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GeoPhysical Science Class Notes:
Name:_______________________________ Date:_______
Unit: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table
Topic: The Atom
Info Source: ______________________
Main Ideas/Questions
What are the 3 subatomic particles?
Where are they located and what role
do they play in matter?
What properties can be used to
compare protons, electrons, and
How are atoms of one element
different from atoms of another
What is the Difference between two
isotopes of the same element?
What is the difference between a
neutral atom and an ion?
Details of New Information
GeoPhysical Science Class Notes:
Unit: Atomic Structure & Periodic Table
Main Ideas/Questions
What is the atomic number of an
element? What does it mean? Where
can I find it?
What is the mass number of an
element? What does it mean?
Where can I find it?
Name:_______________________________ Date:_______
Info Source: ______________________
Details of New Information