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Name: ____________________________________
1. Certain animal species that are endangered or
threatened have been cloned. Closely related species have been
used to carry the embryos of the endangered species. This
process of increasing the population size of a species in danger
of becoming extinct is an example of a
1. natural method to decrease ecosystem stability
2. natural method of controlling the population of an
endangered species
3. technological fix to increase habitat destruction
4. technological fix for the problem of endangered species
2. Hereditary traits are transmitted from generation to
generation by means of
1. specific sequences of bases in DNA in reproductive
2. proteins in body cells
3. carbohydrates in body cells
4. specific starches making up DNA in reproductive cells
Figure 1
Base your answer to the question on the diagram below and on your knowledge of biology. The diagram shows the results of a technique used
to analyze DNA.
3. [Refer to figure 1]
This technique used to analyze DNA directly results in
1. synthesizing large fragments of DNA
2. separating DNA fragments on the basis of size
3. producing genetically engineered DNA molecules
4. removing the larger DNA fragments from the samples
4. Which statement best expresses the relationship
between the three structures represented below?
1. 2. 3. 4. DNA is produced from protein absorbed by the cell.
Protein is composed of DNA that is produced in the cell.
DNA controls the production of protein in the cell.
Cells make DNA by digesting protein.
Figure 2
Base your answer to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of biology.
Better Rice
The production of new types of food crops will help raise the quantity of food grown by farmers. Research papers released by the
National Academy of Sciences announced the development of two new superior varieties of rice—one produced by selective breeding
and the other by biotechnology.
One variety of rice, called Nerica (New Rice for Africa), is already helping farmers in Africa. Nerica combines the hardiness and weed
resistance of rare African rice varieties with the productivity and faster maturity of common Asian varieties.
Another variety, called Stress-Tolerant Rice, was produced by inserting a pair of bacterial genes into rice plants for the production of
trehalose (a sugar). Trehalose helps plants maintain healthy cell membranes, proteins, and enzymes during environmental stress. The
resulting plants survive drought, low temperatures, salty soils, and other stresses better than standard rice varieties.
[Refer to figure 2]
7. Some bacteria are unable to survive unless a certain
5. Nerica was most likely produced by
1. crossing a variety of African rice with a variety of Asian
2. cloning genes for hardiness and weed resistance from
Asian rice
3. using Asian rice to compete with rare African varieties
4. inserting genes for productivity and faster maturity into
Asian rice
6. nutrient is present in their food supply. After exposure to
ultraviolet radiation, some of these bacteria are able to
synthesize this nutrient. This change is most likely due to
1. increased respiration 3. an alteration in a gene
2. exposure to an antigen 4. gamete formation
8. The percent of DNA that species A has in common
with species B, C, D, and E are shown in the graph below.
Which diagram best represents the relative locations
of the structures in the list below?
A – chromosome
B – nucleus
C – cell
D – gene
1. 3. Which statement is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from
this graph?
2. 4. 1. Species A is closely related to species B, but is not
related to species E.
2. Fewer mutations have occurred in species B and C than
in species A.
3. Species A and E have the greatest similarity in protein
4. Environment influences the rate of evolution.
9. The process represented in the diagram below occurs
in many cells.
The main function of this process is to
1. 2. 3. 4. provide an exact copy of the genetic code
ensure genetic variation in a species
synthesize cellular proteins
produce antibodies to combat disease
10. Chromosomes can be described as
1. 2. 3. 4. large molecules that have only one function
folded chains of bonded glucose molecules
reproductive cells composed of molecular bases
coiled strands of genetic material
Figure 3
Base your answer to the question on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of biology.
A change in hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells, causes sickle-cell disease. Hemoglobin samples from different individuals can be
compared by using a specific technique. The protein banding patterns of three samples are shown below.
11. [Refer to figure 3]
Identify another substance that can be analyzed using this
Answer for #11:
12. Some steps involved in DNA replication and protein
synthesis are summarized in the table below.
In which step would a mutation lead directly to the formation of
an altered gene?
1. A 3. C
2. B 4. D
Figure 4
Base your answer to the question on the statement below and on your knowledge of biology.
13. Scientists have found a gene in the DNA of a certain plant that could be the key to increasing the amount of lycopene, a cancerfighting
substance, in tomatoes.
[Refer to figure 4]
The process of inserting this gene into the DNA of a tomato
plant is known as
1. selective breeding 3. cloning
2. genetic engineering 4. replication
Figure 5
Base your answer to the question on the chart below and on your knowledge of biology. The DNA Sequences chart shows a portion of the code
for insulin in humans and cows. These DNA sequences are repeated in the Human Insulin and Cow Insulin charts.
14. [Refer to figure 5]
In the DNA Sequences chart, indicate which three-letter
portions of the DNA that is different in humans and cows.
Answer for #14:
15. Many diabetics are now using insulin that was made
by certain bacteria. The ability of these bacteria to produce
insulin was most likely the result of
1. deleting many DNA segments from bacterial DNA
2. genetic mapping of bacterial DNA to activate the gene
for insulin production
3. inserting a portion of human DNA into the ring-shaped
DNA of bacteria
4. using radiation to trigger mutations
Figure 6
Base your answer to the question on the information below and on your knowledge of biology.
In 2003, as a result of the Human Genome Project, the complete sequence of all the bases in human DNA was released to the public. Although
knowing the entire sequence of bases has proven valuable, scientists are currently working to map genes. Mapping genes involves determining
the exact location of each gene. Since much of human DNA does not code for a protein, it is challenging to figure out which segments are actual
genes. Often, scientists look at the percent composition of bases in a segment of DNA. If the segment of DNA has a large percentage of C and G
bases (together over 50%), it is likely that it is a gene and codes for a protein.
16. [Refer to figure 6]
A scientist analyzes the bases in a segment of DNA from a
human skin cell to determine if it codes for a protein. The base A
is 12% of the bases in this segment of DNA. Calculate the
percentage of bases that would be C.
Answer for #16:
17. Two genes for two different traits located on the
same chromosome are said to be
1. homozygous
3. mutagenic agents
2. independently assorted 4. linked
18. The diagram below represents a common laboratory
technique in molecular genetics.
One common use of this technology is the
1. production of a human embryo to aid women who are
unable to have children
2. change of single-celled organisms to multicellular
3. introduction of a toxic substance to kill bacterial cells
4. production of hormones or enzymes to replace missing
human body chemicals
Figure 7
The diagram below shows a molecule of DNA.
19. [Refer to figure 7]
What is the base sequence of strand X?
1. G-T-A-C 3. G-T-C-A
2. T-G-C-A 4. A-T-C-G
20. A liver cell can make enzymes that a heart cell can not
make because liver cells
1. digest large, complex molecules
2. contain more DNA than heart cells
3. use different genes than the heart cells use
4. remove carbon dioxide from blood
21. 22. The work of a cell is carried out by the many different types of
molecules it assembles. Most of these molecules are proteins.
Explain how the cell is able to make the many different proteins
it needs. In your answer, be sure to:
identify where in the cell the information necessary to
construct a particular protein is located and the specific
molecule that contains this information
identify both the cellular structure that assembles these
proteins and the kinds of molecules that are used as the
building blocks of the proteins
For those individuals who have an allergic reaction
to cats, a company in Los Angeles promises relief. They offer a
new line of cats genetically modified to eliminate or reduce their
allergy-causing properties. The development of this new line of
cats most likely involved
1. using natural selection to produce a new variety of cat
2. altering the reproductive rate of cats
3. changing the behavior of cats
4. manipulating the DNA of cats
Answer for #22:
23. Identical twins were separated at birth and raised by
different families. The best explanation for any differences
between the twins in height, weight, and IQ scores is that the
genes regulating these traits were
1. independently assorted
2. codominant
3. linked
4. environmentally influenced
24. that are present in many single-celled organisms. Structure 1
contains protein A, but not protein B, and structure 2 contains
protein B, but not protein A.
Which statement is correct concerning protein A and protein B?
1. Proteins A and B have different functions and different
amino acid chains.
2. Proteins A and B have different functions but the same
amino acid chains.
3. Proteins A and B have the same function but a different
sequence of bases (A, C, T, and G).
4. Proteins A and B have the same function and the same
sequence of bases (A, C, T, and G).
Agriculturists have developed some varieties of
vegetables from common wild mustard plants, which reproduce
sexually. Which statement best explains the development of
these different varieties of vegetables?
1. Different varieties can develop from a single species as
a result of the recombination of genetic information.
2. Different species can develop from a single species as a
result of the effect of similar environmental conditions.
3. Mutations will occur in the genes of a species only if
the environment changes.
4. Variations in a species will increase when the rate of
mitosis is decreased.
26. The diagram shows two different structures, 1 and 2,
A normal sequence of DNA bases in a single human
skin cell is CATGGC. If this sequence replicates in this cell and
becomes GATGGC, this alteration will most likely be passed to
1. every cell that develops from it
2. all human body cells
3. offspring of the human
4. all skin cells of this person
25. 27. 28. The fruit fly represented in the diagram below has
unusual, curled wings that formed after exposure to radiation.
When a person’s teeth are being x-rayed, other body
parts of this person are covered with a protective lead blanket
to prevent
1. loss of hair
2. increase in cell size
3. changes in DNA molecules
4. changes in glucose structure
In order for the fly to pass this trait on to its offspring, a change
had to occur in
1. 2. 3. 4. 29. the blood cells of the fly
the gametes of the fly
all the body cells of the fly
the muscles of the fly
[Refer to figure 1]
This laboratory technique is known as
1. gel electrophoresis 3. protein synthesis
2. DNA replication 4. genetic recombination