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Christian School International
High School Department
AY 2008-2009
Third Long Quiz
Name: __________________________________________________
Section: O Micah O Obadiah O Jonah
Date: ______________________
Score: _____________________
Matching Type
Direction: Match the name of the name of the scientists that studied about cell to the discoveries they made about
cells. .
1. Coined the term cell (B)
2. Discovered that cells come from the cell division of
pre-existing cells (J)
3. Performed the Swan necked flask experiment that
gave the proof for the theory of Biogenesis. (D)
4. Disproved the Theory of Spontaneous Generation (F,I)
5. Introduced the concept that all plants and animal are
made up of cells (G,H)
6. Discovered the presence of nuclei within cells (B)
7. Named as Father of Microbiology for having
discovered bacteria and other microorganism. ( C )
a. Robert Brown
b. Robert Hooke
c. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
d. Louis Pasteur
e. Johannes Purkinje
f. Francesco Redi
g. Matthias Schleiden
h. Theodore Schwann
i. Lazzaro Spallanzani
j. Rudolf Virchow
II. Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letters of the correct answer on the space before the question
1. All animal cells have several characteristics in common. Which of the following statements applies to
animal cells only?
GDN. The cell membrane is the thin, outermost layer that contains the cell
JPR. Cytoplasm is a jelly-like liquid containing hundreds of chemicals the
cell needs to function
BJT. Mitochondria contain glucose and oxygen, which combine to release
RCO. The nucleus controls the chemical reactions in a cell, and how a cell
2. Describe as a pair of cylindrical organelle located near the nucleus. They are made up of nine tubes
and each tube is composed of three tubules. Their function is to facilitate the movement of
chromosome during cell division.
BSL. Centrioles
HGV. Membranes
JCA. Mitochondria
ACA. Chloroplasts
3. Plant cells are able to carry out photosynthesis in particular structures called …
MCP. Sunlight
GAQ. Water
HVM. carbon dioxide
CBV. Chloroplasts
4. This organelle is present for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells since its role is to manufacture
proteins. It is composed of RNA and proteins and has a small and large subunit.
ECQ. Nucleoid
MBL. Ribosomes
EMG. Golgi Apparatus
SCD. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
5. Which of the following is not found in animal cells?
ETM. Centioles
FQV. Lysosomes
ETP. Cell Wall
JCS. Peroxisomes
6. It is part of the endomembrane system and composed of two types. The first type helps in protein
synthesis while the other helps in fat metabolism.
JPJ. Golgi Apparatus
MGG. Endoplasmic Reticulum
EMG. Cell Membrane
ACA. Nuclear Membrane
7. An organelle with a single membrane that contains digestive enzyme that can degrade
carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
BJT. Peroxisomes
LBL. Plastids
HDV. Lysosomes
JCA. Vacuoles
8. Provides structural support and responsible for cell shape and motility.
ECQ. Cell Wall
GDQ. Plasmodesmata
SCD. Cytoskeleton
JPR. Cell membrane
III. Complete the Table (5 points)
Direction: Provide the missing word(s) in the blank.
Kinds of Cell
Guard Cells
Conducting cells or
xylem and phloem
Root hairs
Regulate the opening and closing
of stomata
Passage of food and water
White blood cells
Increase water holding capacity of
Filters the dust particles from the
air we inhale
Protects the body from diseases
Nerve Cells
Facilitate the relay of nerve
Description of the Cell
Kidney shaped cells capable of
opening and closing
Elongated, tube like cells with thick
cell wall
Epidermal outgrowth of root cells
Hair-like structures lining the
respiratory tract
Has elastic cell membrane that
allows the cells to engulf germs
Branching extensions called axons
Pollen Grains
Male sex cells of plants; needs to
be transferred from the anther to
the stigma of the flower
and dendrites
Light and small and some are
provided with special structures
such as hairs, hooks and wings
IV. A. Identification
Direction: Identify the level of organization being described below.
Organ system
Organ systems
The basic building blocks of all living things.
Cells that are similar and work together.
The blood coursing through your veins.
A dog , tree, and sparrow are all examples of this.
Together, your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and liver make one of these.
Tissues that work together
Organ systems that work together.
B. Identification
Direction: Choose your answer from the words found on the box below.
Hypotonic Solution
Hypertonic Solution
Facilitated Diffusion
1. Random and Spontaneous movement of molecules Diffusion
2. Movement of solvent molecules across a semi permeable membrane Osmosis
3. Movement of molecules following the concentration gradient and is aided by “carrier” proteins Facilitated
4. Entry into the cell of materials that is too large to enter through diffusion Endocytosis
5. Process by which a cell engulfs of take in solid particles that are too large to be taken in by diffusion
6. Literally means cell drinking. The cell membrane develops invagination that allows fluid to flow in
7. The process that expel materials that are too large to exit the cell through diffusion Exocytosis
V. Classification
Direction: Determine whether it is ANABOLISM or CATABOLISM.
All chemical reactions that result to formation of bigger molecules ANABOLISM
Destructive phase of Metabolism CATABOLISM
Examples are Photosynthesis and Protein Synthesis ANABOLISM
All chemical reactions that leads to break down of bigger molecules into smaller molecules CATABOLISM
Constructive phase of Metabolism ANABOLISM
Examples include Cellular Respiration and Digestion CATABOLISM
VI. Enumeration
Direction: Show the solution for each question.
1-3. Requirements of a cell (cell membrane, genetic material, and metabolic machinery)
4-5. Phases of Metabolism (anabolism and catabolism)
VII. Essay (5 points)
1. Explain why viruses are not considered as cells and why they are called intracellular parasite.
Viruses are considered acellular because they lack metabolic machinery that is needed for survival. In order
to compensate for the lack of metabolic machinery viruses needs to invade cells. They attach themselves in
the surfaces of cells and inject their genetic material to a host cell. The injected genetic material will use the
metabolic machinery of the host cells to reproduce its own proteins. When all the viral components are
produced, it will assemble in viruses and will burst out of the host cell and starts infecting the neighboring