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Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Period: _______
8:1 The Roman Republic
Directions: Using your own words, identify the following terms.
Directions: Respond to the following questions.
Explain the geography of Italy (p.237):
How did the geography of Italy differ from the geography of Greece?
Explain the legend of Rome’s foundation (p.238):
What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
Difference-Compare and Contrast (p.239)
What were the Roman wars with Carthage called (p.240)?
Why did the Romans and the Carthages go to war?
Explain the Punic wars (p.240):
What lands did Rome conquer between 500 and 146 BC (Map p. 241)?
Explain what happened to the patricians and the plebeians as a result to the taxes from the
provinces (p.241):
Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, and what did they do (p.241)?
In great detail, explain who Julius Caesar was (p.242) 5 sentences: