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Name Melissa Scott
Class Living Environment
Date 7/10/08
Teacher Ms. Scott
Standards Tested
Question #
2, 12
3, 7, 11
4, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23
5, 15
6, 21, 22
10, 13,14
Percentage Mastery
Standards Mastery
You are to answer all questions in all parts of this examination. Write your answers to
the Part A and Part B multiple-choice questions directly on the test
All answers should be written in pen, except for graphs and drawings which should be
done in pencil.
When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed on
your separate answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the
questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor
received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your
answer sheet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration.
Organization and Patterns
Ms. Scott
1. Which statement regarding the functioning of the cell membrane of all organisms is not correct?
1. The cell membrane forms a boundary
3. The cell membrane forms a barrier that
that separates the cellular contents from the keeps all substances that might harm the
outside environment.
cell from entering the cell.
2. The cell membrane is capable of
4. The cell membrane controls the
receiving and recognizing chemical signals. movement of molecules into and out of the
2. In multicellular organisms, cells must be able to communicate with each other. Structures that
enable most cells to communicate with each other are known as
1. pathogenic agents
3. antibiotics
2. chloroplasts
4. receptor molecules
3. Which phrase best describes cellular respiration, a process that occurs continuously in the cells
of organisms?
1. removal of oxygen from the cells of an
3. transport of materials within cells and
throughout the bodies of multicellular
2. conversion of light energy into the
4. changing of stored chemical energy in
chemical bond energy of organic molecules food molecules to a form usable by
4. In a cell, all organelles work together to carry out
1. diffusion
3. information storage
2. active transport
4. metabolic processes
5. What happens to certain nutrient molecules after they pass into muscle cells?
1. They are replicated in the nucleus.
3. They are changed into tissues and organs
in the cytoplasm.
2. They are acted on by enzymes and
release the energy they contain.
4. They enter chloroplasts, where they can
absorb light energy.
6. A pattern of reproduction and growth in a onecelled organism is shown in the accompanying
Which statement best describes this pattern of reproduction?
1. All genetic material comes from one
3. The size of the parent determines the
amount of genetic material.
2. Only some of the genetic material comes 4. The size of the parent determines the
from one parent.
source of the genetic material.
7. The arrows in the accompanying diagram indicate the movement of materials into and out of a
single-celled organism.
The movements indicated by all the arrows are directly involved in
1. the maintenance of homeostasis
3. excretion, only
2. respiration, only
4. the digestion of proteins
8. Molecule X moves across a cell membrane by diffusion. Which row in the accompanying chart
best indicates the relationship between the relative concentrations of molecule X and the use of
ATP for diffusion?
9. Base your answer on the accompanying diagram, which represents a sequence of events in a
biological process that occurs within human cells and on your knowledge of biology.
Molecule A contains the
1. starch necessary for ribosome synthesis
in the cytoplasm
3. proteins that form the ribosome in the
2. organic substance that is broken down
into molecules B, C, and D
4. directions for the synthesis of molecules
B, C, and D
10. An organelle that releases energy for metabolic activity in a nerve cell is the
1. chloroplast
3. mitochondrion
2. ribosome
4. vacuole
11. Which statement best describes cellular respiration?
1. It occurs in animal cells but not in plant
3. It uses carbon dioxide and produces
2. It converts energy in food into a more
usable form.
4. It stores energy in food molecules.
12. Which substances are found on cell surfaces and respond to nerve and hormone signals?
1. starches and simple sugars
3. vitamins and minerals
2. subunits of DNA
4. receptor molecules
13. Base your answer on the accompanying diagram of a cell associated with coordination and on
your knowledge of biology.
Structure X would be involved in the
1. storage of digestive enzymes
3. development of pathogens
2. absorption of energy from the Sun
4. synthesis of proteins
14. Base your answer on the accompanying diagram of a cell associated with coordination and on
your knowledge of biology.
Which statement best describes a function of the entire structure shown in the diagram?
1. It unites with an egg cell during
3. It releases chemicals involved in cellular
2. It synthesizes a hormone involved in the 4. It controls the replication of genetic
control of blood sugar level.
15. The accompanying diagram represents a plant cell in tap water as seen with a compound light
Which diagram best represents the appearance of the cell after it has been placed in a 15% salt
solution for two minutes?
16. While viewing a slide of rapidly moving sperm cells, a student concludes that these cells
require a large amount of energy to maintain their activity. The organelles that most directly
provide this energy are known as
1. vacuoles
3. chloroplasts
2. ribosomes
4. mitochondria
17. The accompanying diagram represents two molecules that can interact with each other to cause
a biochemical process to occur in a cell. Molecules A and B most likely represent
1. a protein and a chromosome
3. a carbohydrate and an amino acid
2. a receptor and a hormone
4. an antibody and a hormone
18. Base your answer on the accompanying diagrams and on your knowledge of biology. The
diagrams represent two different cells and some of their parts. The diagrams are not drawn to scale.
Which statement best describes these cells?
1. Cell B lacks vacuoles while cell A has
3. Both cell A and cell B use energy
released from ATP.
2. DNA would not be found in either cell A 4. Both cell A and cell B produce
or cell B.
19. In what way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar?
1. They both occur in chloroplasts.
3. They both involve organic and inorganic
2. They both require sunlight.
4. They both require oxygen and produce
carbon dioxide.
20. In a cell, information that controls the production of proteins must pass from the nucleus to the
1. cell membrane
3. mitochondria
2. chloroplasts
4. ribosomes
21. The accompanying diagram illustrates the process of cell division.
What is the significance of anaphase in this process?
1. Anaphase usually ensures that each
daughter cell has the same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell.
3. In anaphase, the cell splits in half.
2. Anaphase usually ensures that each
daughter cell has twice as many
chromosomes as the parent cell.
4. In anaphase, the DNA is being
22. Base your answer on the information below and your knowledge of biology.
Stem Cells
If skin is cut, the wound closes within days. If a leg is broken, the fracture will usually mend if the
bone is set correctly. Almost all human tissue can repair itself to some extent. Much of this repair is
due to the activity of stem cells. These cells resemble those of a developing embryo in their ability
to reproduce repeatedly, forming exact copies of themselves. They may also form many other
different kinds of cells. Stem cells in bone marrow offer a dramatic example. They can give rise to
all of the structures in the blood: red blood cells, platelets, and various types of white blood cells.
Other stem cells may produce the various components of the skin, liver, or intestinal lining.
The brain of an adult human can sometimes compensate for damage by making new connections
among surviving nerve cells (neurons). For many years, most biologists believe that the brain could
not repair itself because it lacked stem cells that would produce new neurons.
A recent discovery, however, indicates that a mature human brain does produce neurons routinely
at one site, the hippocampus, an area important to memory and learning. This discovery raises the
prospect that stem cells that make new neurons in one part of the brain might be found in other
areas. If investigators can learn how to cause existing stem cells to produce useful members of
functional nerve cells, it might be possible to correct a number of disorders involving damage to
neurons such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, and brain injuries.
What is the process by which stem cells produce exact copies of themselves?
1. cell division by mitosis
3. sexual reproduction
2. cell division by meiosis
4. glucose synthesis
23. Which letter indicates a cell structure that directly controls the movement of molecules into and
out of the cell?
1. A
3. C
2. B
4. D