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Chapter 16 and 17 - ?’s & fill in the blank notes
Explain Griffith’s experiment and the concept of transformation in detail.
What did Avery, MacLeod and McCarty contribute to this line of investigation?
What is a bacteriophage?
Why does adenine always pair with thymine and guanine with cytosine in DNA?
What is meant by the term that DNA replication is semiconservative?
Detail the Meselson and Stahl experiment concerning DNA replication.
How is bacterial DNA replication accomplished?
What are DNA polymerases?
In your own words, what is meant by the term – DNA is antiparallel in arrangement”?
Replication- copying DNA
Transcription- creating mRNA from DNA
Translation- creating protein from mRNA
DNA to RNA to Protein
Transcription: 3 Stages
1) _________- transcription factors bind to a ____________ such as the ____________. This allows RNA
polymerase 2 to bind, forming the transcription initiation ________. This causes the DNA to unwind,
and transcription begins.
2) __________- RNA synthesis progresses in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
3) __________- transcription proceeds through the terminator then detaches in prokaryotes. In
eukaryotes, the pre-mRNA falls off after RNA polymerase 2 transcribes a sequence called
Eukaryotes modify RNA after translation
5’ end is capped and a poly-A tail is added to the 3’ end. These facilitate export from the nucleus and protect
the RNA from the degradation. RNA is spliced by a ____________ made of snRNA, removing noncoding
sections called _______, and leaving exons. Some genes can produce multiple polypeptides depending on
what is spliced; this is called ___________________. Exon shuffling during cross-over may also be useful in
Translation also has 3 Stages:
1) __________- initiator tRNA attaches at AUG (start) codon. (prokaryotes also have something called the
_____________________ about 10 base pairs before AUG to distinguish start from other AUG
combinations.) This is followed by the attaching of the small and large ribosomal subunits.
2) ____________- progresses in 5’-3’ direction
a) Anticodon in tRNA bonds with the matching codon on mRNA at A site, using ____ for energy
b) __________ bond forms between amino acids in A and P sites
c) _______________- tRNA in A site moves to P site. Empty tRNA in P site moves to E site and
then is released.
3) ___________________- stop codons (UAG, UAA, and UGA) cause that addition of water instead of
amino acid, hydrolyzing and releasing the polypeptide.
Multiple mRNA may attach to the same mRNA to make many copies at once.
All translation begins with free ribosomes. If a growing polypeptide includes a signal peptide, a
___________________(SRP) helps attach it to the ER.
Because prokaryotes have no nucleus and no introns, transcription and translation can be coupled, with
translation beginning before transcription ends.
Point mutations are changes in the DNA that involve one base pair.
1) _____________- nucleotides are swapped
a) ____________- code for wrong amino acid
b) ____________- code for stop
2) _______________________- addition or deletion of a nucleotide. Messes up whole protein.
__________ can cause mutations.
Comparing gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Promoter binding
The end of transcription
Signal sequence
Prokaryotic cells
Eukaryotic cells