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7th Grade Science
Unit 9: Cells
GPISD Curriculum Map
2014 2015
Big Idea:
3 Weeks Dates: January 6 - 23
The students will understand that living systems at all levels of organization demonstrate the complementary nature of
structure and function.
7.12 C
TSW recognize levels of organization in plants
and animals including cells, tissues, organs,
organ systems, and organisms.((9999
7.12 D
TSW differentiate between structure and
function in plant and animal cell organelles,
including cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus,
cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast, and
vacuole (STAAR supporting standard)
7.12 E
TSW compare the functions of a cell to the
functions of organisms such as waste removal
7.12 F
TSW recognize that according to cell theory all
organisms are composed of cells and cells carry
on similar functions such as extracting energy
from food to sustain life. (STAAR supporting
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Student Objectives:
1. I can diagram and describe levels of organization in plants.
2. I can diagram and describe levels of organization in animals.
3. Using pictures, I can identify and organize cells, tissues, organs, organ
systems, and organisms into the appropriate level.
4. I can differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (6.12B).
5. I can define organelle.
6. I can identify the organelles that make up plant and animal cells. (cell
wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast, and vacuole).
7. I can describe the function of the organelles that make up plant and
animal cells. (cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast,
and vacuole).
8. Using graphic organizers, I can compare the structure to the function of
plant and animal cell organelles.
10. I can explain the life processes of organisms including:
o waste removal
o obtaining and use of energy (cellular respiration)
o reproduction
11. Given diagrams or pictures, I can compare the function of the cell to the
function of an organism (waste removal, carbon dioxide in
photosynthesis, etc.).
12. I can explain the development of the cell theory.
13. I can explain the three parts of the cell theory:
o All organisms are made of one or more cells.
o All cells come from other cells.
o The cell is the basic unit of structure and function.
14. I can describe that all cells carry on similar functions.
15. I explain the relationship between cells and living organisms using the
updated: 11/14/2014
7th Grade Science
Unit 9: Cells
GPISD Curriculum Map
2014 2015
cell theory.
2D TSW monitor understanding of spoken
language during classroom instruction and
interactions and seek clarification as needed
TSW monitor understanding of spoken language during cell theory
instruction and interactions and use clarification stems as needed.
Teacher Questions/Actions
Do you need more time to think?
After asking a question, provide ELLs sufficient wait-time to
formulate a response before asking them to respond. This can
be accomplished though Think, Pair, Share or Structured
Conversation with peers.
Student Sentence Stems
So you are saying...
3D TSW speak using grade-level content
area vocabulary in context to internalize new
English words and build academic language
TSW speak using the levels of organization content words (cells, tissues,
organs, organ systems, and organisms) in context to internalize new English
words and build academic language proficiency.
4F TSW use visual and contextual support
and support from peers and teachers to read
grade-appropriate content area text, enhance
and confirm understanding, and develop
vocabulary, grasp of language structures, and
background knowledge needed to comprehend
increasingly challenging language.
TSW use support from peers and teachers to read lab procedures and
confirm understanding about cell parts specific to plants and to animal cells.
Student Sentence Stem
The strategy (note taking, scanning, surveying key text
features, drawing, guess and check, etc.)that will help me
understand this text about cells parts the best is probably
_______ because...
5F TSW write using a variety of gradeappropriate sentence lengths, patterns, and
connecting words to combine phrases, clauses,
and sentences in increasingly accurate ways as
more English is acquired.
TSW write using connecting words to combine phrases in sentences that
compare the functions of a cell to the functions of an organism.
Student Sentence Stems
A cell has ______ but an organism has ______.
A cell and organism both have...
As a part of language acquisition, students will:
Suggested Teacher Behaviors by Level and Domain
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updated: 11/14/2014
7th Grade Science
Unit 9: Cells
GPISD Curriculum Map
2014 2015
6.12 A
Understand that all organisms are composed of one or more cells.
6.12 F
Diagram the levels of organization within an ecosystem including organism, population, community, and ecosystem.
6.12 B
Recognize the presence of a nucleus determines whether a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
Students may think a theory is a mere guess, is unproven or may even lack credibility.
Students may think all animal cells look the same (round).
Recommended Lessons
Microscope Required Lab
Cell Resources
Technology Integration
Extensions and Interventions
Writing Prompts
7.12 C
Explain the relationship between the various levels of organization in plants and animals.
7.12 D
Describe the structure and explain the function of the following cell organelles in plants and animals: cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus,
cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast, and vacuole.
7.12 E
Choose one function performed by the structures of an organism, and explain how the organism carries out this function. Then, identify the
organelle or organelles that perform the same or similar function within a cell.
7.12 F
Choose three parts of the cell theory and describe how they apply to both unicellular and multicellular organisms. Use specific examples of
organisms if possible.
Essential Questions
7.12 C
The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are all organs.
When they work together to process food, they form a functional
unit known as
A an organism
B a tissue
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updated: 11/14/2014
7th Grade Science
Unit 9: Cells
GPISD Curriculum Map
2014 2015
C a cell
D a system
7.12 D
Both plant and animal cells need to produce energy for cellular
functions. In both types of cell, this function is carried out by the
A nucleus.
B mitochondria.
C chloroplasts.
D vacuoles.
7.12 E
Animals exhale to get rid of carbon dioxide in the body. In what way
do cells function the same?
A They transport needed nutrients to various cell parts.
B They break down food to obtain energy.
C They remove waste from cellular activities
D They sense stimuli and respond to their environment
7.12 F
An amoeba is a one-celled organism. Which of the statements about
amoebas is supported by the cell theory? An amoeba
A has a globular, undefined size and shape.
B moves slowly using a pseudopod.
C contains organelles called chloroplasts.
D must obtain energy and release waste.
cell theory, cells, tissues, organs, cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, chloroplast, and vacuole
LEP Accommodations
Bilingual Dictionaries
Extended Time spreadsheet
STAAR L accommodations in computer
SPED Accommodations
Supplemental Aids
Extended Time
TEA Accommodation Triangle
Lead4ward Accommodations Sheet
SPED/LEP Accommodations
Bilingual Glossary
Bilingual Dictionary
Extended Time
Reading Aloud of Text
Oral Translation
Clarification in English of Word Meaning
Note: Expected to be used in class
routinely and can ONLY be used on
tests with students who meet
eligibility as documented on IEP.
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7th Grade Science
Unit 9: Cells
GPISD Curriculum Map
2014 2015
Should be specific to individual
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updated: 11/14/2014