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Cellular Transport Web Activity
This Web Activity will take you through several web sites that contain animations and activities
that will help you review the material on Cellular Transport. To begin your journey, visit our
school’s media center web site at Then hold your cursor over
the Technology tab and click on Teacher WebQuests and Pathfinders. Scroll
down (ABC order) to find “Cellular Transport.” Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
Site A: Once you get there click on diffusion/osmosis
1. Molecules always like to move from regions of ____________concentration
to regions of _______________concentration.
2. Read the “Overview” of a cell membrane. Click on “Continue” to observe the
animation. Draw a cell membrane and label all the parts as you step through
the animation.
3. Click “Continue” again to observe “Osmosis and Diffusion.” Why does the
balloon on the left get larger?
4. Click “continue to observe “Pasive Transport.” NOTE: Osmosis and diffusion
are forms of passive transport. This animation describes a special case of
passive transport called facilitated diffusion. Larger molecules such as
glucose can then enter the cell by means of a special pathway. Sketch how
glucose molecules can pass through a cell membrane.
5. Click “Continue” to observe “Active Transport.” What form of chemical
energy is required for active transport to take place?
6. In Active Transport, what ion is moved into the cell? Out of the cell?
Site B: Once you are there, click on the Main Menu at the bottom. Then click on
Passive Transport. Answer the questions that follow each section (keep pressing next).
Don’t skip ahead. If you miss something you can always click the back button.
7. Give one example of Passive Transport
8. After watching the tour of the cell membrane, answer the following question.
Why is the cell membrane fluid (in constant motion)?
9. Once you have finished the tour of the cell membrane, move on to Simple
Diffusion. Simple Diffusion occurs along a __________ ___________.
10. Once you have finished Simple Diffusion, move onto Facilitated Diffusion.
During Facilitated Diffusion, the carrier protein undergoes a ___________
______________ so that the molecule can pass through
Once you have finished with Osmosis, move on to Active Transport. Cells
must expend _______ to transport materials against their concentration
11. When you have completed Active Transport, click on Endocytosis.
Phagocytosis is also known as ______________ _______________.
Site C:
12. Explain filtration in your own words and give an example of your own.
13. What are carrier proteins and why are they needed in facilitated diffusion?
Site D:
14. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?
15. Watch the entire animation and explain what is going on in both endocytosis
and exocytosis in your own words.