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Left Side #24
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Chapter 7 Glossary:
• Republic
• Consul
• Veto
Roman Republic
Pg. 24
the group of people who control and
make decisions for a country, state, etc.
• Romans do not want to be
ruled by kings anymore and
created a Republic
Page 212
1. Who were the Patricians?
2. Who were the Plebeians?
Voted for Consuls at the
a person who legally belongs to a country and
has the rights and protection of that country
• How is citizenship different in
Rome than in Athens?
Two Consuls
From the time the Roman Republic was founded in 509 B.C., how many years before the Plebeians were allowed to be Consuls? (Use timeline on pg. 213) Why was power divided between two leaders? (Make a prediction)
Who took power in an emergency?
Give advice to the Consuls
Originally made up of only Patricians
End of up running Roman Republic
Exit Question:
Exit Question:
• How is the Roman republic
similar and different to
government in the United
States today?