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Biotechnology (chapter 6)
Recombinant DNA
– a fragment of DNA composed of sequences originating from at
least 2 different sources
– scientists use this DNA to mess with (manipulate) genes and
Restriction Endonucleases
 AKA restriction enzymes
 molecular scissors that can cut double stranded DNA at a
specific base pair sequence
 each type of restriction enzyme (RE) recognizes a
characteristic sequence of nucleotides know as the
recognition site
 this site is usually palindromic and is 4 to 8 nucleotides
 once bound, the RE cuts the DNA creating 2 DNA fragments
Blunt Ends
Sticky Ends
 RE’s were found in bacterial cells as part of their immune
 they recognize the foreign DNA of a virus and cut it up into
little pieces
DNA Ligase
 enzyme used to join the cut strands of DNA
 2 strands of DNA cleaved by the same RE will naturally
want to join but help is need to connect the sugarphosphate backbone
 molecular biologists use T4 DNA ligase which originated
from the T4 bacteriophage
Gel Electrophoresis
 the separation of DNA fragments through a gel meshwork
 solution containing different sized DNA fragments is mixed
with a dye and glycerol and is placed in wells in the gel
 an electric current is then run through the gel and the
fragments move towards the positive cathode
 the smaller the fragment, the further it will travel
 the fragment lines are then stained and compared to other
 small circular pieces of DNA that can enter and exit
bacterial cells
 plasmids often carry genes for resistance to toxins and
drugs and it is by passing these from bacteria to bacteria
that resistance can spread
 we put genes we want expressed into the plasmids and them
put them in bacterial cells
 insulin is made this way (human gene being expressed by
 is the introduction of DNA into a bacterial cell and having
that cell accept the new DNA
Genetic Engineering
 principals experimentally established in early 1970’s by
Stanly Cohen and Herbert Boyer
 experiments resulted in a method of selecting, recombining
and introducing new genes into bacteria using plasmid
Products of Genetic Engineering
 diabetes: more than 90% of diabetics rely on insulin
produced by bacteria
 AIDS: used to rebuild muscle lost to deterioration
 agriculture: crops are sprayed with bacteria that have been
engineered to disable them from forming an ice nucleating
 ice nucleation factor is a protein found on bacterial cell
walls that allows ice to seed and crystallize
 somatotropin is the human growth hormone
 we used to harvest this hormone from the pituitary gland of
cadavers -expensive
 somatropin in an engineered gene that is produced in
 this drug is identical to natural human growth hormone and
is used to treat growth disorders
 abused by athletes as it helps build muscle mass
 some US states allow the injection of bovine somatotropin to
help boost milk production – illegal in Canada
Advanced Molecular Biological Techniques
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
 proposed by Kary Mullis in 1987, Nobel Prize in 1992
 the PCR cycle allows for the rapid coping of DNA
 a sample of DNA is place in a solution containing
nucleotides and enzymes
 this broth is heated to 94oC – 96oC which causes the DNA
strands to separate, the temperature is then reduced
 using a polymerase enzyme from the bacterium Thermus
aqauticus, found in hot springs, each strand is then paired
with complementary nucleotides resulting in 2 complete
strands of DNA
 repeat
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
 polymorphism is any difference in a DNA sequence that
can be detected between individuals
 so in humans, we have the same genes but different alleles
 but for forensics, scientists actually look at the non-coding
regions of DNA which contain variations in the number of
tandem repeats
 by running a DNA analysis in a process similar to gel
electrophoresis, scientists can look at 13 or so different noncoding regions
 this is called Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
 then we catch the bad guy
DNA Sequencing
 determining the exact sequencing of base pairs for a certain
gene in order to analyze gene structure and its relation to
gene expression and protein formation
 Human Genome Project – used the Sanger dideoxy method
which sort-of counts the A T G’s and C’s
 Venter created the “whole-genome shotgun cloning method”
which was faster (computers and such to aid in the results)
which is why he is credited with deciphering the genome on
April 6th, 2000
Medical Applications
 Genetic Screening – process by which an individual’s DNA is
scanned for genetic mutations
 Gene Therapy – the alteration of a genetic sequence in an
organism to prevent or treat a genetic disorder (not really
used yet)
Agricultural Applications
 make transgenic plants which are organisms that have
foreign DNA
 why? increased yield, frost resistance, insect resistance etc
 fallout is on insects and animals that eat these plants…
 RFLP and PCR are used to create DNA fingerprints
 1987 – 1st court case (Britain) to use DNA fingerprinting
 it is now illegal in Canada to refuse to give a DNA sample if
the fuzz asks for one
The Future