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Macromolecule Jeopardy
100- What are the 3 elements found in carbohydrates?
200- What are carbohydrates used for in living things?
Store and release energy for short term use
300- What is the proportion of CH and O atoms in carbs?
400- What are the three major groups of carbohydrates?
Mono, di and polysaccharides
500- What is the name of the polysaccharide that forms in the cells walls of plants?
100- What are the 3 elements found in lipids?
200- What are lipids used for in living things?
Long term energy storage, insulation and protection
300- What is the proportion of CH and O atoms in lipids?
400- Lipids are insoluble in water, what does this mean?
They do not dissolve in water because they are non-polar
500- What are the 4 components that make up a lipid?
3 fatty acids and a glycerol molecule
100- What are the 5 elements that make up proteins?
200- What are proteins used for in living things?
Used to form body tissues and hair
300- What are the building blocks that combine to make proteins?
Amino acids
400- How many amino acids are there?
500- What are the important proteins called that catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions in
living things?
Nucleic Acids
100- What are the 5 elements that make up nucleic acids?
200- What is an example of a nucleic acid?
300- What are nucleic acids used for in living things?
Storing genetic information\
400- What are the subunits that combine to form nucleic acids?
500- Nucleic acids contain the instructions on how to make which other type of
Grab Bag
100- What elements have to be in a molecule for it to be considered organic?
Carbon and hydrogen
200- Is a saturated fat solid or liquid at room temperature?
300- What are is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fat??
Saturated fats have all single bonds and unsaturated fats have double bonds on
their long chain fatty acids.
400- A reaction where molecules combine and water is given off as a byproduct is called
Condensation Reaction or dehydration synthesis
500- How is it possible that there are only 20 different amino acids and there are
thousands of different proteins?
The proteins form from different combinations of the amino acids and there are
thousands of possible different combinations.