pathways include the respiration of NO3-, FeOOH, MnO2, and SO42- that follow a vertical redox zonation in the sediment that reflects the po ...
CURRICULUM VITAE - INSTAAR - University of Colorado Boulder
... teaching faculty, finance, clerical & IT staff. As Head, Sediment Dynamics (Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic), I coordinated staff engaged in environmental marine issues: tidal power, iceberg scouring of the seafloor, cable routing, and slope stability problems. As Director of INSTAAR, a CU rese ...
... teaching faculty, finance, clerical & IT staff. As Head, Sediment Dynamics (Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic), I coordinated staff engaged in environmental marine issues: tidal power, iceberg scouring of the seafloor, cable routing, and slope stability problems. As Director of INSTAAR, a CU rese ...
Climate Change Effects and Adaptation Approaches in Marine and
... acidity by approximately 26%.27 pH declines in the NPLCC region are generally consistent with those observed globally, although some coastal areas such as Hood Canal (WA) report significantly lower pH (less than 7.6 in 2008).28 By the end of this century, global surface water pH is projected to drop ...
... acidity by approximately 26%.27 pH declines in the NPLCC region are generally consistent with those observed globally, although some coastal areas such as Hood Canal (WA) report significantly lower pH (less than 7.6 in 2008).28 By the end of this century, global surface water pH is projected to drop ...
A comparison of OEM CO retrievals from the IASI and MOPITT
... uniformly spaced levels from 900 to 100 hPa) instead of the seven-level grid used for V3; this change to an equidistant pressure grid was implemented because a retrieval grid with uniform grid spacing simplifies the physical interpretation of the retrieval. For the V4 product some changes to the MOP ...
... uniformly spaced levels from 900 to 100 hPa) instead of the seven-level grid used for V3; this change to an equidistant pressure grid was implemented because a retrieval grid with uniform grid spacing simplifies the physical interpretation of the retrieval. For the V4 product some changes to the MOP ...
bowie seamount pilot marine protected area: an
... List of Figures Figure 1. Location of Bowie, Hodgkins and Davidson seamounts in relation to other seamounts in the northeast Pacific Ocean....................................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Bathymetric contours for Bowie and Hodgkins seamounts......... ...
... List of Figures Figure 1. Location of Bowie, Hodgkins and Davidson seamounts in relation to other seamounts in the northeast Pacific Ocean....................................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Bathymetric contours for Bowie and Hodgkins seamounts......... ...
International Governance and Regulation of the Marine Arctic
... All these options either fall short of providing adequate protection for the arctic marine environment, or are difficult to achieve. ...
... All these options either fall short of providing adequate protection for the arctic marine environment, or are difficult to achieve. ...
Status of Coral Reefs in East Asian Seas Region
... solutions to governments, natural resource managers, NGOs and communities, along with a series of practical recommendations to improve the health of these reefs. While the Northeast and Southeast Asian regions support the highest coral reef biodiversity, it also contains ...
... solutions to governments, natural resource managers, NGOs and communities, along with a series of practical recommendations to improve the health of these reefs. While the Northeast and Southeast Asian regions support the highest coral reef biodiversity, it also contains ...
Effect of high CO2 and low pH on benthic - E
... Ocean acidification results from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans and leads to an alteration of the complex ocean carbonate system (Fig. 3). When atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater it hydrates to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). This reaction is slow, compared to the dissociation ...
... Ocean acidification results from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans and leads to an alteration of the complex ocean carbonate system (Fig. 3). When atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater it hydrates to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). This reaction is slow, compared to the dissociation ...
REEF ENCOUNTER - International Society for Reef Studies
... from us all, and I hope you will join me in acknowledging their service to our community. Our Society has strengthened significantly over the past four years under their stewardship, and we are now financially stable and ready to engage, grow, and flourish. The mission of ISRS is to promote the prod ...
... from us all, and I hope you will join me in acknowledging their service to our community. Our Society has strengthened significantly over the past four years under their stewardship, and we are now financially stable and ready to engage, grow, and flourish. The mission of ISRS is to promote the prod ...
Review: geological and experimental evidence for
... biofilms that secrete a mixture of aragonite and high Mg calcite, began secreting an increased proportion of their calcium carbonate as the calcite polymorph in the lower-Mg/Ca experimental seawaters. Furthermore, the Mg/Ca ratio of calcite secreted by the coccolithophores, coralline red algae, reef ...
... biofilms that secrete a mixture of aragonite and high Mg calcite, began secreting an increased proportion of their calcium carbonate as the calcite polymorph in the lower-Mg/Ca experimental seawaters. Furthermore, the Mg/Ca ratio of calcite secreted by the coccolithophores, coralline red algae, reef ...
... is feeling the full force of climate change. Over the last century, the temperature rise there was two to three times greater than the global average. Since the late 1970s, the volume of the Arctic Ocean is reported to have fallen by 75%, and experts predict that within a few decades, it will be ent ...
... is feeling the full force of climate change. Over the last century, the temperature rise there was two to three times greater than the global average. Since the late 1970s, the volume of the Arctic Ocean is reported to have fallen by 75%, and experts predict that within a few decades, it will be ent ...
Tsunami Science and Hazard - Manual
... to sea, followed by an advancing wave that picks up the same debris and more, and re-deposits it inland. Floating debris become, in essence, battering rams causing more damage as they strike whatever is in their way. Each wave scours and erodes coastlines and building foundations, but also deposits ...
... to sea, followed by an advancing wave that picks up the same debris and more, and re-deposits it inland. Floating debris become, in essence, battering rams causing more damage as they strike whatever is in their way. Each wave scours and erodes coastlines and building foundations, but also deposits ...
The future of seagrass meadows
... affecting the future status of seagrass ecosystems. Over the time horizon of 2025, there are estimates of human population growth and global climate change (Foundation for Environmental Conservation 2001), and the goal of this review is to provide a forecast of the likely status of seagrass ecosyste ...
... affecting the future status of seagrass ecosystems. Over the time horizon of 2025, there are estimates of human population growth and global climate change (Foundation for Environmental Conservation 2001), and the goal of this review is to provide a forecast of the likely status of seagrass ecosyste ...
Abundance and ecological implications of microplastic
... Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 145 References .............................................................................................................. 149 CHAPTER 5: Increased oceanic microplastic debris enhanc ...
... Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 145 References .............................................................................................................. 149 CHAPTER 5: Increased oceanic microplastic debris enhanc ...
3rd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals
... invertebrate species and fish fauna area associated with these colorful and spectacular seamounts and undersea gardens in the world oceans. I wish you all a successful conference and confluence of ideas (consilience) that can pave the way for wise management of these ecosystems by national and inter ...
... invertebrate species and fish fauna area associated with these colorful and spectacular seamounts and undersea gardens in the world oceans. I wish you all a successful conference and confluence of ideas (consilience) that can pave the way for wise management of these ecosystems by national and inter ...
Overwinter habitat selection by Antarctic krill under varying sea
... Southern Ocean is a bathymetrically-complex area with a variety of water currents that converge and mix around the South Shetland Islands, the tip of the peninsula at Joinville Island (JI), and within Bransfield Strait (BS; our Fig. 1; Jiang et al. 2013). In the BS, cold salty Weddell-shelf water en ...
... Southern Ocean is a bathymetrically-complex area with a variety of water currents that converge and mix around the South Shetland Islands, the tip of the peninsula at Joinville Island (JI), and within Bransfield Strait (BS; our Fig. 1; Jiang et al. 2013). In the BS, cold salty Weddell-shelf water en ...
Dinitrogen fixation in aphotic oxygenated marine environments
... (Eastern Mediterranean Sea, EMS) and the Gulf of Aqaba (northern Red Sea, GA), primary production in surface waters is limited at times by nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or co-limited by both (Paytan et al., 2009; Krom et al., 2010; Tanaka et al., 2011). Denitrification in subsurface waters is absent ...
... (Eastern Mediterranean Sea, EMS) and the Gulf of Aqaba (northern Red Sea, GA), primary production in surface waters is limited at times by nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), or co-limited by both (Paytan et al., 2009; Krom et al., 2010; Tanaka et al., 2011). Denitrification in subsurface waters is absent ...
Understanding the marine environment – seabed habitat
... Figure 1. Location of AoS (Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea and Solan Bank). Figure 2. Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea AoS (red polygon). Pre-existing multibeam data from SEA6 survey for DTI referred to as Texel 11 and Texel 10. Figure 3. Location of seabed depressions based on BG ...
... Figure 1. Location of AoS (Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea and Solan Bank). Figure 2. Submarine structures in the mid-Irish Sea AoS (red polygon). Pre-existing multibeam data from SEA6 survey for DTI referred to as Texel 11 and Texel 10. Figure 3. Location of seabed depressions based on BG ...
Opponents - FSU College of Law
... Basin. More specifically, this article will look at the continental margin areas beyond 200-n. miles, adjacent to the littoral States in the central Arctic Ocean. In this regard, the law and politics in the Arctic Ocean are about the existence and interpretation of scientific information that suppor ...
... Basin. More specifically, this article will look at the continental margin areas beyond 200-n. miles, adjacent to the littoral States in the central Arctic Ocean. In this regard, the law and politics in the Arctic Ocean are about the existence and interpretation of scientific information that suppor ...
The Future of the World Heritage Convention for marine conservation
... While the ocean covers two-thirds of our planet, marine conservation has historically received less attention and resources than the protection of terrestrial sites. In the past twenty years, there has been a concerted international effort to change that, caused in part by a recognition that our oce ...
... While the ocean covers two-thirds of our planet, marine conservation has historically received less attention and resources than the protection of terrestrial sites. In the past twenty years, there has been a concerted international effort to change that, caused in part by a recognition that our oce ...
Impact of environmental changes on Oculina patagonica coral holobiont Esther Rubio Portillo
... (hermatypic), with most hermatypic corals belonging to the Order Scleractinian. Until recently, corals have been considered as a product of a mutualistic interaction between the coral animal and unicellular algal symbionts commonly referred to as zooxanthellae; this view did not considered the symbi ...
... (hermatypic), with most hermatypic corals belonging to the Order Scleractinian. Until recently, corals have been considered as a product of a mutualistic interaction between the coral animal and unicellular algal symbionts commonly referred to as zooxanthellae; this view did not considered the symbi ...
Effects of global warming on oceans

Global warming can affect sea levels, coastlines, ocean acidification, ocean currents, seawater, sea surface temperatures, tides, the sea floor, weather, and trigger several changes in ocean bio-geochemistry; all of these affect the functioning of a society.