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Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 1
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ d
1) An element’s properties can be predicted from its ______.
a) number of isotopes
b) number of neutrons
c) atomic mass
d) location in the periodic table
______ c
2) The ______ model of an atom is a ball of positive charge with negatively charged
electrons embedded in it.
a) Dalton
b) Rutherford
c) Thomson
d) Bohr
______ a
3) If a substance is ______, it can be pulled or drawn into a wire.
a) ductile
b) malleable c) magnetic d) reactive
______ b
4) The spontaneous emission of radiation from an unstable atomic nucleus is called
a) corrosion b) radioactivity
c) nuclear fusion
d) reactivity
______ d
5) A(n) ______ is a positively charged particle in an atom’s nucleus.
a) electron
b) neutron
c) plasma
d) proton
______ a
6) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most metals?
a) brittle
b) ductile
c) good conductor
d) malleable
______ b
7) An element’s ______ tells the number of protons in its nucleus.
a) atomic mass
b) atomic number
c) chemical symbol d) period
______ c
8) Dmitri Mendeleev created the first ______.
a) chemical reaction b) metal alloy
c) periodic table
d) semiconductor
______ d
9) The particles that are lost, gained, or shared in chemical reactions are ______.
a) plasmas
b) protons
c) neutrons
d) electrons
______ c
10) A(n) ______ has some of the properties of both metals and nonmetals.
a) alloy
b) alkaline earth metal
c) metalloid d) noble gas
______ b (diatomic molecule)
11) A Tri-atomic Molecule consists of two nonmetal atoms
bonded together.
a) True
b) false
______ b (alkali metals)
12) The family of Alkaline Earth Metals is the most reactive group of
metals in the periodic table.
a) True
b) False
______ a
13) The Lanthanides and the Actinides are shown at the bottom of the periodic table
in order to keep the table a reasonable size.
a) True
b) False
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 2
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ a
14) A radioactive isotope that can be followed through a chemical reaction or
industrial process is called a tracer.
a) True
b) False
______ b (halogen) 15) The Noble Gases are a very reactive group of mostly nonmetals whose
atoms gain or share one electron in chemical reactions.
a) True
b) False
______ b (metals)
16) Nonmetals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
a) True
b) False
______ b (increasing)
17) From left to right in the periodic table, the elements are arranged
in order of decreasing atomic mass.
a) True
b) False
______ a
18) The mass of a proton is about one atomic mass unit.
a) True
b) False
______ b (decreases) 19) The reactivity of the metal elements generally increases as you move
from left to right across the periodic table.
a) True
b) False
______ a
20) Henri Becquerel discovered radioactive decay while studying a mineral that
contained uranium.
a) True
b) False
______ b
21) Which particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
a) electrons and protons
b) neutrons and protons
c) neutrons and electrons
______ c
22) The number of protons in an atom is the element’s ______.
a) chemical symbol b) group
c) atomic number
______ b
23) Dmitri Mendeleev created the first ______.
a) chemical reaction
b) periodic table
c) semiconductor
______ a
24) A row of elements in the periodic table is called a ______.
a) period
b) group
c) family
______ a
25) A mixture of free electrons and atomic nuclei is called ______.
a) plasma
b) a metal
c) a noble gas
______ a
26) If an object can be pulled into a long wire, then the object is ______.
a) ductile
b) reactive
c) easy to break
______ b
27) Scientists make elements heavier than uranium in machines called ______.
a) semiconductors
b) particle accelerators
c) lasers
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 3
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ c
28) Which is a property of nonmetals?
a) good conductor
b) malleable c) not shiny
______ a
29) Elements that have some properties of both metals and nonmetals are called
a) metalloids
b) noble gases
c) alkali metals
______ a
30) Atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are
called Isotopes.
a) True
b) False
______ b (atomic mass)
31) The average mass of all the isotopes of an element is called the
element’s Atomic Number.
a) True
b) False
______ a
32) The most reactive group of nonmetals whose atoms gain or share one electron in
chemical reactions are the Halogens.
a) True
b) False
______ a
33) The spontaneous emission of radiation by an unstable atomic nucleus is called
a) True
b) False
______ a
34) In an atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons.
a) True
b) False
______ b
35) It is impossible to predict the properties of any element by its position in the
periodic table.
a) True
b) False
______ a
36) Heat and electricity can easily flow through metals.
a) True
b) False
______ b
37) Nonmetals can be hammered into thin sheets.
a) True
b) False
______ a
38) Elements that are shiny conductive solids at room temperature are likely to be
classified as which of the following?
a) metals
b) nonmetals
c) inert gases
d) semimetals
______ b
39) Which property of aluminum makes it a suitable metal for soft drink cans?
a) It has good electrical conductivity
b) It can be hammered into a thin sheet (malleability)
c) It can be drawn into long wires (ductility)
d) It can reflect light (shininess)
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 4
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Use the table below to answer the following three questions:
______ d
40) What element has an atomic number of 18?
a) hydrogen b) oxygen
c) fluorine
d) argon
______ a
41) An atom of fluorine has 10 neutrons. What is the total number of other
subatomic particles in this atom?
a) 9 protons and 9 electrons
b) 9 protons and 19 electrons
c) 10 protons and 10 electrons
d) 19 protons and 19 electrons
______ d
42) Which elements are inert gases?
a) oxygen, fluorine, and neon
b) sulfur, chlorine, and argon
c) oxygen, fluorine, and chlorine
d) neon and argon
Use the diagram below to answer the next three questions:
______ a
43) Inferring: The part of an atom labeled B is a(n) ______.
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
______ c
44) Applying Concepts: Which part of an atom can be found at different energy
a) A
b) B
c) C
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 5
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ b
45) Applying Concepts: Which parts of an atom make up nearly all the mass of an
a) A + C
b) A + B
c) B + C
Use the diagram below to answer the next two questions:
______ b
46) Inferring: The chemical symbol for phosphorus is ______.
a) 15
b) P
c) Sb
______ a
47) Applying Concepts: The elements shown in the diagram are ______.
a) part of the same group
b) part of the same period
c) not related
______ b
48) Groups of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds are ______.
a) elements b) molecules c) particles
d) electrons
______ d
49) When elements are chemically combined in a set ratio, they form ______.
a) molecules b) matter
c) elements d) compounds
______ a
50) Which of the following is an example of an element?
a) copper
b) rust
c) concrete
d) water
______ a
51) The atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of ______.
a) protons
b) electrons c) neutrons
d) isotopes
______ b
52) The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called ______.
a) groups
b) periods
c) nonmetals d) metals
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
Mrs. Lee – Physical Science
Page 6
Chapter 4 Practice Test – Answer Key
______ a
53) Of the following, the group that contains elements that are the most reactive is
the ______.
a) alkali metals b) alkaline earth metals c) carbon family
d) inert gases
______ c
54) Unlike metals, solid nonmetals are ______.
a) good conductors of heat and electric current
c) dull and brittle
b) malleable
d) ductile
______ a
55) Unstable atomic nuclei that release fast-moving particles and energy are ______.
a) radioactive
b) alloys
c) isotopes
d) alpha particles
______ d
56) Why is the mass of a carbon atom greater than the total mass of its protons and
a) The mass of a proton is greater than the mass of an electron.
b) A proton is positively charged and an electron is negatively charged.
c) Most of the atom’s volume is the sphere-shaped cloud of electrons
d) One or more neutrons in the nucleus add mass to the atom.
Ch 4 Practice Test – Answer Key