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1. Which vitamin is deficient in the newborn?
a. A
b. K
c. C
d. E
2. What is the rate limiting enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway:
a. Glucose 6 phophate dehydrogenase
b. Ribose 5 phosphate
c. Ribose 4 phosphate
d. Acetyl CoA carboxylase
3. Which is derived from the from the pentose phosphate pathway;
a. Ribose
4. Beta 1,4 bonds are found in
a. Lactose
5. How many ATP’s are produced anaerobically
a. 2
6. Which is a pyrimidine
7. Which is a secondary structure
a. Sequence of amino acids
b. Alpha helix
c. Myoglobin
d. Hemoglobin
8. Which carries the most cholesterol
a. HDL
b. LDL
d. Chylomicrons
9. Bilirubin is formed by degradation of
a. Heme
10. Which is present in urea cycle
a. arginine
b. tryptophan
c. serotonin
d. adenine
11. Which does not affect the Vmax of an enzyme
a. Addition of a competitive inhibitor
b. Addition of a non-competitive inhibitor
c. Increase in pH
d. Increase in solubility
12. Which transfers fatty acids into the mitochondria for beta-oxidation:
a. Malonyl CoA
b. Biotin
c. Citrate
d. Carnitine
13. An increase in folic acid intake may be detrimental because it can _______.
a. Mask a vitamin B deficiency
b. Inhibit the absorption of other vitamins
c. Damage the liver
d. Produce kidney stones
14. Which transfers carbon atoms from mitochondria to the cytoplasm for fatty acid
a. Citrate
b. Malate
c. Oxaloacetate
d. Carnitine
15. Which inhibits gluconeogeneisis
a. ethanol
b. Cortisol
c. Insulin
d. Glucagon
16. Which is a precursor to niacin:
a. Tryptophan
b. Threonine
c. Tyrosine
d. Phenylalanine
17. _______________ is a source of ribose for nucleotide formation:
a. pentose phosphate pathway
18. fasting causes low serum ________ levels.
a. Insulin
b. Cortisol
c. Glucagons
d. Adrenalin
19. Which reacts with acetyl CoA to form citrate:
a. Malate
b. Oxaloacetate
c. Pyruvate
d. Glutamate
20. The enzymes for glycolysis are located in which part of the cell:
a. Mitochondria
b. Cytosol
c. Lysosomes
d. Endoplasmic reticulum
21. Which enzyme converts pyruvate to lactate during anaerobic glycolysis
a. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
b. Lactate dehydrogenase
c. Lactate hydrolase
d. Pyruvate decarboxylase
22. aaa
23. aaa
24. In the Krebs cycle, which is produced during the conversion of succinyl-CoA to
a. ATP
b. GTP and FADH2
c. ATP and NADH
d. FADH2 and NADH
25. The most common way to enter the Krebs cycle for amino acids, fatty acids, and
glucose is
a. Citrate
b. Acetyl-CoA
c. Oxaloacetate
d. Pyruvate
26. The rate limiting step of cholesterol synthesis is
a. HMG CoA Mevalonate
27. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase is the rate limiting enzyme in which pathway
a. Pentose phosphate pathway
28. a vegetarian presents with concave nails, cold extremities and decrease in blood
pressure. This is most likely due to a deficiency of _____________.
a. Iron
29. The major action of enzymes is to act by ______________.
a. Lowering the activation energy
30. Which is the complementary RNA strand to the following DNA strand of 5’GAC3’
a. 3’-CUG-5’
31. Which is involved in a carboxylation reaction
a. Biotin
b. Thiamine
c. B6
d. B9
32. A vegetarian diet is deficient in which vitamins:
a. Vitamin C
b. Folic acid
c. Pyridoxine
d. Cyanocobalamine
33. Which is produced anaerobically in glycolysis
b. FADH2
c. GTP
d. Acetyl CoA
34. Which is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids
a. Linolenic
b. Stearic
c. Oleic
d. Palmitic
35. Which vitamin deficiencies will cause a neurological reaction:
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C
c. Vitamin B1
d. Vitamin K
36. Which is the final end product of the hexose monophosphate shunt
a. Pentose sugars and NADPH
37. Which takes cholesterol from the liver to the tissues
a. HDL – cholesterol from tissues to liver
b. LDL
c. VLDL – fa’s from liver to tissue
d. Chylomicrons – fa’s from gut to tissue
38. Which leukocytes give rise to macrophages
a. Monocytes
b. Neutrophils
c. Lymphocytes
d. Eosinophils
39. Where does beta-oxidation occur
a. Mitochondria
40. Which takes carbon atoms out of the mitochondria for gluconeogenesis
a. Malate
41. Which is an essential amino acid
a. Serine
b. Glycine
c. Threonine
d. Proline
42. Which carries endogenous lipids in body
43. most common form of dietary lipids
a. triacylglycerol
44. not synthesized by the body
a. stearic acid
b. palmitic acid
c. oleic acid
d. linoleic acid
45. acetyl-CoA carboxylase catalyzes the conversion of acetyl-CoA into
a. malonyl CoA
b. pyruvate
c. succinate
d. propionyl CoA
46. inhibited if low carbohydrates are eaten for 6 weeks or more
a. insulin
b. glucagons
c. cortisol
d. epinephrine
47. an amino acid precursor to melatonin
a. tyrosine
b. phenylalanine
c. tryptophan
d. lysine
48. NADH + H+ NAD + H2 + 2e represents
a. Oxidation (oil rig)
49. shape of the Michaelis Menton reaction for an allosteric enzyme
a. sigmoidal
b. linear
c. hyperbolic
d. bell shaped
50. deficiency of HMG CoA reductase will result in
a. decreased cholesterol synthesis
51. the apoenzyme of a holoenzyme
a. proteins
b. vitamins
c. minerals
d. carbohydrates
52. Sucrose is made from the combination of ____________ and _______________.
a. Glucose and lactose
b. Glucose and fructose
c. Glucose and glucose
d. Glucose and galactose
53. vitamin that is lethal in high doses
a. C
b. D
c. B6
d. B3
54. does not contain both an acidic and a basic component
a. alanine
b. glutamic acid
c. citrate
d. aspartate
55. a precursor to prostaglandin
a. ecosanoids
b. steroid
c. glycolipid
d. triacylglycerols
56. purine
a. guanine
b. cytosine
c. thymine
d. uracil
57. bonds that are found in a secondary protein structure
a. hydrogen
58. bonds found in triacylglycerol
a. ester
59. vitamins necessary for maintenance of RBC
a. B12 and folic acid
60. Glucose  2 lactate produces
a. 2 ATP, 0 NADH, 0 CO2
61. HMG-CoA reductase is rate limiting enzyme in which cycle
a. Cholesterol synthesis
62. dietary vit E is absorbed in the intestines with
a. lipids
63. imp adjunct for glucose absorption
a. chromium
64. the intramitochondrial space is _______ acidic than the matrix because ther is
more ________ in the intramitochondrial space than in the matrix
a. more, hydrogen ions
65. a
66. represents transcription
67. an intermediate in fatty acid biosynthesis
a. malonyl CoA
68. component of NADH and NADPH
a. biotin
b. tyrosine
c. pyridoxine
d. tryptophan
69. a
70. found in glycogenesis but not glycogenolysis
a. UDP glucose
b. Glucose 1 phosphate
c. Glucose 6 phosphate
71. starts the process of glycogenolysis
a. glucose 6 phosphate
b. hexokinase
c. glycogen phosphorylase
d. phosphatase
72. If tertiary protein is heated, which would change
a. Covalent hydrogen bonds
b. Amino acid sequence
c. No change
d. Ester bonds
73. net gain of glycolysis yields _________ NADH and _________ ATP
a. 2,2
74. Glucose is only obtained from which of the following
a. Maltose
b. Sucrose
c. Lactose
d. Fructose
75. during gluconeogenesis, which hormone is increased more than others
a. cortisol
b. glucagon
c. insulin
d. norepinephrine
76. Beta oxidation takes place in the_
a. Cytoplasm
b. Mitochondria
77. electron transport system is located
a. inner mitochondrial membrane
78. ubiquinone is located in
a. mitochondrial membrane
79. if 14:2 fatty acid passes through beta oxidation the end result will be _______ and
cleave _________ many times (stupid question)
80. involved in decarboxylation
a. thiamine
b. biotin
c. pyridoxine
d. riboflavin
81. cofactor for transamination
a. pyridoxine
82. makes of CoA
a. B5
b. B1
c. B6
d. B9
83. a purine (pure as gold)
a. adenine
b. thymine
c. uracil
d. cytosine
84. anticodon is located
a. t-RNA
b. m-RNA
c. DNA
d. Protein
85. How many nucleic acids make up the codon:
a. 3
86. brings amino acids for protein synthesis
a. t-RNA
87. if ½ Vmax is .1, what is KM
a. .1
88. a sulfur containing amino acid
a. methionine
89. contains both alpha 1,4 and alpha 1,6 bonds
a. glycogen
b. lactose
c. sucrose
d. maltose
90. lowest melting point
a. linolenic acid
b. oleic acid
c. palmitic acid
d. stearic acid
91. chondroitin sulfate is part of
a. glycosaminoglycans
92. involved in one carbon transfers
a. tetrahydrofolate