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UNIT 1: Cell Biology
Chemical Foundations of Life
ALL matter is composed of atoms and molecules.
 Compounds are made up of different elements combined chemically
 There are four large groups of compounds needed for life:
o ______________________________
o ______________________________
o ______________________________
o ______________________________
 Living things depend on chemical reactions for survival
 Biochemistry is _______________________________________
Organic compounds are those that contain both ________________
and____________________. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids
are ALL considered to be organic compounds. Because these compounds are
very _____________ organic compounds they are often called
Each of these macromolecules are required in ___________________
____________________ in our diets since they function as the
________________________________________________________ of cells
and in most cases serve as _____________ for cellular respiration. They are
therefore considered to be __________________ ________________________.
Macromolecules: Carbohydrates
 Are organic compounds that are made up of C:H:O in a 1:2:1 ratio (CH2O)
 Are soluble in water
Functions of carbohydrates:
 _____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________
Structure of carbohydrates:
There are two main categories:
1. Sugars (________________________ and ___________________________)
2. Complex carbohydrates (____________________________)
 Sugars are ___________________________ (they dissolve in water)
 Sugars have names that end in “ose” (______________, ______________)
 There are ________ types of sugars:
o 1. Monosaccharides:
 are simple sugars (one ring)
o 2. Disaccharide:
 are the product of two simple sugars joined together (two rings)
 example: sucrose (glucose + fructose)
 many simple sugars joined together
 examples:
o starch (energy storage in plants -- wheat and potatoes)
o glycogen (energy storage in animals – liver, muscle)
o cellulose (found in cotton and plant cell walls)
o chitin (forms the hard shell of insects, also in contacts and stitches)
Macromolecules: Lipids
 Also made up of ____________________, ___________________, and
_______________________(but have more hydrogen than carbohydrates)
 Do ________ dissolve in water
Functions of lipids:
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
Structure of lipids:
 All lipids are composed of a glycerol molecule and one or more fatty acids:
Fatty Acid
 There are ___________ categories of lipids:
o ____________,____________________,___________________ and
1. Fats (triglyceride)
 all fats have the same basic structure (_______________ + ____________
 ___________________ fats
o A triglyceride containing fatty acids with __________________
o Obtained from ______________ products like lard and butter (can
clog arteries)
 ___________________ fats
o A triglyceride containing fatty acids with _______________________
o Obtained from ______________ such as sunflower or olive oils
2. Phospholipids
 have glycerol + two fatty acids + phosphate group.
 Phosphate group is the polar head (attracted to water) and two fatty acids
are the non-polar tails (not attracted to water)
 key element composing cell membranes
3. Steroids
 are lipid molecules that contain __________________________________
 cholesterol is a steroid and found in cell membranes
 other examples include ___________________,_____________________,
4. Waxes
 contain long fatty acids linked to alcohols or carbon rings
 function as a _____________________________________for many
plants and some animals (keeps feathers dry!)
Macromolecules: Proteins
Proteins make up about ____________ of the mass of the average
 Are a group of organic macromolecules that are made of _____
 A polypeptide is ___________________________________ linked
through peptide bonds
 Peptide bonds are chemical linkages between two amino acids
Functions of proteins:
1. Structural:
o Supporting structure (eg. Cell membranes)
o Examples:
 ___________ – walls of arteries, ligaments
 ___________ – hair, nails
 ___________ – muscle, bones
2. Regulatory:
o Examples:
 _______________ – facilitate chemical reactions
 Transport proteins across membranes
 Immune defense (_____________________)
3. ________________________________ for the cell after
carbohydrates and lipids (eg. Humans – body uses carbs first, fats
second, and proteins/muscles last)
Structure of proteins:
 made up of amino acids:
 there are __________different amino acids depending on what “R”
group is attached
 8 of these amino acids are essential (________________________
 12 are non-essential (our body makes them)
 to make a protein the _______________________________ to
make a ___________________ and then fold or join other peptides