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SNC2D – Earth and Space Science: Climate Change
Key Concepts and Vocabulary
Worksheets, materials
What’s the difference between weather
and climate? Main factors affecting
weather and climate
Handout: Weather and
Main Components
Affecting Earth’s
Energy balance, effect of earth’s tilt,
rotation and revolution around the sun
on climate
Handout: Main Components
Affecting Earth’s Climate
Earth’s Energy
Energy transfer: radiation, conduction,
convection; electromagnetic spectrum,
albedo, heat sink, infrared radiation
Handout: Earth’s Energy
The Atmosphere and
Layers of the atmosphere, ozone,
importance of atmosphere to life on
earth, composition of atmosphere,
atmospheric circulation, ppm (parts per
million), water cycle
Handout: The Atmosphere
Handout: The Hydrosphere
The Greenhouse
Natural and anthropogenic greenhouse
effect, seasonal variations in Keeling
Curve, ice core records of carbon
dioxide levels, greenhouse effect on
other planets (Venus and Mars), major
greenhouse gases (GHGs) – sources,
heat trapping abilities, permanence in
Handout: The Greenhouse
Effect (Natural and
Long-term and Shortterm Climate
Plate tectonics, continental drift,
Pangaea, ice ages, interglacial periods,
characteristics of the earth’s orbit:
eccentricity, tilt, precession; effect of
volcanoes, solar cycles, El Nino
Handout: Long and shortterm changes in Climate
Clues to Past Climate
Proxy records: ice cores, tree rings,
coral reefs, rock and ocean sediment –
what kind of climate information does
each of these give?
Handout: Studying Clues to
Past Climates
Large body of evidence: rising
temperatures, melting glacies, ice
sheets and sea ice, rising sea level,
changes in severe weather, changes in
precipitation patterns, changes in
Handout: Evidence for
Climate Change
Weather and climate
Evidence for Climate
Assignment: Climatograph
Assignment: Climate and
Tree Growth quick lab
Assignment: Greenhouse
Effect Lab
SNC2D – Earth and Space Science: Climate Change
Feedback Loops
Feedback, positive and negative
feedback loops, carbon sink
Handout: Feedback Loops
and Climate Change
Assignment: Warming the
Effects of Climate
Major areas of impact (for humans and
ecosystems): extreme weather, water
supply, forests and habitat, polar
regions, health, economics
Handout: Effects of Climate
Taking Action
Methods of reducing human GHG
contributions, individual action (e.g.
transportation, energy sources,
consumption patterns), social and
government action (taxes, rebates,
international agreements – Kyoto
Handout: Taking Action
Major assignment: Taking
Action on Climate Change
All handouts are available on-line at the course website:
Climate Change Big Ideas Summary:
Natural and human factors, including the Greenhouse Effect, influence Earth’s
climate and contribute to climate change.
Climate change has many effects on human societies, wildlife and ecosystems.
There are many initiatives (individual, societal, governmental) that attempt to
address climate change.
SNC2D – Earth and Space Science: Climate Change
Big Idea Questions (You should be able to answer these!)
1. What’s the difference between climate and weather?
2. What natural factors influence climate?
3. How does the natural greenhouse effect work? What is the theory of the
anthropogenic greenhouse effect?
4. Name 3 sources of evidence for global climate change, and explain the
importance and limitations of each kind of data.
5. Give an example of how feedback can help increase the effect of climate
6. How might changes in water supply and temperature affect agriculture or the
health of humans and wildlife?
7. Give 2 examples each of individual initiatives and societal/governmental
initiatives to address climate change.