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1. What is mitosis? Cell Division
2. Define mitochondria - Rod shaped cell structures that produce most of the energy needed to carry our the cell’s
3. Define Nucleus – The control center of a cell that directs the cell’s activities; contains the chemical instructions
tat direct all the cell’s activities and determine the cell’s characteristics.
4. Define chloroplast - A structure in the cells of plants and some other organisms that captures energy from
sunlight and uses it to produce food.
5. Define cell membrane – The outside boundary of a cell; controls which substances can enter or leave the cell.
6. Define cytoplasm – The region of a cell located inside the cell membrane (prokaryotes) or between the cell
membrane and the nucleus (eukaryotes); contains a gel-like material and cell organelles.
7. Organize the following from smallest to largest: organ system, organism, organ, cell, tissue
Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
8. What is commensalism? Relationship in which one species benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped
9. What is mutualism? Type of symbiosis in which both partners benefit
10. What is parasitism? Relationship in which one organism lives on or inside another and harms it.
11. What is predation? An interaction in which one organism hunts and kills another animal for food.
12. Give an example of commensalism. A bird and a tree. The bird has a place to build its nest and live, but the
tree is not harmed nor helped by this arrangement.
13. Give an example of mutualism. Pollination is a classic example of mutualism. Birds or insects get food and
flowers get pollinated, which is key to their reproduction.
14. What is the purpose of mitosis? Mitosis ensures that each new cell receives a copy of each chromosome.
15. What are the phases of mitosis? Give a short explanation of each. Prophase – chromosomes condense,
metaphase – chromosomes align in the middle, anaphase – Chromosomes move to opposite ends, telophase –
chromosomes unwind & nuclear envelope reforms
16. What is diffusion? Give an example. This is the movement from areas of high concentration to areas of low
concentration. Ex. Air freshener
17. What is osmosis? Give an example. The diffusion of water through cell membranes. Ex. Water moving out of
an egg after it is put in corn syrup
18. What is active transport? A process of transporting particles that requires the cell to use energy.
19. What is passive transport? The movement of particles across a cell membrane without the use of energy.
20. What are two types of passive transport? Diffusion and osmosis
21. What is endocytosis? Active transport process by which a cell surrounds a large particle such as a large protein
and encloses the particle in a vesicle to bring the particle into the cell.
22. What is exocytosis? A vesicle forms around a large particles within the cell. The vesicle carries the particle to
the cell membrane. The vesicle fuses with the cell membrane and releases the particle to the outside.
23. How do cells take in nutrients for growth and development? Through active and passive transport, including
osmosis, diffusion, endocyctosis and exocytosis.
24. What is photosynthesis? Written explanation and equation. Photosynthesis makes glucose and oxygen from
carbon dioxide and water, which plant and animal cells use to make ATP. CO2 + H2O  C6H12O6 + O2
25. What is respiration? Written explanation and equation. Cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide and water
from glucose and oxygen. C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O
26. What is Homeostasis? Why is it important? The maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing
environment. Many chemical reactions keep an organism alive. These reactions can take place only when
conditions are exactly right, so an organism must maintain stable internal conditions to survive.
27. Where does most energy in a food web come from? The sun
28. Label the following energy pyramid.
Bottom level: Producers
Middle level: 1st level consumers/herbivores
Top level: 2nd level consumers/carnivores or omnivores
29. How much energy moves up to the next trophic level in an energy pyramid? 10%
30. Describe the tundra biome. Extremely cold and dry
31. Describe the tropical rain forest biome. Found near equator, warm, rainy
32. Describe the savannah biome. Moderate temperatures, rain enough for grass, small shrubs, and limited trees
33. Describe the temperate forest biome. (deciduous forest) Seasonal temp. variations, variety of plants and trees
supported by amply rain fall.
34. Describe the desert biome. Hot days, cold nights, very little rain
35. Describe the tiaga biome. (Boreal or coniferous) Cold climate, dominated by conifer trees (needle like leaves)
36. Describe the mountain biome. Temp. drop as you go up a mountain allowing the mountain to support a variety
of plants and animals.
37. Describe the freshwater biome. Ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. Sunlight is very important. Algae is the
major producer.
38. Describe the estuary biome. Shallow, sunlight water, plus a large supply of nutrients carried in by a river.
Found where a river meets the ocean. Water is a mix of salt and fresh.
39. Describe the marine biome. Oceans and seas. Many different habitats. Habitats depend on the amount of
40. What must cells do in order to grow and divide? Take in nutrients
41. Who are the top level consumers in this food web?
Owl, fox, and hawk
42. Which organisms might suffer if the chipmunk was
wiped out?
Fox, owl, and hawk may have limited food supply
43. Which organisms are the producers in this food
Tree and grass
44. All the owls in this ecosystem were killed by
poachers. Pick out three organisms and explain how
they would be affected.
The hawk and fox would have less competition for
food, and their populations may rise.
The bird, chipmunk, and rabbit would have one less
predator and their populations may also rise