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In 600 BCE, the Etruscans took control of Rome.
The last Etruscan ruler, Tarquin the Proud, was unjust and oppressive.
The Romans (Latins) overthrew Tarquin and gained independence in 509 BCE.
The Romans were determined never to be ruled by tyrants or oppressive kings again.
They chose, therefore, a new form of government called a republic.
What is a republic?
 A form of government
 A form of democracy where the citizens elect representatives to run the government
Who set this up?
 Patricians: these were the wealthy Latin aristocrats who pushed the Etruscans out and
established a government where only they could hold office.
 This government was really for nobles (aristocracy)
 These were the commoners of wealth and poverty.
 From merchant to the street worker, farmers to traders
 They could vote, had rights, paid taxes but could not hold office
Structure of the republic:
 Run day to day affairs of city
 2 consuls: 2 patricians, elected 1 year as government leaders
They each had the power of veto (had to agree before acting)
Elected by the Legislative Branch
Had to consult with the senate before making any decisions
 Senate: 300 patricians (in senate for life
Heads of the wealthiest families in Rome
Elected the 2 consuls
Advised the consuls on foreign policy, laws, roads,
 Assembly of centuries: patricians who elected officials of the