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Book Reviews
Amino Aciris and Proteins. Cou S@itmroHARBORSmi
York: The Biological Laboratory,
bor, 1950.
Pp. 217. $7.00.
the x-ray datathat have been obtained on very large pro
teins as well as smaller proteins and peptides, with a
Cold Spring Har
stimulating discussion of the structural interpretations.
Under the title “SizeRelationship among Similar Pro
The selection of Amino Acids and Proteins as the
topic for the fourteenth Cold Spring Harbor Symposium
reflects the rapid progress
that has been made in this
field since the sixth (1988) symposium which dealt with
‘Protein Chemistry.―
It is the only subject to which a
second Cold Spring Harbor Symposium
has been devot
ed. This position aptly emphasizes
the major role that
the proteins play in biology.
The fourteenth volume of this excellent series main
tains the high standard of quality established by its
predecessors. In the foreword it is mentioned that it was
anticipated that there would be some duplication of the
but the reviewer
has found
There are 22 papers presented
of the 88 authors,
possible to review
it seems desirable
The first paper
in VoL 14, and
only S had papers in Vol. 6. It is im
all the articles adequately; however,
to mention names and general titles.
by H. B. Bull deals with the molecu
lan weight distribution
of peptides
in protein
zates. J. R. Cairn and J. G. KirkWOOddiscuss results oh
in their application
for “TheFractionation
rating amino
of a new promising
of Proteins by Electrophoresis
distribution is described by L. C. Craig, J. D. Gregory,
and G. T. Barry. Nearly one-third of the papers deal
with some aspect of the amino acid composition of pro
teins. W. H. Stein and S. Moore present data on the
of the
of Proteins.― Two papers deal with appli
cations of the isotopic derivative technic to the analysis
of proteins. The first, by A. S. Keston and S. Unden
friend, discusses its general application, and the second,
by M. Levy
and E. Slobodiansky,
on the Struc
on “Structure and Enzymatic
L. R. M. Synge
his own and other
and Some
for the Study
may vary
Two papers deal with the cytochemistry of proteins.
J. F. Danielli describes the use of chromogenic reagents
along with specific blocking reagents, and B. P. Kauf
man, H. Gay, and M. R. McDonald
describe the use of
enzymes for the localization of cellular proteins. Two
by S. Emerson
and D. Shemin
aspects of the biosynthesis
deal with different
of amino acids. “TheMetab
olism of Peptides―is discussed by .1. S. Fruton and S.
Simmonds. I. M. Klotz describes “The
Nature of Some
Ion-Protein Complexes.― In a very interesting paper en
titled “SomeConsiderations
of the Interaction
of the
Metal Peptidases with Their Substrates,― E. Smith and
R. Lumry discuss the forces that are involved in enzyme
substrate complex formation and the factors affecting
peptide hydrolysis. Two papers should be of special in
terest to those who are concerned with cancer research.
studies on “The
Liver Proteins― and the effect of carcinogens
on liver
The last paper by P. C. Zamecnik
and I.
D. Frantz is concerned with radioactive tracer experi
Many of the papers present information which as yet
is not found elsewhere, others give conclusions already
published in detail. The discussion that follows each
paper and the freedom of expression that the symposium
give Volume
14 an added
Metabolism and Function. D. NACHMANSOHN, ED. New
York: Elsevier Publishers, 1950. Pp. 848. $7.00.
This book is a collection of 88 scientific papers, pub
lished originally as Vol. 4, pp. 1—848,of Biochitnwa et
Biophysica Ada, in honor of Otto Meyerhof on the oc
dealing with “Physicaland Chemical Studies of Grami
of the same protein from different individuals
within limits.
Universityof Wisconsin
down of Proteins,―K. Linderstrom-Lang discusses the
role of denaturation in the enzymatic hydrolysis of pro
of similar
MARK A. Smins@r
sulin molecule is built up of four open polypeptide
chains. The quantitative
analysis of amino acids in in
sulin and lysozyme is discussed by C. Fromageot. In a
of different preparations
Department of Bioc/iemi4ry
ture of Insulin,―from which it is concluded that the in
the applies.-
tion to silk fibroin. F. Sanger summarizes his interesting
results on “SomeChemical Investigations
proteins and the association and dissociation reaction of
protein units. The results suggest that the composition
In one of those, J. M. Luck describes
The success that has been realized in sepa
acids and polypeptides
by countercurrent
teins,―K. 0. Pedersen discusses variations in the sedi
of his 65th
There are 28 papers in English, 5 in German, and 5 in
French. With one or two exceptions, all papers include
of Proteins.―
A paper on “X-RayAnalysis and Protein Structure―by
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin gives a good summary of
adequate summaries in all three languages.
bibliographies are also given. Six photographs,
Downloaded from on June 12, 2017. © 1951 American Association for Cancer Research.
Amino Acids and Proteins: Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on
Quantitative Biology, Vol. 14. New York: The Biological
Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, 1950. Pp.217.$7.00
Mark A. Stahmann
Cancer Res 1951;11:150.
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Downloaded from on June 12, 2017. © 1951 American Association for Cancer Research.