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Proposal for permanent implementation of a recitation
CSS/Hort 431/531 for
Introductory Plant Genetics
CSS/Hort 430/530
Since 1986, I have taught Introductory Plant Genetics once per academic year.
In 1986, I was able to do a reasonable job of presenting the principles of plant genetics to
an undergraduate audience with little or no background in the subject. I was able to offer
sufficient additional material to justify offering the course for graduate credit, particularly
for students new to genetics or for foreign students in need of refreshing their genetics
knowledge in English.
The field of genetics has simply exploded with new knowledge and techniques. As a
consequence, every year since 1986 it has been increasingly difficult to convey the full
richness and complexity of the subject in 10 weeks. The essentials fit into the 10 week
quarter, but there is no opportunity for discussion, interaction, or exposure to the wealth
of genetics resources on the internet.
A recurring theme in the student evaluations is the need for time for additional questions,
discussion, and exposure. A laboratory is out of the question given the current state of
OSU finances. A recitation is feasible.
Accordingly, I received permission to offer a recitation as an “X” course for a defined
time frame. The recitation has received excellent evaluations, and it has also provided
students exposure to graduate students, staff, and facilities. The lifespan of the “X”
course has expired. I am requesting permission to make the recitation (1 credit) a formal
course offering. I propose to offer two sections of optional recitation. The recitation
would be offered for graduate credit and would be cross-listed between Crop and Soil
Science and Horticulture.
Syllabus and schedule with specific outcomes
CSS/HORT 430/530
Recitation Schedule
Computer teaching facility: Room 150 Crop Science Building
Wednesday 11:00 - 11:50
Thursday 1 - 1:50
Week 1: Gene and genome structure
Review DNA structure and transmission genetics principles
Introduce GenBank: DNA sequence and BLAST
Students will learn key genetics definitions as these relate to DNA structure and
function. They will understand the importance of DNA via use of the genetics
on-line data base GenBank. They will discuss the results of their GenBank
searches, having discovered the functional importance of genetic sequences.
They will differentiate between similar and dissimilar sequences via the use of
BLAST for sequence comparison. The exercises will reinforce the essential role
of DNA in transmitting information.
Week 2: DNA function/gene function
Review transcription and translation
GenBank: DNA, cDNA, EST and deduced amino acid sequences
Students will learn to differentiate and discriminate between DNA code, RNA
transcript, and protein primary structure. Through on-line activities the concepts
of transcription and translation will be reinforced. They will understand the
importance of DNA via use of GenBank. They will discuss, compare, and
contrast the results of their GenBank searches at the DNA, RNA, and protein
Week 3: Plant reproduction & transgenic crops
Review transformation processes: biolistics and Agrobacterium
Explore Colorado State University transgenic crops website
Students will learn to match the transformation process with the anticipated
outcomes. They will discover, through review of the Transgenic Crops Website,
the advantages and disadvantages of the different transformation procedures and
be able to distinguish between sexual and non-sexual reproductive systems. A
review of the implications of transgenic technology for the environment and
society will allow students to decide for themselves where they stand on issues of
transgene deployment and consumption.
Week 4: DNA replication, mitosis/meiosis
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tutorial demonstrating how PCR imitates
cellular DNA replication
Review for Exam 1
Students will identify the commonalities between PCR and the S phases of
mitosis and meiosis and differentiate between the outcomes of meiosis and
mitosis. They will design primers for DNA amplification and predict the
resulting amplicon sizes and consequent polymorphisms. They will discuss and
make sense of material presented to date in order to perform at their best on the
first exam.
Week 5: Mendelian inheritance
Review chi square calculations and Punnett squares using Oregon Wolfe
Barley (OWB) examples
Phenotypic and genotypic examples of Mendelian inheritance
Students will compute chi square tests and predict phenotypic and genotypic
ratios. They will use this information to test hypotheses regarding the number of
genes influencing phenotypes. They will categorize plants in the Oregon Wolfe
Barley Population by phenotype and genotype, test hypotheses, interpret the
results, and report on their findings. They will defend their hypotheses regarding
trait inheritance.
Week 6: Linkage and linkage maps
Demonstrate two-point linkage in OWB and whole-genome linkage map
This section in similar to the preceding in that students will engage in
computational exercises leading to data integration, summarization, interpretation
and reporting. Students will compute linkage using OWB data. They will use this
information to determine linkage relationships and to differentiate between
segregation and independent assortment. They will test hypotheses, interpret the
results, and report on their finding. They will defend their hypotheses regarding
linkage vs. independent assortment.
Week 7: Gene interactions
Demonstrate epistasis in the OWB population using the hooded phenotype
Review for Exam 2
Students will identify the hooded and short-awn phenotypes in the OWB
population, enumerate their results and discover how epistasis can complicate
interpretation of phenotypic data. They will discover how knowledge regarding
epistasis and the underlying genetics can reveal true linkage relationships. This
will allow them to reframe their perceptions of inheritance based on knowledge
of genetic mechanisms. They will discuss and make sense of material presented to
date in order to perform at their best on the first exam.
Week 8: Genetic & phenotypic variation
Review allopolyploids, autopolyploids, and haploids
Comparative analysis of flowering genes – from Arabidopsis to wheat
The outcomes of ploidy will be demonstrated using plant examples, allowing
students to generalize the phenomena and to understand the profound
implications for evolution and agriculture. By articulating the key difference in
between species in terms of genome architecture, the implications of ploidy level
and ploidy manipulations will be illustrated.
Week 9: Discussion of a current topic in Plant Genetics.
The topic will be selected by class-wide vote based on a list of current “hot
topics”, with an emphasis on comparing and contrasting plant and human
genetics: e.g. plant vs. animal cloning; tissue culture vs. stem cell research;
genetically modified plant foods vs. transgenic animals.
This recitation will lead to an integration and synthesis of all course material,
leading to full comprehension of the power of genetic analysis. By tracing the key
themes of the course, students will grasp the meaning and context of the course
material in the context of an immediately relevant issue. Students will have an
opportunity to express their opinions on key issues, based on their solid grounding
in the underlying science.
Week 10: Final wrap up and review
This final recitation will be an informal opportunity for reviewing questions from
old exams and discussion of topics that were not fully developed during the
course. Coffee and cookies will be served.
This recitation will lead optimum performance on the final exam and hopefully a
reduction in stress level as the students prepare for final exams.