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Roman Republic
• A government in which power belongs to
citizens, who govern themselves through
elected representatives.
• This government was formed in 509 BCE.
SPQR is an initial for the Latin phrase, Senātus
Populusque Rōmānus, meaning "The Senate and the
People of Rome."
Republic – Citizens
All free male citizens could vote.
• A wealthy, landowning
family who claimed to be
able to trace its roots
back to the founding of
• An ordinary, working
citizen of ancient Rome –
such as a farmer or
• Between 494 and 287
BCE, the plebeians
struggled to gain equality
with the patricians.
A Constitution
• Only Patrician Judges new and
made up the laws.
• Plebeians revolted and
demanded reforms.
• First written code of laws, The
Law of the Twelve Tables, in
451 BCE.
• Applied to BOTH Patricians
and Plebeians
• Dealt with legal procedures,
building codes, punishment
and granted citizens
jury, witnesses at trial, and
innocent until proven guilty
Balanced Branches of Power
• There were 3 branches that divided up the
power :
• Oversaw the work of the
• Acted as judges
• Directed the army
• Elected for 1 year
• Both consuls had to
agree before the
government could take
• In an emergency, consuls
could choose a “dictator”
to make quick decisions
• They choose the senators
Senate – “Seniors” = 300 Men
• Most Powerful!!
• Held office for life
• Were advisors to the consuls/
government officials
• Could approve/ disapprove
(veto, or I reject it) laws passed
by the assembly
• Decided how money should be
• Made decisions concerning
relations with foreign countries
• Had influence over the
Consuls and the army
“Assembly” of Tribunes of 1,000
men each – 35 tribes
• Voted on laws
• Could declare war or
make peace treaties
• Elected the 2 consuls
• Elected government
Roman Forum
The forum was the center of political, commercial
and judicial life in ancient Rome. The largest
buildings were the basilicas, where legal cases
were heard.
1 = Basilica Julia
2 = Temple of Saturn
3 = Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus (on Capitoline hill)
4 = Tabularium (Archive Building)
5 = Temple of Vespasian
6 = Rostra
7 = Temple of Concord
8 = Triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus
Independent Practice
• 1. Before 509 BCE, Rome was ruled by a king. Then the city
established the Roman Republic with power divided among three
branches of government. Why do you think the Romans wanted to
govern themselves in this way?
• 2. Which branch of government – consuls, Senate, or Assemble –
had the most power? Explain your answer.
• 3. In what two ways was the power of the two consuls limited? Why
do you think this is?
• 4. Why was a dictator chosen to head the government in times of
• 5. The government of the United States has a President, Congress,
and Supreme Court. Explain one way that the American
government is like the ancient Roman government, and one way
that it is different.
• 6. Why do you think the Patricians finally gave Plebeians the rights
they demanded? Hint: it deals with the military and fighting!