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IB Biology
Topic 2 Revision
Standard level
2.1 Cell Theory
2.2 Prokaryotic cells
2.3Eukaryotic cells
2.4 Membranes
2.5Cell division
Part 1: Multiple Choice
1. The cell theory states that
a. all cells are living,
b. all cells contain a nucleus,
c. the cell is the basic unit of structure of living
d. all cells respire.
2. The 'cell' drawn below has been magnified 500x. What is its actual diameter?
a. 100µm,
b. 50µm,
c. 25µm,
d. 500µm.
3. Resolving power means the smallest distance between two objects
a. so that the unaided eye sees two objects,
b. so that two objects are seen in the light microscope,
c. so that two objects are seen in the electron microscope,
d. so that two objects are seen.
4. A tissue can be defined as
a. a group of similar cells organised into a functional unit,
b. a group of cells undergoing meiosis,
c. groups of cells carrying out a range of functions,
d. undifferentiated cells.
5. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Animal cells are round whereas plant cells are square
b. Plant cell walls are enclosed in membrane.
c. Both plant and animal cells have ribosomes.
d. Animal cells contain more organelles than plant cells.
6. The data in the table below shows the normal concentration of two ions inside and outside the
nerve cell of a squid.
Potassium K`
Chloride CI-
Concentration / mmoles dm-3
This information shows that
a. potassium ions diffuse into nerve cells whereas chloride ions diffuse out,
b. osmosis creates diffusion gradients for these two ions,
c. potassium ions are moved out of the cell by active transport whereas chloride ions
are actively moved in.
d,. chloride ions are moved out of the cell by active transport whereas potassium
ions are actively moved in.
7. Which of the following events occurs during mitosis?
a. DNA replication,
a. Formation of the cell plate,
b. Splitting of the centromeres.
c. Formation of the cell wall.
8. Tumours can occur
a. in tissues of plants and animals,
b. in plant tissues only,
c. in animal tissues only,
d. in human tissues only.
9. During which phase of mitosis do the replicated DNA molecules get pulled apart?
a. Prophase.
b. Metaphase.
c. Anaphase.
d. Telophase.
10. During which phase of mitosis do the microtubules attach to the centromere?
a. Prophase.
b. Metaphase.
c. Anaphase.
11. The diagram below shows part of a cell membrane. Which molecule is an integral
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four.
12. A characteristic of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is
a. possession of a nucleus,
b. circular DNA molecules in the cytoplasm,
c. ribosomes in the cytoplasm,
d. presence of membranous cytoplasmic organelles.
13. The main molecules forming membranes are
phospholipids and proteins,
lipids and polysaccharides,
carbohydrates and lipids,
15. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Active transport uses energy from ATP to transfer molecules across a membrane
against a concentration gradient.
b. Diffusion is the movement of water from a concentrated solution to a
weak solution.
c. Osmosis requires energy from ATP.
d. Molecules can only diffuse across a membrane.
16. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. A phospholipid has hydrophobic regions at both ends of the molecule.
b. A membrane is made up of two layers of protein with a hydrophobic core,
c. Proteins embedded in a membrane can act as transport channels.
d. The presence of cholesterol in a membrane is harmful.
17. The scale bar shows a magnification of
18. Which of the following structures is the smallest?
a. cell,
b. nucleus,
c. mitochondrion,
d. virus.
19. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The light microscope has a greater resolving power than the electron microscope.
b. The electron microscope can be used to see coloured images.
c. The electron microscope can be used to observe living specimens.
d. The light microscope can be used to see coloured images.
20. An organelle
a. is a discrete structure within a cell,
h. carries out a range of functions in the body,
i. is surrounded by a double membrane,
j. contains light absorbing pigments.
21. A micrometre is
a. 10-6 of a metre,
b. 10-3 of a metre,
c. 10-4 of a millimetre,
d. twice the size of a nanometre.
22. A plant cell wall is made from
phospholipid bilayer,
23. In a prokaryotic cell
a. the ribosomes are found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum,
b. the ribosomes are smaller than in the eukaryotic cell,
c. the mitochondria carry out respiration,
d. the nucleus contains a single molecule of DNA.
24. In multicellular organisms cells differentiate because
a. some of their genes are expressed but not others,
b. some genes are lost from the nucleus,
c. not all genes are passed on when the cell reproduces,
the nucleus is lost.
25. During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear envelope break down?
a. Prophase.
b. Metaphase.
c. Anaphase.
d. Telophase.
Part 2: Short Answer
26. The diagrams show six stages of mitosis, labeled A to F, in a plant root tip, as seen
under high power of a light microscope.
a. Name the stages of mitosis shown in the diagrams (6)
b. Explain the importance of mitosis to living things (3)
27. Describe the changes that occur in a cell dividing by meiosis from the point at which the
sister chromatids first become visible under the light microscope. (6)
28. (a)
The following table lists some of the features of cells. Complete the table by ticking
in the appropriate column(s) if the feature listed is found in eukaryotes, prokaryotes
or both cells.
Usually less than 10 urn in size
Mitochondria present
Respiratory enzymes present
Ribosomes present
DNA usually a continuous loop
Presence of nuclear membrane
(b) Name one way in which the cell wall of most prokaryotic cells differs from that of a plant
(c) What class of chemical usually forms the outer coat of a virus particle?
29. The diagram shows part of a cell that secretes enzymes
(a) Give one piece of evidence, visible in the diagram, which shows that this cell is a
eukaryotic cell. (1 mark)
(b) Some cells similar to that of the diagram were grown in a culture. Radioactive amino acids
were added to the solution in which they were being grown. The radioactivity acts as a label
on the amino acid so that it can be detected wherever they are. This radioactive label allows
amino acids to be followed through the cell. At various times, samples of the cell were taken
and the amount of radioactivity in different organelles was measured. The results are shown
in the table.
Time after radioactive
amino acids were
added to the solution/
Amount of radioactivity present/arbitrary units
Golgi apparatus
Rough endoplasmic
(i) What happens to amino acids in the rough endoplasmic reticulum? (2 marks)
(ii) Use the information in the table to draw arrows on the diagram showing the path of
radioactivity through and out of the cell at X. (3 marks)
Name the process which is occurring at point X on the diagram. (1 mark)
30. Some cells were broken up and the organelles they contained were separated. The
drawing shows three types of organelle which were obtained.
The cells were all the same type. Which of the cells A to D listed below might
they have been? (1)
A bacterial cells
B red blood cells
C cells from a plant leaf
D epithelial cells from the lung
Give the function of:
(i) organelle Y
(ii) organelle Z.
Explain why an electron microscope would be required to see the detailed
structure of organelle Y.
31. The table shows the mean (average) mass of DNA in the nuclei of different cells in cattle.
Sperm cell
Red blood cell
Liver cell
Mean mass of DNA/
arbitrary units
(i) Explain the difference in DNA content between sperm and liver cells
_. (1 mark)
(ii) Would you expect a difference of DNA content between a human ovum (egg) and a human
sperm cell? Explain.
(2 marks)
32. The diagram below represents the fluid model of a cell membrane.
a) (i) State the name of the molecule labelled I. (1)
(ii) Label the diagram to show which part of molecule I is hydrophobic and which part is
hydrophilic. (1)
b) (i) Identify whether molecule II is an integral or a peripheral protein. (1)
(ii) Describe the part played by molecule III in active transport. (2)
33. a) Distinguish between mitosis and cytokinesis. (2)
b) State one difference between plant and animal cells in (2)
(i) mitosis
(ii) cytokinesis
Explain the reason for living cells needing to enter a period of interphase after mitosis,
before they can carry out mitosis again. (4)
34. A kidney consists of a large number of very small tubes called kidney tubules. Some of
the cells which line these tubules are able to absorb glucose (sugar molecules). The diagram
shows how these cells absorb (take in) glucose from the contents of the tubules and secrete it
into the blood.
(a) Glucose moves into the cell by facilitated diffusion. Osmosis also takes place across the
plasma membrane. (2 marks)
Give two differences between facilitated diffusion and osmosis.
(b) Explain the link between active transport and the presence of large numbers of the
organelles labelled A in this cell. (3 marks)
35. (a) (i) The diagrams show some of the stages of mitosis. Arrange the letters A- D to give the
correct sequence of stages.
(ii) Describe the role of spindle fibers in mitosis.
(2 marks)
36. The diagram shows a section through part of a cell as it would appear when seen with an
electron microscope.
This cell produces and secretes a protein. Describe the part played by organelles A,
B and C in producing and secreting this protein. (3 marks)
The diagram shows the outer layers of a cell from each of three different organisms.
One of the cells is a prokaryotic cell, one is an animal cell and one is a plant cell.
Which of the three cells, A, B or C, is the prokaryotic cell? Give a reason for your
answer. (2)
Complete the table which shows some of the similarities and differences between
the outer layers of these cells. Use a tick if the statement is true or a cross if it is not
One of the layers surrounding this
cell contains cellulose
One of the layers surrounding this
cell is partially permeable
(2 marks)
Cell A
Cell B Cell C
Part 3 Essay Answers
38. With the aid of an annotated diagram, draw a prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cell. (10)
39. Compare facilitated diffusion and active transport. (6)
40. State what is meant by the term osmosis.
Topic 1 Revision Answer Key
Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. A
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. A
21. A
22. D
23. B
Part 2
26. a.) A)Prophase
B) Early Anaphase
C) Late Anaphase
D) Telophase
E) Prophase
F) Metaphase
b.) repair, growth, reproduction
27. SKIP
28. a.)
Usually less than 10 urn in size
Mitochondria present
Respiratory enzymes present
Ribosomes present
DNA usually a continuous loop
Presence of nuclear membrane
b.) they are made from a different type of sugar.
c.) Protein
29. a.) Mitochondria, Rough ER, Nuclear membrane Golgi apparatus
b.)ii. Start at ribosome, move through vesicles out of membrane
30. a. C
b. i.Y-to make energy
ii. makes proteins
c. Light microscope does not have the resolution.
31. i. Sperm cells are haploid. They only have half of the DNA
ii. No. They are both haploid cells/one is a female gamete the other the male gamete
32. a.i. Phospholipid
ii. Head hydrophilic, Tail hydrophobic.
33. a. Mitosis is when the chromosome divide. Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm divides.
i. no centrioles
ii. Plants form a cell plant
c. Interphase is needed to make new proteins, make new organelles, replicate DNA and
to allow the cell to grow bigger,
34. a. 1. facilitated diffusion is simple diffusion with a integral protein.
2. Osmosis is the movement of water only
c. Mitochondria are needed to provide energy for active transport.
35. a.i. D A C B
b. Spindle fibers pull the chromosomes apart and move them to opposite poles.
36. A. Carries information on how to make the protein
B. Rough ER makes protein
C. Golgi apparatus prepares protein for export
37. A.
B. Cell A because it has three layers (slime layer, cell wall and cell membrane)
Cell A
One of the layers surrounding this
cell contains cellulose
One of the layers surrounding this X
cell is partially permeable
Part 3
38. See notes
39. At least one similarity and at least two differences for full credit.
- both transport substances
- both are processes that cells do
- A.T requires energy/passive transport does not
- Both use proteins to move across the membrane
- A.T goes against concentration gradient/ Passive transport goes with
- A,T uses protein pumps
40. -passive movement;
-movement of water / solvent;
-across a semipermeable / selectively permeable membrane;
-from lower to higher solute concentration / higher to lower water concentration; [4 max]