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Midterm Review: Study Guide # 4
TOPICS: Mendelian Genetics, Complex Inheritance, & DNA Technology
Please read before studying:
1. First, take time to review your Study Guides #1, 2, & 3 before beginning Study Guide #4.
1. After you are done, locate your guided notes and any other associated sheets for ALL the topics
listed above.
2. Next, scan the objectives for the topic you are about to study in order to get a sense of what
you should be focusing your time and energy on.
3. Start mastering each objective by answering the associated review questions right on this sheet.
4. After you have finished, use this sheet as a study tool to quiz yourself. Quiz yourself by trying to
answer all the questions aloud. This will probably take you a few times to feel comfortable. You are
finished studying when and only when you can answer 100% of the objectives correctly without
having to look back at your notes for help.
Topic # 9 – Mendelian Genetics
 I am able to describe Gregor Mendel’s Experiments:
 What was Mendel’s P generation? Purebred tall (TT) x Purebred short (tt)
 What was Mendel’s F1 generation? All Tt (Tall)
What was Mendel’s F2 generation? 3 Tall : 1 Short
 I am able to define the following terms
 Gene – piece of a chromosome that controls a trait
 Allele – different forms of a gene
 Dominant – a trait that always shows up when it is present
 Recessive – a trait that is hidden by a dominant one
 Homozygous – two of the same alleles
 Heterozygous – two different alleles
 Genotype – the combination of alleles (letters)
 Phenotype – what an organism looks like
 Purebred – an organism that is pure for a trait; homozygous
 Hybrid - an organism with 2 different alleles; heterozygous
 I am able to solve simple genetic problems:
 Dimples (D) is dominant over no dimples. A mom is heterozygous for dimples and a dad is
homozygous recessive.
 Write a genotype ratio with labels.
0 DD: 2 Dd: 2 dd
2 Dimples : 2 No dimples
Write a phenotypic ratio with labels.
What is the chance of having a child with no dimples? 50%
 Green peas (G) is dominant over yellow. There is a 25% chance that the offspring of two
plants will have yellow peas.
 What are the genotypes of the parents?
Gg x Gg
Topic # 10 – Complex Inheritance
 I am able to define the following terms and provide examples:
 Polygenic Inheritance - many genes control a trait (height, skin color, etc.)
 Multiple Alleles - 3 or more alleles in the population (blood type)
 Sex – linked traits – traits carried on x chromosome
 Universal Donor – O blood
 Universal Receiver - AB blood
 I am able to solve genetic problems involving blood type:
 A mom and dad do not know their blood type. However, there is a 50% chance the child will
be heterozygous for type A blood and a 50% chance the child will be heterozygous for
type B blood. What are the genotypes of the parents? IAIB x ii
 I am able to solve genetic problems involving sex linked traits:
 Hemophilia is a recessive, sex-linked trait (h). Two parents have a hemophiliac daughter.
What are the genotypes of the parents?
XHXh and XhY
 Colorblindness is a recessive, sex-linked trait (c). Both parents have normal vision.
However, the couple has a chance of having a son who is colorblind. What are the
genotypes of the parents? XCXc and XCY
 I am able to list the characteristics of the following genetic disorders:
 Cystic fibrosis – fluid build up in the lungs; 2 recessive genes
 Tay Sachs – fat build up in the brain; 2 recessive genes
 Sickle Cell – RBC can’t carry oxygen properly; seen partially when heterozygous
 Hemophilia - individuals can’t stop bleeding; sex linked trait
Topic # 11 – DNA technology
 I am able to describe the technique called “DNA fingerprinting”:
 What is DNA fingerprinting? Technique using fragments of DNA which produce a
unique pattern that can, among other things, be helpful in solving crimes
 How is it helpful in solving crimes? Match a suspect’s DNA pattern to the person
who committed the crime
 I am able to describe the technique called “Genetic Engineering” (especially for bacteria):
 Label the following structures in the diagram using the letters given below.
A. Original bacteria cell
B. Plasmid
C. Human DNA
D. Plasmid with human DNA
E. Reproduced Bacteria Cell
How is cloning different from genetic engineering?
Cloning = 2 identical organisms for every single trait
Genetic Engineering = changes only one or two specific traits
Topic # 12 – Evolution
 I am able to describe Darwin’s observation and relate them to the theory of evolution:
 Why did the different finches on the Galapagos islands have different beak shapes?
Different beak shapes were ADAPTED to different food sources.
 I am able to describe how a population of organisms changes over time by using the theory of natural
 Suppose there was NO rainfall on the islands. This makes the seeds on the island dry and
tough. What kinds of finches would do best in this environment? Finches with big, short
beaks for cracking nuts
The islands continued with a drought for many years. What would happen to the
population of finches over time?
There is VARIATION in beak shape (some are small, some are short)
The finches with the short beaks are best ADAPTED to cracking the seeds.
The short beaked finches SURVIVE.
The short beaked finches REPRODUCE passing on the gene for short beaks.
Over time, the population of finches EVOLVES to have short beaks.