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Strengthening Tsunami Warning and Emergency Responses: 1-Day Tsunami Awareness Seminar Tsunami Science and Hazard Slide Presentations United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission The International Tsunami Information Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration UNESCO/IOC-NOAA International Tsunami Information Center [email protected] NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center [email protected] ITP-HAWAII 2010 30 August – 10 September 2010 Module: Tsunami Science and Hazard Enabling Learning Objectives (ELO) At the conclusion of this module, participants will be able to: 2-1 Explain what a tsunami is (generation, wave characteristics, occurrence) 2-2 Explain differences between local and distant tsunamis 2-3 Discuss what scientists learn from historic records (written accounts, data observations) 2-4 Discuss the importance of indigenous knowledge in tsunami preparedness 2-5 Learn the purpose, scope and goals of tsunami numerical modeling Reference List Atwater, B. F. et al. Surviving a tsunami—lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan. US Geol. Surv. Circ., 1187 (1999). Atwater, Brian F., Musumi-Rokkaku Satoko, et al. (2005). The Orphan Tsunami of 1700. (No. 1707). Seattle, WA: U.S. Geological Survey, Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes: A magnitude 9.0 earthquake scenario, CREW, 2005, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington. Gonzalez, F. I. Tsunami!, Scientific American, 280(5), 56-65, 1999, Jansa, A., Monserrat, S., and Gomis, D.: The rissaga of 15 June 2006 in Ciutadella (Menorca), a meteorological tsunami, Adv. Geosci., 12, 1–4, 2007, Kong, L. Big Waves: Tracking Deadly Tsunamis, Oceanography Special Report in 2004 Science Year, The World Book Annual Science Supplement, World Book, Inc, 2003 National Geophysical Data Center Historical Tsunami Database: Reagan, Albert. B. and L.V.W. Walters, 1933,Thunderbird, p. 320, IN Tales from the Hoh and Quileute, The Journal of American Folk-lore, Vol. 46, No. 182, pp. 297-346. Reagan, A.B., 1934, A Hoh version of the Thunderbird Myth, IN Myths of the Hoh and Quileute Indians, Utah Academy of Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 17-37. Reagan, Albert. B. and L.V.W. Walters, 1933, Thunderbird fights Mimlos-Whale, IN Tales from the Hoh and Quileute, The Journal of American Folk-lore, Vol. 46, No. 182, pp. 297-346. Tang, L., C. Chamberlin, and V.V. Titov (2008): Developing tsunami forecast inundation models for Hawaii: Procedures and testing. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-141, 46 pp. Titov, V.V., F.I. González, H.O. Mofjeld, and A.J. Venturato (2003): NOAA TIME Seattle Tsunami Mapping Project: Procedures, data sources, and products. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-124, NTIS: PB2004-101635, 21 pp UNESCO/IOC ITIC, Tsunami Glossary 2008, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, UNESCO. IOC Technical Series, 85, 2008 UNESCO/IOC ITIC, Tsunami, The Great Waves, Revised Edition, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Paris, UNESCO, 16 pp., illus. IOC Brochure 2008-1, 2008, Usapdin, T.P., A. Soemantri, and V. Agustin, The story that saved the lives of the people of Simeuleu, Indonesia, December 19, 2005, Venturato, A.J., D. Arcas, and U. Kânoğlu (2007): Modeling tsunami inundation from a Cascadia subduction zone earthquake for Long Beach and Ocean Shores, Washington. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-137, NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA, 26 pp. Yogaswara, H. and E. Yulianto. Smong, pengetahuan lokal Pulau Simeulue: sejarah dan kesinambungannya [Smong: Local knowledge at Simeulue Island; history and its transmission from one generation to the next] 69 p. (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia; UNESCO and and International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Jakarta, 2006); Yulianto, E., F. Kusmayanto, N. Supriyatna, and M. Dirhamsyah, Where the First Wave Arrives in Minutes, Indonesian Lessons on Surviving Tsunamis near Their Sources, UNESCO IOC Brochure 2010-4, 36 pp, jtic-infosources/publications.html?download=1317%3Awhere-the-first-wave-arrives-in-minutes UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 1 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. What is a Tsunami? Slide. What is a tsunami? UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 2 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. What is a tsunami? • • • • • • Stress: In deep ocean, the wave-lengths can be great, while wave heights may only be centimeters on the surface Wave lengths are longer in deep ocean, shorter near shore Wave period: crests every 10 minutes to 1 hour First wave may not be largest. Tsunami generates series of waves which grow as they approach the shore. Largest wave may be the fourth or fifth wave Will quickly inundate coastal areas Tsunamis are not connected to tides Key Point. Tsunamis are a series of traveling waves of extremely long wavelength and time period. They are generated when an entire column of water is suddenly moved vertically, such as by the occurrence of a great earthquake. Key Point. As tsunamis move from the deep ocean to shallow water, they slow down and can grow in height, making them dangerous when they hit the coast. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 3 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Tsunami derives from the Japanese term meaning wave (“nami”) in a harbor (“tsu”). It refers to a series of traveling waves of extremely long length and period, usually generated by disturbances associated with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor (also called seismic sea wave and, incorrectly, tidal wave). Volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, and coastal rock falls can also generate tsunamis, as can a large meteorite impacting the ocean. These waves may reach enormous dimensions and travel across entire ocean basins with little loss of energy. They proceed as ordinary gravity waves with a typical period between 10 and 60 minutes. Wave period is the time it takes two successive waves to pass by. Their speed depends on the depth of the water. In the deep ocean, tsunami waves propagate with a speed exceeding 1000 kilometers per hour ([km], ~400-500 miles per hour). The energy in a tsunami wave is spread out fairly evenly throughout the water column. If a wave begins in the deep ocean, it may have a wave height of several centimeters (1 foot [ft]) or less) and will not be detected by ships due to its long wave period. Tsunami wavelengths are hundreds of times greater in size when compared to ocean depth. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive waves. Tsunami wave shape changes as it approaches shore because decreasing water depth increases wave height and decreases wavelength. Tsunami waves are distinguished from ordinary ocean waves by their great wavelengths (often exceeding a 100 km or 60 miles [mi] or more in the deep ocean), and by their longer wave periods (ranging from 10-60 minutes). As they reach the shallow waters of the coast, the waves slow down and the water can pile up into a wall of destruction tens of meters (30 ft) or more in height, inundating low-lying areas. Waves can be amplified where a bay, harbor or lagoon funnels the wave as it moves inland. Large tsunamis have been known to rise over 30 meters (100 ft). Even a tsunami 3 to 6 meters (10-20 ft) high can be very destructive and cause many deaths and injuries. Tsunamis have no connection with tides; the popular name, tidal wave, is entirely misleading. Tsunami waves are often no taller than normal wind waves, such as surfing waves, but they are much more dangerous. Tsunamis can flow inland for tens of minutes while wind waves flow inland for tens of seconds. Tsunamis can create strong currents. Therefore, even a small tsunami can be dangerous. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 4 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. What does a tsunami look like? Slide. What does a tsunami look like? UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 5 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Tsunamis have physical characteristics that are very different from ocean swells and surfing waves. The videos show examples of actual tsunamis on December 26, 2004 that struck the coasts of Indonesia 30 to 45 minutes after the earthquake, and the coast of Thailand ~3 hours. Television news in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, and tourists vacationing at Patong Beach, Thailand captured vivid images of the tsunami’s arrival and devastation. The first arrivals are seen in Thailand as a thunderous wall of water that immediately floods inland. The wave forces and currents are so strong and turbid that people can easily be swept off their feet where they can drown quickly or be thrown against buildings or trees and lose consciousness. As successive waves enter a city or village, streets can become river channels for floating debris. Tsunami waves can arrive for hours, with each receding wave pulling debris out to sea, followed by an advancing wave that picks up the same debris and more, and re-deposits it inland. Floating debris become, in essence, battering rams causing more damage as they strike whatever is in their way. Each wave scours and erodes coastlines and building foundations, but also deposits a layer of sand and mud when it hits shore. Secondary impacts caused by wave breakage include fires and HAZMAT spills when power, utility, or resource lines are severed. In 1993 in Okushiri, Japan, fires broke out when gas lines broke during the onslaught of tsunami waves. While many heeded natural warning signs and siren alerts and evacuated that evening, fire razed the homes of many citizens in the lowland town of Aonae, Japan. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 6 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Visual examples include: 1995, Mexico tsunami. Tsunami waves recede seaward exposing the ocean bottom. Stories of people collecting fish during the ocean drawdown, unaware that another tsunami was on it way, have been reported. C. Snyolakis, University of Southern California 1983, Japan Sea tsunami. Tsunami arrives as a flood of water. Tokai University 1964, Aleutian Islands, Alaska tsunami arriving at Hilo, Hawaii. Tsunami waves arrive as walls of water. They do not break and curl making them impossible to surf. Pacific Tsunami Museum 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Aerial photo of tsunami wave receding, Sri Lanka. Complex eddies can form seaward of the wave front. DigitalGlobe UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 7 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. What does a tsunami do? Slide. What does a tsunami do? UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 8 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 1. Top Video - Images of before and after shows how tsunami deposits mud and sediment over the land and covers structures. 2. Bottom Video - Images illustrate sea current as tsunami wave recedes seaward carrying floating debris. Before and after pictures of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia, following the December 26, 2004 tsunami show how a tsunami wave will flood all low-lying areas, leveling structures, flattening trees, and depositing a layer of mud everywhere it flows. Video vividly captures the tsunami wave on September 29, 2009 as it recedes carrying floating debris seaward. Dangerous advancing and receding tsunami waves occurred every 5 to 10 minutes for about 2 hours before wave heights subsided. Slide. How often do tsunamis occur? • 1900 – 2009 o ~ 1 fatal tsunami/yr UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 9 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. Where do tsunamis occur? • • • • Stress: Each red dot indicates tsunamis that have occurred in the past 4,000 years A closer look at the maps on slide 2-10 makes it obvious that most tsunamis are local or regional Fewer are distant tsunamis, which are tsunamis that will have impact far away This history should make it obvious that it is very important to prepare for local and regional tsunamis Subduction zones cause large earthquakes which are the most likely to generate tsunamis. These subduction zones are characterized by deep ocean trenches. The volcanic mountain chains that comprise “The Ring of Fire” are strewn across the Pacific’s many subduction zones. 84% of the world's tsunamis were caused by earthquakes (large/great earthquakes or earthquake-induced landslides) and over 73% of these were observed in the Pacific where large earthquakes occur as tectonic plates are subducted along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Local tsunamis are defined as tsunamis that impact coasts within about one hour. Regional tsunamis are defined as tsunamis that impact coasts within one to three hours. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 10 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Distant, or teletsunamis are defined as tsunamis that impact coasts more than 1000 km (450 miles) from the tsunami source. They can take hours to more than one day to arrive. Notes: Top image: Epicenters of all tsunamigenic earthquakes. Tsunamis have caused damage locally in all ocean basins. There have been more than 2,000 observed with ~1,100 confirmed over the past 4,000 years. Of those confirmed as tsunamis, 73% Pacific, 14% Mediterranean, 6% Caribbean/Atlantic, 5% Indian, 2% Black Sea. Middle image: Locations of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides generating tsunamis that caused damage or casualties locally. Most tsunamis are local or regional tsunamis. Over the last 35 years (1975-2009), 52 tsunamis (35 with deaths) have occurred. Bottom image: Source locations of teletsunamis causing damage or casualties. 10% of confirmed historical tsunamis cause damage or casualties at far distances. Over the last 200 years, there have been 26 teletsunamis (9 with deaths). While the majority of destructive teletsunamis were generated by earthquakes in the Pacific, teletsunamis have also caused damage and casualties in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 11 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide 2-11. How are tsunamis generated? Slide 2-11 has an embedded video which starts automatically and loops. Describe the tsunami generation process by an earthquake: • Plate “subducts” (one tectonic plate is pushed downward beneath another) generating an earthquake • The earthquake faulting pushes the ocean column above it, creating a tsunami wave • The tsunami wave spread out all directions 84% of tsunamis are generated by earthquake sources. 14% are generated by earthquake-triggered landslides. 1% are generated by volcanic activities and 1% are caused by other sources. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 12 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Earthquakes: Tsunamis are most often generated by displacement of water resulting from shallow, undersea earthquakes. The shallower the earthquake is beneath the seafloor, the greater the likelihood that a large earthquake can generated a tsunami - these are earthquakes at depths less than 100 km (45 miles) or which rupture the seafloor. However, most undersea earthquakes do not generate tsunamis. Based on historical records, earthquakes with magnitude greater than 6.5 have potential to generate tsunamis. The large earthquakes occur along the subduction zones, such as the Pacific “Ring of Fire.” In subduction zones, the most common earthquake type is called a thrust, or reverse, fault where one tectonic plate is pushed upward over the adjacent plate. Less common in subduction zones are normal faults, where one tectonic plate drops down with respect to the other plate. Landslides: Tsunamis can be generated by displacement of water resulting from rock or ice falls, underwater landslides, or slumps. They can originate either on land and enter the ocean, or be confined only to the undersea. Such events can be induced naturally (e.g., erosion, earthquakes, gravity, volcanic eruption, etc.) or by humans (e.g., excavation and earthwork). Volcanic Activity: Tsunami waves can be generated by displacement of water caused by: (1) volcanic eruption and ensuing collapse of magma chamber(s) at the summit or on the flanks, (2) massive flows of volcanic debris, or subaerial landslides that enter the ocean, or (3) underwater volcano collapse. Atmospheric/Meteorological: Tsunamis can be generated by sudden changes in atmospheric pressure over the ocean that travel at the same speed as the ocean wave. NOTE: Not all researchers believe that meteorological tsunamis, sometimes called rissaga, meet the technical definition of tsunami since they are not generated by a sudden impulse. Meteor Impact: Besides the Chicxulub (or Brazos River, Texas) event, limited evidence exists regarding a meteor/asteroid-induced tsunami. However, the scientific community believes the impact of a massive meteor/asteroid could displace enough water to generate a sizeable tsunami. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 13 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. How fast? Local tsunamis Stress: • Local tsunamis will arrive in minutes. (In the recent example of American Samoa, the tsunami wave arrived in 10 to 15 minutes) • In a local tsunami you will very likely feel the ground shaking from the earthquake. This may cause building damage. The response is to duck, cover, and hold first, then to find higher ground • You may see changes in both the level of the land (due to the earthquake) and sea (due to the tsunami) In addition to local earthquakes, landslides originating above or below water are also possible sources of local tsunamis. Smaller-sized earthquakes can also trigger underwater landslides, which in turn could generate a tsunami. Key Point: During a local tsunami generated by an earthquake, strong ground shaking serves as a natural warning. Other natural tsunami warning signs are rapid or unusual sea level changes, such as a receding wave, and a loud roar like a train or airplane. Immediate self-evacuation to high ground and inland should begin after natural warning. Follow evacuation route signs to the assembly area(s). Earthquake rupture may also cause land deformation and/or subsidence (drop down or uplift) which could allow sea water to immediately flood low-lying areas ahead of the tsunami. These land level changes can be long term. Local source tsunamis are more frequent than distant source tsunamis. Their impacts are confined to areas near the source where runups can be extremely UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 14 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 high. In 1975, a local tsunami off Hawaii island caused by a magnitude 7.2 offshore earthquake generated local runups as high as 47 feet, but this tsunami did not affect other coastlines of Hawaii island or Honolulu on the main island of Oahu which is about 250 km to the northwest. Slide. How fast? Distant tsunamis UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 15 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. How fast? Distant tsunamis Stress: • A distant tsunami can take hours to arrive • The 1960 earthquake in Chile created a tsunami which hit locally in minutes, then in Hawaii 15 hours after the earthquake, and hit Japan 22 hours after • The tsunami caused destruction and death in Chile, Hawaii, and Japan Slide shows the Pacific Ocean and the locations of tectonic plates (color blocks), subduction zones (red line), and tsunami travel times (1-hour contour intervals) for the 1960 Chile tsunami. Key Point: For a distant tsunami, the public will not be able to feel the earthquake shaking because it is located far away. In this case, communities will rely on Tsunami Warning Centers to provide information on the tsunami threat to state and local officials who will then decide whether to evacuate or issue an “all clear” after an evacuation. For distant tsunamis, official information will precede the arrival of the first tsunami wave. Because there is time before the first wave arrives (sometimes many hours), unofficial information becomes readily available, and this often provides challenges to authorities and confusion to the public since conflicting or misleading interpretation is possible. Key Point: A distant destructive tsunami is usually also locally destructive. For example in the 1960 Chile earthquake, tsunami waves struck the Chilean coast within minutes after the earthquake In addition, waves also propagated as a destructive teletsunami across the Pacific Ocean. It took more than 14 hrs to reach Hawaii where it killed 61 people across the State, and 22 hours to reach Japan where more than 120 people perished. The 1960 tsunami, and the damage and deaths that it caused, was the catalyst for the start of the international tsunami warning system in 1965. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 16 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. Assessing the tsunami hazard Oral and written records complement tsunami scientists’ existing tools of modern science and technology in identifying hazardous events. Along with modern scientific tsunami numerical modeling, they provide information for communities to determine their level of risk. Local knowledge can also supplement scientific data and help educate the population about impending hazards. Consequently, lives may be saved by oral history and written records. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 17 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. Historic Records Hint: The written records referred to here are the handwritten or printed materials prior to the use of instruments to record tsunami data. Some records such as from Japan date back to 600 A.D. The World Data Center for Tsunamis serves as the official archive for tsunamis. Historical databases provide one means for assessing the tsunami hazard. Investigating written records (e.g., 19th century news clippings and reports) can provide information about previously unknown events. Example. In 1700 A.D. a large tsunami was generated on the Cascadia subduction zone. Though no written record exists from the U.S. from this time period, the tsunami struck the Japanese coast (distant tsunami). Japanese records allowed scientists to confirm and refine knowledge (size and timing) about the 1700 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami event. Participant Note: Internet databases can serve as resources to corroborate written and oral histories. The world’s authoritative tsunami archive is the World Data Center for Tsunamis (WDC-Tsunamis), which is co-located with NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) in Boulder, CO. The database contains UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 18 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 summaries of tsunami events for the past 4000 years, and data observations of tsunami wave heights, runups, inundations, casualties, damages, and other important information. The International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) works with the WDC/NGDC to collect tsunami event data for archiving. An historical database is available online at and as an offline GIS tool known as TsuDig. Slide. Geologic Record - Paleotsunamis Stress: The geologic record can give evidence from thousands, and perhaps millions of years ago. • By digging a trench and examining the sediment layers, you can discover evidence of past tsunamis • In the illustration, the lighter layers are representative of tsunamis. If you date these layers, you can get information on when the tsunamis occurred • This information helps in assessing the tsunami hazard in a given area Paleotsunami studies are used to extend the historical record back in time. Tsunami deposits can be preserved in the geologic record providing evidence of past tsunamis. These records help determine magnitude and frequency of tsunamis. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 19 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Example. Here a Native American fire pit was built in a coastal sand dune. In 1700 A.D. a tsunami struck the coast leaving behind the dark sand layer. In large earthquakes, the level of land relative to sea level can change. In this case, the land went down or subsided. The subsidence is why tideflat (marine) mud was deposited on top of the tsunami deposit. By digging trenches and looking for recurring tsunami sediment layers and determining the dates of the deposit, scientists can estimate the recurrence interval of large tsunamis. Knowing the frequency helps officials to assess the tsunami hazard. Slide. Geologic Record - Paleotsunamis Example: Image: Thick sand layers at left represent the 1960 Chilean tsunami and three of its predecessors. Their setting is a Chilean lowland midway along the nearly 1,000-km length of the 1960 fault rupture (a break that generated the 20th century’s largest earthquake, of magnitude 9.5). The layers probably mark the site’s four greatest tsunamis of the last 1000 years. These exclude a tsunami in 1837 that probably originated further south. The 1837 tsunami, like the 1960 event, caused deaths in Hawaii. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 20 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. Indigenous Knowledge – Folklore and Oral Traditions Hint: Stress that although this source of information is not as accurate as scientific data, it does provide knowledge of past events. The process of passing information from generation to generation also helps sustain preparedness. Indigenous knowledge based on folk stories, songs, and other cultural practices that have been learned and taught especially to children, play an important role in sustaining awareness through generations. This information can also assist a community in determining level of tsunami risk since past events are recounted. Although not accurate or precise when compared to modern scientific numerical modeling, oral traditions and past experiences are useful for an immediate assessment. For communities, local knowledge, wisdom and experience are powerful and crucial for educating the population about its tsunami hazard. Example. Oral traditions of Cascadia’s native peoples tell of flooding from the sea. Stories of the Hoh and Quileute Indians of the northwestern Olympic Peninsula relate the epic struggle between Thunderbird and Whale. Thunderbird is a bird of monstrous size, "when he opens and shuts his eyes he makes lightning. The flapping of his wings makes the thunder and the great winds." UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 21 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 "Thunderbird ... soared from her dark hole in the mountains....far out over the placid waters and there poised herself high up in the air and waited for [Whale] to come to the surface of the water … the powerful bird darted and seized it. The great thunderbird finally carried the weighty animal to its nest in the lofty mountains, and there was the final and terrible contest fought." "There were ... a shaking, jumping up and trembling of the earth beneath, and a rolling up of the great waters. The waters receded ... and ... again rose.” These stories were captured in a children’s video, Run to High Ground, produced by the Hoh Tribe in cooperation with the Washington Emergency Management Division. The video is an example of a Native American folktale that now serves as an educational tool on tsunamis and what to do when the earth shakes. Slide. Risk Assessment UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 22 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Slide. Tsunami Modeling – Why? A tsunami model provides computer simulations of hypothetical and past tsunami events. Since tsunamis are infrequent, models of credible or worst-case scenarios can assist in understanding the tsunami hazard for a particular community or region. Types of models include: • • Propagation models: run at a relatively low resolution to model a tsunami as it travels across an ocean basin; it does not take into account runup (flooding onto land). A propagation model allows you to estimate how long it will take a tsunami wave to arrive, and what the wave heights are expected to be at a location offshore in deeper water (10-50 m water depth). Tsunami energy plots can be derived from modeling that will be useful for warning centers, emergency management agencies, and other decision-makers responsible for public safety. These plots show the regions of greater tsunami energy and therefore higher expected wave amplitudes. The plots are highly dependent on where earthquake source is located, and its extent and direction of fault rupture, so that a small change in location of the earthquake can result in a vastly different energy plot. This map is useful because it provides information on the directions of higher tsunami energy. Islands or coasts that are high-energy targets are likely to have even higher coastal waves heights because the shoaling of the sea floor acts to increase tsunami wave heights. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 23 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Examples: In the map above, calculated tsunami maximum deep-ocean tsunami amplitudes (tsunami wave forecast) are shown for the Pacific from a M9.0 Shumagin Gap earthquake that generates a tsunami that crosses the Pacific. Coastal amplitudes would be significantly larger than the predicted offshore amplitudes. In the map above, calculated tsunami maximum deep-ocean tsunami amplitudes are shown for the Caribbean and Atlantic from a M8.6 Puerto Rico Trench earthquake that generates a tsunami that propagates into the northeast Atlantic. Coastal amplitudes would be significantly larger than the predicted offshore amplitudes. UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 24 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 • Inundation models: run at a higher resolution to estimate the tsunami runup and inundation onto land. The output of a propagation model is often used as the input to the inundation model. Models, which are science products, are then interpreted by communities interested in assessing their risk to tsunamis. Slide. Modeling to Evacuation Map Stress that one of the most important contributions of modeling is that it provides estimates of a tsunami’s hazard. This information helps decisionmakers and communities create effective evacuation maps and routes. Models provide information on, for example, the expected inundation and maximum water currents. From these, a community’s hazard exposure can be assessed and response plans developed. Predicting, or forecasting when and where the next coastal earthquake and tsunami will strike is currently impossible. However, once a tsunami is confirmed to be generated, forecasting a tsunami’s arrival and impact is possible through modeling and measurement technologies. ( UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 25 STRENGTHENING TSUNAMI WARNING AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE September 2010 Example: In this example from Long Beach, Washington, the input scenarios are those judged to be most likely, or most dangerous to the community if they were to occur. The model results are summarized as an inundation map showing the maximum wave heights. In addition, maximum wave currents are outputs of a modeling effort. Tsunami wave model results showing propagation and inundation of the coast can also be animated. Model results include the expected inundation and maximum water currents. They are used by communities to develop their evacuation maps. Inundation modeling is a valuable hazard assessment tool that assists communities in determining their exposure to tsunamis, and then in planning how to minimize that risk. Slide. Summary UNESCO/IOC – NOAA INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER Page 26