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The Republic
 Roman citizens were divided into two class:
Patrician and Plebeian
 Nobles who owned large estates and were
descended from the founders of the city
 Ordinary peasants and craftsmen.
The Citizens of Rome
 Both the patricians and the Plebeians met in the
 Here they elected or appointed 3 different groups of
The Assembly
 All Roman citizens belong to the assembly
 Voted on Senate decisions to go to war
 Rich people got more votes than poor people.
 The consuls governed the city
 They were elected for one year only and could not be elected
again until 10 years had passed.
 They were both administrators and military leaders
 They had the power to veto any law.
 2 members
 They both had to agree before a decision could be made.
One of their most important responsibilities was to control the army.
 Elected officials, appointed to be judges
 Looked after city finances.
 Spoke for the poor
 Were appointed to protect the ordinary people
against unfair treatment.
 They could not veto military decisions.
 When Magistrates retired they became members of the
 Made up of 300 men
 They advised the consuls
 They discussed ways to deal with other countries.
 Proposed laws
 The Senate became very important and ended up
controlling Rome.
Chosen from the patrician social level
Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect (governor) of Judea, a sub-province of Syria,
who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus.
 Also called prefects
 The prefect was an official who was
appointed by a magistrate, for a fixed
period and a special task
 In the beginning, this was a military task
 The emperor was the only one who was allowed to
appoint prefects.
 Their tasks could include distributing food to the
Roman people, guarding the treasury, oversee the
support for orphans
Change for Rome
 When the Roman Empire started to grow and Rome
became a more powerful city, a top government
position became more and more attractive.
 Therefore, more and more ambitious men got
involved in government. These men believed that
Rome would be better served by one man governing
the city and empire, as opposed to a group of elected
 These sole rulers were called emperors.