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I. Overview
• Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic cells
– A. Prokaryotic Cells
• 1. Small, 1-10 micrometers in diameter
• 2. Lack membrane-enclosed organelles
• B. Eukaryotic cells (all organisms other
than bacteria)
– 1. Relatively large- 10-100 um in diameter
Size limited by SA/Volume ratio
– 2. Contain membrane-enclosed nucleii and
other membranous organelles in their
II. The Nucleus and Ribosomes
• A. The Nucleus contains a cell’s genetic
– 1. DNA is organized with protein (histone)
into thin fibers of chromatin
– 2. Chromatin coils into thick chromosomes in
dividing cells.
– 3. Nucleoli are inside the nucleus and are the
sites of ribosome synthesis.
• B. Ribosomes- small organelles in all
– 1. The site of protein synthesis
III. The Endomembrane System
• A. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
– ER is a network of cisternae (Membraneenclosed compartments)
– 1. Smooth ER- lacks ribosomes
• A. Synthesizes steroids, metabolizes
carbohydrates, stores calcium in muscle cells, and
detoxifies poisons (i.e. alcohol) in liver cells
• 2. Rough ER- contains bound ribosomes
– a. Produces cell membranes
– b. Produces secretory proteins that are
released from the ER in transport vesicles
• B. Golgi apparatus- assembles, sorts and
ships cell products
– 1. The Golgi stack receives secretory protein
from ER.
– 2. Proteins are modified, sorted and released
from the other end
• C. Lysosomes- digestive compartments
– 1. Membranous sacs of hydrolytic enzymes.
– 2. Recycle parts and/or digest food.
• Autophagy is the word for digesting cell parts
• D. Vacuoles- diverse functions in cell
1. Plant cells’ large, central vacuole stores
products, disposal of waste, helps cells to grow,
protects the cell and provides rigidity. (turgor)
IV. Other membranous organelles
• A. Mitochondria- the sites of cellular
• B. Chloroplasts- The sites of
• C. Peroxisomes- generate and breakdown
hydrogen peroxide
V. Cytoskeleton
• A. Made of microtubules,
microfilaments, and intermediate
– 1. Microtubules-grow from the centrosome
• a. Microtubules shape the cell, guide movement of
the organelles, and help separate chromosomes in
dividing cells.
• b. Cilia and flagella, made of microtubules, are
motile structures
• 2. Microfilaments- thin rods made of
actin. Used in muscle contraction and
amoeboid movement.
• 3. Intermediate filaments- support cell
shape and fix organelles in place.
VI. Cell surfaces and junctions
• A. Plant cells have cell walls (made of
cellulose fibers)
• B. Extracellular matrix (ECM)- in animal
cells ECM functions in support, adhesion,
movement, and regulation
• C. Intercellular junctions- help cells to
communicate and work together
– 1. Plant cells have plasmodesmata,
channels that pass through adjoining cell
• 2. Animal cells have tight junction,
desmosomes, and gap junctions
– a. Tight junction – prevents leakage of
materials between cells
– b. Desmosomes – functions as an anchor
to connect cells together
– c. Gap junction – Allows passage of
material (or current) between cells
Plasma Membrane
• Phospholipid bilayer
• Fundamental organization of all biological
– Hydrophilic phosphate heads (polar)
– Hydrophobic lipid tails (non polar)
• Membranes are…
• Selectively permeable - they allow only
specific substances to travel across them
– Some travel passively (passive transport):
water, oxygen, carbon dioxide
– Some need a little help: glucose (facilitated
diffusion) FYI: still passive transport
• Some require energy to pass through
(active transport): Ions
• Ex: potassium/sodium/hydrogen
– It requires ATP (cellular energy) and membrane
– It moves items against their concentration