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What Are Proteins?
Proteins: large, complex molecules
composed of amino acids
 DNA determines structure
Contain nitrogen
 20 different amino acids (AA) are used
to make proteins
 Building blocks of proteins
Amino Acids
Amino acids are
linked (bound)
together by special
chemical bonds:
 Peptide bonds
The 20 amino acids
can be bound
together to make up
to 50,000 different
protein molecules
Amino Acids
The structure of an amino acid begins
with a central carbon atom.
 4 attachment sites
The central carbon is surrounded by:
1. a hydrogen atom
2. an acid group
3. an amine group
Identical on every
amino acid
4. a side chain (R group) that is unique to
each amino acid
○ Variations give each AA its distinct properties
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Essential amino acids: cannot be
produced by our bodies
 Must be obtained from food
 9 amino acids
Nonessential amino acids: can be
made by our bodies
 Using parts of nitrogen of other amino acids
○ Transamination
 11 amino acids
Amino Acids
Conditionally essential amino acids: when nonessential amino acids can’t
be made to meet body needs
How Are Proteins Made?
Proteins are long chains of amino acids.
 Amino acids are joined to each other by
peptide bonds.
 The structure of each protein is dictated
by a DNA of a gene.
 Genes carry the instructions for amino acid
How Are Proteins Made?
 Two amino acids
 Three amino acids
 Four to forty nine amino acids
 50 to 100 amino acids
 Results in complex shapes
Proteins Organization
The three-dimensional shape of a
 is determined by the amino acids in the
 is critical to the proper function of the protein
○ Tendons vs. red blood cells
 can uncoil due to damage by heat, acids,
heavy metals, alcohol, and other substances
○ Denatured protein = lost function
 **Denaturation**
Protein Structure Example
Protein Structure Example
Sickle-shaped cell
Protein Denaturation
Why Do We Need Proteins?
contribute to cell growth, repair, and
 Growing children, damaged cells, new cells
Why Do We Need Proteins?
act as enzymes and hormones
 Inborn errors of metabolism (IEOM)
Why Do We Need Proteins?
help maintain fluid balance
 Proteins help pull fluids out of tissues into
blood vessels and cells
○ If insufficient protein intake: edema
Why Do We Need Proteins?
Transport nutrients
 Electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, glucose
Help maintain pH balance
 Act as buffers against acids and bases
Protect against disease
 Antibodies
Serve as an energy source
 Gluconeogenesis
 We want to “spare” protein
Proteins in the Diet
Our bodies do not store proteins, but
they do have a small supply of amino
acids in reserve
 Pool of amino acids
All essential amino acids need to be in
the pool
 Limiting amino acid – essential amino acid
that is missing or in shortest supply
○ May slow or halt protein synthesis (video)
Limiting Amino Acids
Proteins in the Diet
Most proteins contain all of the essential
amino acids (EAAs)!! (except gelatin)
 Complete proteins supply all the EAAs
needed to meet biologic requirements
when consumed at recommended amounts
 “high quality”
 Animal-based, except soybeans/quinoa
Incomplete proteins also supply all of the
EAAs, but usually one AA is limiting (low)
 “low quality”
 Plant-based
Proteins in the Diet
: using two incomplete
proteins together to make a complete protein
The 2 incomplete proteins that supply all EAAs:
: two protein sources that
together supply all nine essential amino acids in
adequate quantities
 Do not have to be eaten at the same time
 Examples?
 Who might this be important for?
Proteins in the Diet
Soy Foods
High quality, complete protein
 Contain vitamins, minerals,
 What about estrogen/hormones?
 Isoflavones not same as human estrogen
 Will not turn guys into gals
Up to 3 servings per day
Protein Supplementation
Muscle growth =
PRO synthesis > PRO breakdown
 Achieved with weight training and
regular meal consumption
Eating excess protein does not lead to
muscle gain
 May be helpful for certain people
How Much Protein Should We
Proper protein intake depends on:
 activity level
 health status
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI)
 0.8 g protein per kg body weight (most adults)
 1.2-1.7 g/kg for athletes
 10% – 35% of total energy intake should be
from protein (AMDR)
How Much Protein Should We
To convert pounds to kg, simply divide
by 2.2
 A person weighing 160 pounds is how
many kg?
 160 lbs ÷ 2.2 = ~73 kg
If this person is an average adult, what
is his/her PRO requirement?
 73 kg x 0.8 g PRO/kg = 58 g PRO/day
How Much Protein Should We
People who require more protein
 children
 adolescents
 pregnant or lactating women
More needed
for growth
 Athletes
○ Carry more O2, make glucose, repair/make
new tissue
 Vegetarians (some)
○ Plant proteins less well digested
Sources of Protein
Good sources of protein include:
dairy products (milk, egg whites)
soy products (considered “complete”)
legumes (all varieties of dried beans, peas,
○ Also considered a veggie choice!!
 whole grains (compliment the legumes)
 Nuts
 (Don’t discount leafy greens)
Vegetarian Diets
focusing the diet on
foods of vegetable
origin (including
fruits, grains, nuts)
There are many
versions of
There are many
reasons to adopt a
vegetarian diet.
Vegetarian Diets
Why Vegetarianism?
People choose vegetarianism for:
 ethical reasons
 concerns over food safety/antibiotics
 ecological reasons
 religious reasons
 health benefits
Health Benefits of Vegetarianism
Reduced risk of:
 obesity, type 2 diabetes
 heart disease and high blood pressure
 some types of cancer
 kidney disease, kidney stones, gallstones
Fewer digestive problems
 Current guidelines emphasize eating
plant protein sources
Considerations of Vegetarianism
Vegetarian diets can be low in some
vitamins and minerals.
 Vegetarians (and everyone else) must
carefully plan a balanced and adequate
 Vegetarians (and everyone else) can
use soy products as a protein source.
Diet Comparison
Nutrients of Concern
Nutrients of Concern
Vitamin B12
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
S.A.D (Standard American
Vegetarian Food Guide Pyramid
Vegetarian Eating Guides
PCRM’s Power Plate
Vegetarian Society of the
United Kingdom
Protein Imbalances
Too little protein:
 Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)
○ Marasmus
○ Kwashiorkor
○ Due to poverty, chronic disease, eating
Too much protein
Starving to death
Insufficient PRO,
energy, & nutrients
Little to no
subcutaneous fat
Reduced brain
Also seen in
hospitalized patients
Not enough protein
Energy needs just
marginally met
Swollen abdomen
Impaired growth,
rash, impaired
immune system,
fatty liver
Too Much Protein
Do not exceed 2 grams/kg body weight
 Why not?
 Not getting enough plant foods
 Risk imbalances in diet
Can You Eat Too Much Protein?
The risks of too much protein may include:
 high cholesterol and heart disease
 Due to high saturated fat, low fiber intakes
possible bone loss
 High-protein diets may cause excess
calcium excretion leading to bone loss.
Can You Eat Too Much Protein?
The risks of too much protein may also
include kidney disease.
 High-protein diets can be difficult for people
with kidney problems.
○ Due to the demand placed on stressed
kidneys to flush out excessive urea
 There is no evidence that high-protein diets
cause kidney disease in healthy people.
Increased cancer risk?
RD Chuckle