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Exam I Mock Exam
1. If I were to observe all different species of animals within a specific designated area, which would I be
a. ecosystem
b. population
c. community
d. organism
e. none of the above
2. Which of these statements is not part of the cell theory?
a. all organisms consist of two or more cells.
b. all cells arise from pre-existing cells
c. the cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms
d. all organisms consist of one or more cells
e. A and B
3. Which of these structures are not found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
a. ribosomes
b. plasma membrane
c. organelles
d. DNA
e. nuclear membrane
4. Which of these bonds are the strongest?
a. covalent bond
b. ionic bond
c. Hydrogen bond
d. Van Der Waals
e. A and C
5. Which of these bonds are the weakest?
a. covalent
b. ionic bond
c. Hydrogen bond
d. Van Der Waals
e. A and C
6. An element has 8 protons, 9 neutrons, and 8 electrons. Its atomic number and atomic mass
respectively are _________.
a. 9 and 17
b. 9 and 16
c. 8 and 17
d. 16 and 8
e. 8 and 16
7. Which of the qualities of water explains how water can “travel” up soil to a plant?
a. Cohesion
b. Adhesion
c. high specific heat
d. high heat of vaporization
e. A and B
8. (True/ False) An electron can move from one shell to another only if the energy it gains or loses is
exactly equal to the difference in energy between the energy levels of the two shells.
9. (True/False) Water is a non-polar molecule that is soluble with polar molecules.
10. There are 88 grams of CO2, how many moles are there?
a. 44 moles
b. 22 moles
c. 11 moles
d. 2 moles
e. 1.5 moles
11. When the pH of a solution shifts from 9 to 4, how has the hydrogen ion concentration changed?
a. It has increased by 4 times
b. It has increased by 100,000 times
c. It has increased by infinity
d. It has decreased by 4 times
e. It has decreased by 10,000
12. What kind of bonding within water molecules allows water to expand as it freezes?
a. covalent
b. ionic
c. Hydrogen bonding
d. Van Der Waals
e. None of the above
13. How many bonds does carbon form ?
a. 6
b. 4
c. 5
d. 2.
e. 3
14. What functional group is in this diagram? Which specific type of this functional group is it?
a. Hydroxyl; ketone
b. Hydroxyl; aldehyde
c. Carbonyl; ketone
d. Carbonyl; aldehyde
e. Carboxyl
15. What functional groups are included in this structure below?
a. Carbonyl
b. Hydroxyl
c. Carboxyl
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
16. Which of the following is not one of the many functions performed by proteins?
a. signals and receptors
b. enzymatic catalyst for metabolic reactions
c. protection against disease
d. contractile components of muscles
e. transport of proteins by chaperonins
17. Polymerization is a process that
a. creates bonds between amino acids in the formation of a peptide chain
b. often involves the removal of a water molecule
c. links the sugar of one nucleotide with the phosphate of the next
d. requires a condensation or dehydration reaction
e. may involve all of the above
18. Alpha helices and beta sheets are a part of which structure of proteins?
a. primary, 1°
b. secondary, 2°
c. tertiary, 3°
d. quaternary, 4°
e. A and B
19. Which is not a component of one of the three types of lipids?
a. Glycerol
b. Fatty acid
c. four-fused carbon rings
d. Ester linkages
e. Peptide bonds
20. The monomers of nucleic acid are made of _________.
a. A nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a pentose sugar
b. A nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a pentose sugar
c. A serious of nitrogenous bases, a nucleic acid backbone, and a hexose sugar
d. A nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a phosphate group
e. A nitrogenous base, a fatty acid, and an amino acid
21. Which of the following nucleotides are not pyrimidines?
a. adenine
b. thymine
c. uracil
d. cytosine
e. A and C
22. Which of the following bonds are involved in the tertiary structure of a protein?
a. disulfide bridges
b. Van Der Waals
c. Hydrogen bonds
d. ionic bonds
e. all of the above
23. Which way are nucleotides added to a nucleic acid and which way are amino acids added onto
a. 5’ to 3’; amino-terminus to carboxy-terminus
b. 3’ to 5’; amino-terminus to carboxy-terminus
c. 5’ to 3’; carboxy-terminus to amino-terminus
d. 5’ to 2’; carboxy-terminus to amino-terminus
e. 2’ to 5’; amino-terminus to carboxy terminus
24. Prokaryotes have what type of DNA:
a. linear and multiple chromosomes
b. circular and one chromosome
c. circular and multiple chromosomes
d. circular and linear; multiple
25. Where is the intermembrane space located?
a. Between the outer and inner membrane of the mitochondria
b. between the outer and inner membrane of the chloroplast
c. between the outer and inner membrane of the cell
d. between the outer and inner membrane of the ER
e. A and B
26. Which of these is the equivalent of the matrix in the mitochondria, but in the chloroplast?
a. granum
b. stroma
c. thylakoid
d. cristae
e. tonoplast
27. Where are ribosomes not located?
a. Cytoplasm, “free-floating”
b. Smooth ER
c. Rough ER
d. mitochondria
e. chloroplast
28. What is the nuclear lamina?
a. the nucleolus’ membrane
b. the membrane of the nucleus
c. mesh-like, skeleton of the nucleus that gives it structure
d. the nuclear pores that allow things in and out
e. C and D
29. What are cisternae?
a. Flattened membrane sacs of the ER
b. Part of the ribosomes where proteins are made
c. membrane of vacuoles
d. system of membranes within the chloroplast
e. the infoldings of the mitochondria.
30. Which structure does not have a double membrane?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. the cell membrane
d. chloroplast
e. lysosome
31. Which is contiguous with the nuclear membrane?
a. the smooth ER
b. the rough ER
c. the Golgi membrane
d. Cisternae
e. Cristae
32. Which of the following is probably one of the most common routes between the ER and Golgi?
a. rough ER to the Golgi to lysosomes to nuclear membrane to plasma membrane
b. rough ER to transport vesicles to Golgi to vesicles to plasma membrane
c. nuclear envelope to rough ER to Golgi to smooth ER to lysosomes
d. rough ER to vesicles to Golgi to smooth ER to the plasma membrane
e. smooth ER to vesicles to Golgi to vesicles to peroxisomes
33. Which of the following is the simplest collection of matter that can live?
a. Cell
b. Tissue
c. Organic molecules
e. None of the above
34. Which organelles contain DNA?
a. Nucleus
b. Golgi Apparatus
c. Chloroplast
d. Mitochondria
e. A, C, and D
35. Which of the following has an arrangement of 9 triplets of microtubules?
a. flagella
b. cilia
c. the basal body of cilia and flagella
d. centrioles
e. C and D
36. (True/ False) Hydrophobic (lipid soluble) substances pass slowly through the cellular membrane
because of the hydrophilic heads of the phospholipids’ bilayer.
37. (True/ False) Facilitated diffusion means passive transport aided by proteins and energy (more
specifically referred to as ATP).
38. (True/ False) No polar molecules can pass through the membrane because of the phospholipid
bilayer’s hydrophobic regions.
39. Which is not a characteristic of carrier proteins?
a. They are a type of transmembrane, transport proteins.
b. Have hydrophilic pathway for polar substances.
c. Physically move things from one side to the other
d. Include aquaporins.
e. B and D
40. What characterizes an isotonic plant cell?
a. flaccid
b. turgid
c. Within hypotonic solution
d. Plasmolyzed
e. A and C