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A.P. Psychology
Contemporary Approaches to Psychology
“The Outrageous Celebrity”
Choose a celebrity who is known for their outrageous behavior, style, and/or persona. Provide a list
of his/her behavior that you consider abnormal, or out of the ordinary. Next, apply what you have
learned about the 7 Contemporary Approaches to Psychology, by describing how each school of
thought would explain the behavior. Feel free to be creative (and even outrageous), as long as your
reasoning falls in line with each perspective. Be prepared to share your responses verbally with the
E.g.: Dennis Rodman
o Dennis Rodman is known for his outrageous behavior, various tattoos/piercings,
and frequently changing hair color.
Biological Psychology
o “Perhaps Dennis Rodman has a high level of estrogen that makes him feel as
though he should wear women’s clothing.”
Evolutionary Psychology
o “Dennis Rodman’s tall height and athleticism are traits that are naturally selected;
however, his outrageous appearance may be counteractive to passing on his own
genes. His ancestors were likely tall and athletic as well.”
Psychodynamic Psychology
o “Dennis Rodman was traumatized as a child when he was not permitted to have a
Halloween costume. He has repressed the memory but, as a result, dresses in
outlandish clothing to try to overcompensate for his loss as a child.”
Behavioral Psychology
o “Dennis Rodman’s father and grandfather also had many piercing, tattoos, and
frequently dyed their hair. Dennis observed this throughout his life and his now
modeling the same behavior.”
Cognitive Psychology
o “Dennis Rodman interprets his role in the NBA as needing attention for his team. As
a result, he thinks that by cross-dressing, dying his hair, and piercing/tattooing his
body, his team will get the positive attention it requires.”
Humanistic Psychology
o “Dennis Rodman chooses to be unique, and desires to attract attention and be
known for his uncommon physical appearance and behavior.”
Social-Cultural Psychology
o “Perhaps in sports culture, these behaviors occur often and are widely accepted;
thus, Dennis Rodman believes his behavior to be typical and not out of the
Part I.: Background Information
Which celebrity did you choose and why? Provide a list of his/her behavior that you consider
Part II.: 7 Contemporary Approaches to Psychology
Biological Psychology:
Evolutionary Psychology:
Psychodynamic Psychology:
Behavioral Psychology:
Cognitive Psychology:
Humanistic Psychology:
Social-Cultural Psychology: