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What is Biology?
The word biology is 1………………………. from the Greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/
meaning /study/ and is referred to as the science of life or living matter in all its forms and
phenomena, 2………………………. with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and
behaviour. An organism is a living entity 3………………………. one cell e.g. bacteria, or several cells e.g.
animals, plants and fungi.
Aspects of biological science cover all aspects of living systems from the ecosystem and whole
organism level, down to the microscopic world of the cell and its life support mechanisms.
There is much overlap 4………………………. biology and other disciplines; for instance, biochemistry and
toxicology overlap with biology, chemistry, and medicine; biophysics applies the approaches and
methods of physics to study biological systems; social sciences such as geography, philosophy,
psychology and sociology can also interact with biology, for example, in administration of biological
resources, developmental biology, biogeography, evolutionary psychology and ethics.
Pharmacology employs the basic concepts of biology and chemistry to specify how drugs affect the
organism, thus it gives a unique perspective 5………………………. understanding of how cells, organ
systems, and organisms function. 6………………………. other basic science fields, pharmacology is a
special field in which one can systematically examine the mechanism for a biological event-from the
molecular level to the whole organism. Last but not 7………………………., pharmacology also enables us
to explore how biological systems fail to work, providing information on the 8………………………. of
Molecular biology is a branch of science concerning chemical structures and processes of biological
phenomena at the molecular level.
The field of molecular biology interacts with biology and chemistry and in particular, genetics and
biochemistry. A 9………………………. area of molecular biology concerns understanding how various
cellular systems interact in terms of the way DNA, RNA and protein synthesis function, mainly dealing
with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, and the macromolecules essential to life
The specific techniques used in molecular biology are native to the field but may also be combined
with methods and concepts drawn from genetics and biochemistry, so there is no 10……………………….
distinction made between these disciplines.
However, when the fields are considered independently 11………………………. each other, biochemistry
deals with chemical materials and essential processes that take place in living organisms. The role,
function and structure of biomolecules are key areas of focus among biochemists, as is the chemistry
behind biological functions and the production of biomolecules.
Molecular biology looks at the molecular mechanisms behind processes such as replication,
transcription, translation and cell function. One way to describe the basis of molecular biology is to
say it concerns understanding how genes are transcribed into RNA and how RNA is then translated
12………………………. protein. However, this simplified picture is currently being reconsidered and
revised due to new discoveries concerning the role of RNA.
a) deduced
a) least
b) derived
b) lowest
c) different
c) the least
d) drawn
d) the lowest
a) additionally
a) ethiology
b) especially
b) ethnology
c) particularly
c) ethology
d) specially
d) etiology
a) comprising
a) key
b) connecting
b) phenomenal
c) consisting
c) radical
d) constituting
d) structural
a) among
a) large
b) between
b) little
c) from
c) sharp
d) of
d) small
a) at
a) -
b) with
b) of
c) of
c) on
d) on
d) upon
a) Despite of
a) inside
b) Like
b) into
c) Thus
c) to
d) Unlike
d) within
cell biology
/sel baɪˈɒlədʒi/
cell count
počet buněk, krevní obraz
full blood cell count
/fʊl blʌd…/
úplný krevní obraz
viable cell count
počet životaschopných buněk
cell cycle
buněčný cyklus
cell culture
buněčná kultura
cell cycle data
údaje o buněčném cyklu
cell cycle dependence /…dɪˈpendəns/
závislost na buněčném cyklu
cell cycle kinetics
kinetika buněčného cyklu
cell cycle length
délka buněčného cyklu
cell cycle phase
fáze buněčného cyklu
cell cycle progression
progrese buněčného cyklu
incubation of cell cultures /ˌɪŋkjʊˈbeɪʃ(ə)n…/
inkubace buněčných kultur
cell migration
pohyb buněk
cell survival
přežívání buněk
low-molecular weight organic molecules
nízkomolekulární organické sloučeniny
molecular change
/məˈlekjʊlə(r) tʃeɪndʒ/
molekulární změna
molecular density
molekulární hustota
molecular diagnostics /…ˌdaɪəɡˈnɒstɪks/
molekulární diagnostika
molecular diameter
průměr molekuly
molecular discriminatory tests …/dɪˈskrɪmɪnət(ə)ri…/
molekulárních diskriminačních testy
molecular formula
empirický vzorec
molecular fragments
molekulární fragmenty
molecular imaging
molekulární zobrazování
molecular mechanisms of resistance /…ˈmekəˌnɪz(ə)ms…rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns/ buněčné mechanismy
molecular research
/…rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃ/ or /…ˈriːsɜː(r)tʃ/
molekulárního výzkum
molecular response
molekulární odpověď
molecular structure
molekulární struktura
molecular testing
molekulárním testování
molecular typing
molekulární typizace
molecular weight
molekulární hmotnost
normal cell cycle time/length(s)
normální délka buněčného cyklu
perturbation of the cell cycle /…ˌpɜːtəˈbeɪʃən/
rozrušení buněčného cyklu
Building vocabulary. Choose the correct meaning of the following expressions.
ENTITY (noun)
a) a dependent unit that is complete and has its own character
b) a separate unit that is complete and has its own character
c) an idea, problem, situation etc. that you discuss or write about
d) the state of being separated from other people
a) the process by which a mature mRNA molecule is used as a template for synthesizing a new
b) the process by which genetic information on a strand of DNA is used to synthesize a strand of
complementary RNA
c) the process of genetic transmission of traits from parents to offspring
a) give rise to
b) to effect
c) to act on or in close relation with each other
d) to exchange things such as ideas or information
a) a difference between two things
b) the origin of something
c) the process by which the cells in plants and animals divide to form new cells
d) the process of separating people or things into smaller groups or parts
KEY (adjective)
a) helpful for doing or achieving something
b) not needed
c) very important
d) working correctly and having the right effect
a) a mark on something used for measuring, for example one of the marks showing the
temperature on a thermometer
b) a time when someone is affected by an illness or a medical condition
c) an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
d) one of several parts of an interesting or exciting situation
CONCEPT (noun)
a) a belief or attitude that someone uses for dealing with life in general
b) the moment when a woman or female animal becomes pregnant after sex
c) an abstract idea of something that exists
d) one of the major ideas or theories that a system of beliefs is based on, for example in religion
or politics
a) to change a decision because you realize that you are wrong
b) to change your opinion or judgment of someone or something
c) to state formally that you no longer believe in something or support something
d) to stop liking or supporting someone or something and to start opposing them
Word formation. Form the correct word form and fill in the gaps. Then translate the sentences into
Its .......................... or tissue part must contain viable cells or tissues. (cell)
The tests confirm the .......................... of a brain tumour. (exist)
He said that, .........................., the system works. (essence)
Erythropoietin is a .......................... factor that primarily stimulates red blood cell production. (grow)
The statistical evaluation and the methods .......................... should be reported. (employee)
Permitted limit means maximum residue limit, maximum level or other maximum tolerance for
substances established .......................... in Community legislation. (else)
In patients with chronic renal failure the medicinal product has to be .......................... intravenously.
Sequence data, whether from proteins or .......................... acids, are well suited to computer
processing because they are easily digitized and broken down into their constituent units. (nucleus)
The right word. Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The same form of the word must fit
all three sentences!
1. __________________________
For new-born babies, ......................... blankets (the ones the hospital uses) are the best.
The first ......................... telephone for commercial use was approved by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) in 1983.
......................... rubber is used for jobs involving coating, filling, protection, sealing, packaging,
sound/shock absorption and cold/thermal insulation.
2. __________________________
Russia is crucial to ensuring stability in all areas of mutual and ......................... interest.
To prevent light from getting through try ......................... curtains.
In old houses the roofs are broken down into a great number of ......................... roofs, one shading
the other, among which the air can circulate.
3. __________________________
The problem needs to be looked at from a historical ..........................
The figures in the foreground are badly out of ..........................
My son studies .......................... geometry at Stanford University.
4. __________________________
Most people who try to lose weight ......................... dismally.
The government will ......................... in its duty to protect people.
Words ......................... me.
5. __________________________
One ......................... of Jane’s family lives in San Francisco.
The company has been transformed root and ......................... by the new management.
Mechanics is a ......................... of physics.
6. __________________________
......................... food has more of the antioxidant compounds linked to better health than regular
food, and lower levels of toxic metals and pesticides.
Requirements for ......................... fertilisers and soil improvers are very strict.
Medical Science classifies diseases into two general groups, functional and ..........................
7. __________________________
We are entering a period of rapid population ..........................
Doctors fear that these medicines may stunt your ..........................
He had several weeks’ ......................... of beard.
Listening. Listen and complete the gaps with the words you hear.
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: "DNA makes RNA makes protein". Here the process begins.
Transcription factors 1…………………………….. at a specific promoter region along the DNA. The length of
DNA following the promoter is a gene and it contains the 2……………………………. for a protein. A
mediator protein complex arrives carrying the enzyme RNA polymerase. It 3……………………………. the
RNA polymerase into place inserting it with the help of other factors between the
4……………………………. of the DNA double helix. The assembled collection of all these factors is referred
to as the transcription 5……………………………. complex and now it is ready to be activated. The
initiation complex requires contact with activator proteins, which 6……………………………. to specific
sequences of DNA known as 7……………………………. regions. These regions may be thousands of base
pairs distant from the start of the gene. Contact between the activator proteins and the initiationcomplex releases the copying mechanism. The RNA polymerase 8……………………………. a small portion
of the DNA helix exposing the bases on each strand. Only one of the strands is copied. It acts as a
9……………………………. for the synthesis of an RNA molecule which is assembled one sub-unit at a time
by matching the DNA letter 10……………………………. on the template strand. The sub-units can be seen
here entering the enzyme through its 11……………………………. hole and they are joined together to
form the long messenger RNA chain 12…………………………….. out of the top.
Listening. Watch the video and answer the questions below the transcription.
The job of this mRNA is to carry the genes message from the DNA out of the nucleus to a ribosome
for production of the particular protein that this gene codes for. There can be several million
ribosomes in a typical eukaryotic cell. These complex catalytic machines use the mRNA copy of the
genetic information to assemble amino acid building blocks into the three dimensional proteins that
are essential for life. Let’s see how it works. The ribosome is composed of one large and one small
sub-unit that assemble around the messenger RNA, which then passes through the ribosome like a
computer tape. The amino acid building blocks (that's the small glowing red molecules) are carried
into the ribosome attached to specific transfer RNAs. That's the larger green molecules also referred
to as tRNA. The small sub-unit of the ribosome positions the mRNA so that it can be read in groups of
three letters known as a codon. Each codon on the mRNA matches a corresponding anti-codon on
the base of a transfer RNA molecule. The larger sub-unit of the ribosome removes each amino acid
and joins it onto the growing protein chain. As the mRNA is ratcheted through the ribosome, the
mRNA sequence is translated into an amino acid sequence. There are three locations inside the
ribosome, designated the A-site, the P-site and the E-site. The addition of each amino acid is a three
step cycle: first, the tRNA enters the ribosome at the A-site and is tested for a codon/anti-codon
match with the mRNA. Next, provided there is a correct match, the tRNA is shifted to the P-site and
the amino acid it carries is added to the end of the amino acid chain. The mRNA is also ratcheted on
three nucleotides or one codon. Thirdly, the spent tRNA is moved to the E-site and then ejected from
the ribosome to be recycled. As the protein synthesis proceeds, the finished chain emerges from the
ribosome. It folds up into a precise shape, determined by the exact order of amino acids. Thus the
Central Dogma explains how the four-letter DNA code is - quite literally - turned into flesh and blood.
What is the job of the mRNA?
What is the ribosome composed of?
Where are the amino acid building blocks carried?
What is a codon?
What does the abbreviation tRNA stand for?
Anti-codon is part of what?
How are the three locations inside the ribosome called?
What happens in each of the three places?
BASE – What is the meaning in these sentences?
The pituitary gland is at the base of the brain.
Hikers find this a convenient base for their mountain expeditions.
The report will give us a base for building a better healthcare system.
A base is a substance that can accept a hydrogen ion (H+) from another substance.
The nitrogenous base is the part of the nucleotide that carries genetic information.
amino acid (n)
/əˌmiːnəʊ ˈæsɪd/
anti-codon (n)
/ˌæn tiˈkoʊ dɒn, ˌæn taɪ-/
assemble (v)
shromáždit, sestavit
base (n)
coat (v)
natírat, potahovat
codon (n)
designate (v)
digitize (v)
elsewhere (adv)
emerge from (v)
vymanit se z, odpojit se
enhancer (n)
/enˈhæn sər, -ˈhɑn-/
enhancer (zesilovač)
erythropoietin (n)
/ɪˌrɪθ roʊˈpɔɪ ɪ tn, -pɔɪˈit n/
fertilizer (n)
helix (n)
hole (n)
insulation (n)
machine (n)
manoeuvre (v)
přivést (na místo)
match (n)
spojení, kombinace, shoda
mediator (n)
/ˈmi diˌeɪtər/
messenger RNA (mRNA)
/ˈmes(ə)ndʒə(r) ˌɑːr en ˈeɪ/
informační /mediátorová RNA
nucleotide (n)
ratchet (v)
recipe for (n)
prostředek k dosažení
renal failure (phr)
/ˈriːn(ə)l ˈfeɪljə(r)/
selhání ledvin
ribosome (n)
root and branch (phr)
/ruːt ənd /
úplně, od základu
seal (v)
uzavřít, utěsnit
shade (v)
stínit, clonit
shift (v)
snake out (n)
/sneɪk aʊt/
soil improver (phr)
/sɔɪl ɪmˈpruːvə(r)/
půdní přídavek
strand (n)
řetězec (DNA)
přesunout, posunout, přemístit
stunt (v)
zbrzdit, zpomalit
template (n)
/ˈtemˌpleɪt/ or /ˈtemplət/
transcription (n)
transkripce (přepis)
transfer RNA (tRNA)
/trænsˈfɜː(r) ˌɑːr en ˈeɪ/
transferová RNA
translation (n)
triplet (n)
turn into flesh and blood (phr.)
proměnit v člověka z masa a kostí
unzip (v)
viable (adj)