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Nucleus Structure: Ball-­‐
Func.on: Holds the cell’s shaped organelle DNA (DNA has instruc=ons surrounded by two for making proteins and other membranes macromolecules) Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Nucleolus Structure: Small dense region within the nucleus Func.on: Where ribosomes are made Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Ribosome Found In: Prokaryotes and Structure: Small Plant & Animal Cells par=cles in the Func.on: To put proteins cytoplasm or on together the Rough E.R. Rough Endoplasmic Re.culum (E.R.) Structure: A Func.on: Ribosomes on Rough E.R. surface put proteins together, then the Rough E.R. “tags” these proteins for where they need to go network of channels with Ribosomes aKached, connected to the nuclear envelope Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Smooth Endoplasmic Re.culum (E.R.) Structure: A network of channels connected to the nuclear envelope Func.on: Makes membrane Found In: Plant & lipids, detoxifies drugs, etc. Animal Cells Vesicle Structure: A membrane-­‐enclosed compartment within the cytoplasm, like a bubble Func.on: To transport proteins to where they need to go (like a delivery truck!) Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Golgi Apparatus Structure: Stack-­‐like membranes in the cytoplasm Func.on: To sort proteins into vesicles for their final des=na=on; like a post office Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Vacuoles Structure: Large sac, jelly-­‐bean shaped Func.on: Storage for water and important nutrients. The water inside creates pressure, making the cells more rigid so a plant can “stand” up! Found In: Plant Cells Mitochondrion Structure: Long and round shaped. Found In: The inner membrane has many folds. Plant & Animal Cells Func.on: Cellular Respira=on: to break down food (glucose) into cellular energy (ATP) Chloroplasts Structure: Long and round. Inside there are stacks of disc-­‐shaped membranes. Func.on: Photosynthesis: Converts light energy, CO2, and H2O into food(glucose) for the plant. Found In: Plants Only! Cytoskeleton Structure: Network of Strong thread-­‐like structures and hollow tubes made of protein Func.on: Gives the cell shape and structure, also allows it to move Found In: Plant & Animal Cells Centrioles Structure: Barrel-­‐Shaped Bundle of Long, Skinny Proteins Func.on: Helps the cell divide Found In: Animal Cells Cell Membrane (aka Plasma Membrane) Structure: Thin flexible layer that surrounds the cell, made up of a double layer of lipids called the lipid bi-­‐layer Func.on: Regulates what enters and exits the cell, also provides protec=on and support Found In: Prokaryotes and Plant & Animal Cells Cell Wall Structure: S=ff wall surrounding the cell membrane, made of a tough carbohydrate fiber called cellulose Found In: Plants Only Func.on: To provide support and structure for the cell Lysosome Structure: A special type of vesicle with diges=ve enzymes on the inside Found In: Animals Only Func.on: To digest (eat/break-­‐down) wastes in the cell, like a janitor! Cytoplasm Structure: thick, clear fluid inside the cell Found In: ALL cells! Func.on: holds the cell’s contents in place