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 Immunity
is the protection
against disease provided by
the body’s defence or
immune system.
Immune Response
not one single mechanism
Innate immunity, which does not require
previous exposure to the invading microbe,
Acquired immunity, where the immune
system "remembers" how to deal with a microbe
that it has dealt with before.
The key to a healthy immune system is its
remarkable ability to distinguish between
the body’s own cells, recognized as
“self,” and foreign cells, or “nonself.”
Antigen - a chemical feature (a protein)
which is unique to any given type of
invading organism.
When it wrongly identifies self as nonself
it causes an autoimmune disease such as
rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus
Produced by bone marrow
Two types:
Neutrophils – small, short-lived
Macrophages – large, long-lived
Mode of action
engulf pathogen and create enzymes to
neutralize it
This process is called phagocytosis, literally
"eating cells."
Macrophages use phagocytosis to collect
antigens which they present to helper T-cells,
alerting the T-cells to the fact that there is a
foreign invader in the body, and triggering an
immune response.
Made in bone marrow before birth
Stored in lymphoid system
Secrete antibodies
Two groups:
T lymphocytes
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Mature in thymus gland
 Specific surface receptors called T cell
receptors and glycoprotein receptors
called CD receptors.
 T Cells provide Cell Mediated
T cells have several functions. They can
be: Helper T cells, which control other
cells, such as B cells or Macrophages,
directing them to carry out their task.
 Suppressor T cells, which dampen
down the immune response when it is
no longer needed.
 Cytotoxic T cells, which destroy host
cells that have become infected with the
invading organism. (Killer T)
B Lymphocytes
Mature in bone marrow
Each one has a specific receptor
10 million different variants
These code for the different antibodies
Mode of action
B Cells provide "Humoral
 Each B cell secretes a unique antibody,
which acts against a particular antigen.
When B cells meet an invading organism
for which they have the antibody, they do
one of two things.
 They may turn into antibody
factories and start manufacturing as
many copies of their antibody as they
 They may clone themselves increasing
the numbers of antibody factories,
Memory Cells
When B cells and T cells are activated some will
become memory cells.
Upon interaction with a previously encountered
antigen, the appropriate memory cells are
selected and activated.
The second and subsequent exposures to an
antigen produce a stronger and faster immune
Each antibody consists of four polypeptides– two
heavy chains and two light chains joined to form
a "Y" shaped molecule.
The amino acid sequence in the tips of the "Y"
varies greatly among different antibodies.
This variable region, composed of 110-130
amino acids, give the antibody its specificity for
binding to the antigen.
The constant region determines the mechanism
used to destroy the antigen.
Active Immunity
Naturally acquired active immunity occurs when
the person is exposed to a live pathogen,
develops the disease, and becomes immune as a
result of the primary immune response.
Artificially acquired active immunity can be
induced by a vaccine, a substance that contains
the antigen.
A vaccine stimulates a primary response against
the antigen without causing symptoms of the
Passive Immunity
Passive memory is usually short-term, lasting
between a few days and several months.
Newborn infants have had no prior exposure to
microbes and are particularly vulnerable to
infection. At birth, human babies have high
levels of antibodies, with the same range of
antigens as their mother.
This is passive immunity because the fetus does
not actually make any memory cells or
antibodies, it only borrows them.
Short-term passive immunity can also be
transferred artificially from one individual to
another via antibody-rich serum.
Immunization or vaccination is the deliberate induction
of an immune response.
Immunizations are successful because they utilize the
immune system's natural specificity as well as its
An antigen, derived from a disease-causing organism, is
injected and it stimulates the immune system to develop
protective immunity against that organism, but the
antigen does not itself cause the pathogenic effects of
that organism.
Most viral vaccines are based on live attenuated viruses,
while many bacterial vaccines are based on
avarious components of microorganisms, including
harmless chemical components.
Disease Eradication
Smallpox was eradicated in 1980
Virus did not mutate, so one vaccine
always worked.
Easy to identify infected people
Does not linger in the body to reinfect
Vaccine could be freeze dried for use in
the tropics (did not need to be
Other diseases are no so easy to
readicate, such as…..
Sickle-Cell anaemia
Chart on page 232 explains why.
Monoclonal antibodies
Identical antibodies produced to be effective
against a single, specific antigen.
Problem with producing them – B
lymphocytes that produce antibodies don’t
divide, and B lymphocytes that divide
(making plasma cells) don’t produce
HAT medium is
aminopterin thymidine.
Only hybridomas
survive. Myeloma and
normal cells die.
Plasma cells are fused with cancerous
cells which go on dividing indefinitely.
This formed a hybridoma which divides
and secretes antibodies.
Using monoclonal Antibodies
1. Pregnancy Tests
The monoclonal antibodies are made that
bind with the human hormone human
chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which is
produced in pregnancy.
The antibody is attached to a dipstick.
The dipstick is dipped into a urine sample.
Any hCG in the urine will bind to the
antibody and will be carried up the stick
with the urine.
Another antibody is made which will bind
with the hCG-antibody complex.
This is placed further up the stick and
As the hCG-antibody reaches the
immobilised antibody it binds and a pink
colour forms. (or blue, depending on the
To check whether the stick is working,
another chemical is attached to it that will
change colour even if there is no hGC
One band: Negative, as there was no hCG.
Two bands: Positive, as some of the mouse
antibody has hCG bound to it.
Monoclonal antibodies in diagnosis
and treatment
Blood clots:Fibrin (protein found in blood
clots) injected into a mouse, and monoclonal
antibodies against fibrin are produced as
previously discribed.
The antibodies are labelled with a
radioactive chemical so that they can be
The monoclonal antibodies are then
injected into the patient, and bind to the
fibrin in their blood clots.
The radiation then shows the doctors
where the blood clots are.
Cancer cells can be tracked down in a
similar way to identify the location of a
Monoclonal antibodies are made to be
bind on to cancer cells. An anti-cancer
drug is then joined to them.
These “magic-bullets” are then injected
into a patient, and the anti-cancer drug is
taken to the cancer cell by the monoclonal
antibody, and the cancer cell is destroyed.