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The Role of the CDM in the UK
An Active Market
Jonathan Thomas
The UK Climate Change Projects Office
Djerba, Tunisia, September 2004
The Climate Change Projects Office
Climate Change is a high political
priority in the UK
“Urgent action is
needed now to
combat the worlds
challenge – global
Tony Blair
14th September 2004
The Climate Change Projects Office
The UK Position
• The UK Kyoto target is 12.5% reduction in GHGs (20%
domestic CO2 reduction target)
• To achieve this, the Government has in place a Climate
Change Programme
• Responsibility for meeting the target partly resides with
UK companies
• The Government expects to meet its Kyoto target without
the need for importing CDM/JI credits, but companies may
want to use them to meet their own targets and for onward
The Climate Change Projects Office
Emissions Trading in the UK
The UK Government launched the world’s first all sector
voluntary emissions trading scheme (the UK ETS) in April
2002, as part of the Climate Change Programme
Rules were devised in conjunction with business
UK companies, consultants and brokers are now
experienced in the way the market works, and carrying
out emissions trades
The Climate Change Projects Office
The EU Emissions Trading
Allocation based on “National Allocation Plan”
Up to 5-10% of Allowances can be Auctioned
“Linking Directive” covers CDM & JI entry
Not Dependent on Kyoto Ratification !
The Climate Change Projects Office
Linking the EU-ETS and JI & CDM?
• CDM (from 2005) and JI (from 2008) ‘credits’ (=1 tCO2e) can
be used by over-emitters in the ETS
• JI and CDM credits may be cheaper than EU allowances
– Reduce compliance costs
– CDM could be in short-supply in the early years
• JI and CDM credits need not be converted into EU
allowances (more flexibility in market response)
The Climate Change Projects Office
Demand for CDM & JI Credits
• JI and CDM demand is not solely dependent on
“toughness” of EU state NAPs
• The key demand drivers for JI & CDM are the Kyoto targets
for the EU states
• A weak NAP plan will require states to meet Kyoto
commitments by reducing emissions in non-ETS sectors
(very difficult!) or by buying CDM & JI at a the national level
The Climate Change Projects Office
What UK business has to offer
• Experience from the UK and EU Emission Trading Scheme
• A wide range of brokerage, consultancy and legal skills is
readily available
• CERs from CDM project are available and ERUs from JI
projects are in the pipeline. There is a large demand for
good projects
• The City of London is a world centre for emissions trading
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 1
• The world’s first CDM project submitted for CDM-EB
Registration has UK involvement
• The project is based in India and uses HFC-23 destruction
technology supplied by Ineos Fluor UK
• The project is very significant and is expected to generate
several tens of millions of tonnes of CO2e over its lifetime
• Ineos are providing 2 million tonnes of CERs under the first
private deal in Europe – Facilitated by Natsource
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 2
•, a prominent UK-based carbon broker, has
recently facilitated two of the largest CDM project
transactions to date and has an ongoing demand for CERs
• This multi-million dollar deal is based on methane
production from the waste of 100,000 pigs at an Agrosuper
plant in Chile (~ 0.5 mtonnes of CO2e/yr)
• The CERs are being purchased by buyers in Japan and
• has transacted tens of millions of tonnes of
emission reductions to-date
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 3
• The ICECAP fund has been set up in the UK to acquire a
portfolio of ~ 40 million tonnes of CERs
• The founders of ICECAP participants are LessCarbon,
Cumbria Energy and Investec Bank
• ICECAP is acquiring CERs to sell to buyers in the EU-ETS,
Japan and Canada amongst others
• They are keen to source further good quality projects!
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 4
• Natsource Europe (based in London) have helped create the
GG-CAP carbon asset management tool
• GG-CAP is the world's first large-scale privately
run "buyers pool" designed for companies to purchase
compliance-ready reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG)
• Targeted for launch later this year, it will begin purchasing
10 - 20 million tonnes of CERs and JI credits early in 2005
and for several years to come.
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 5
• IT Power, a leading energy & climate change consultancy
are Carbon Finance Advisors for China's first CDM project Huitengxile Wind Farm
• 3 further CDM projects in China in development
• Developing 3 small-scale CDM "bundles" in India & working
with IREDA to develop a strategic business unit offering
bundling services to small-scale developers
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 6
EcoSecurities is the largest company solely dedicated to
carbon trading and climate change mitigation in the world
EcoSecurities-Standard Bank Carbon Facility has been set
up to purpose to purchase €8 million of emission
reductions from JI and CDM credits
2E Carbon Access Programme – Joint venture with E&Co
concentrating on funding and facilitating small-scale
renewable energy CDM
EcoSecurities has advised more than 60 JI/CDM projects
around the world
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK CDM Market Activity - 7
• The CCPO is running a major trade mission to India in the
first week of October 2004
• The mission comprises 15 UK companies who are keen to
develop and invest in CDM projects and acquire CERs
• The mission will be led by the Rt Hon Margaret Beckett,
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
• The CCPO is keen to promote further CDM trade missions
around the world
The Climate Change Projects Office
Recent UK JI Market Activity
• The British Cabinet has recently given clearance for Defra to
negotiate with a project developer with a view to hosting the
UK’s first Joint Implementation Project
• The project removes nitric oxide emissions from a nitric
acid plant and is expected to generate over 2 million tonnes
of CO2e reductions per year
The Climate Change Projects Office
What can the CCPO provide?
• Basic guidance
• Assistance preparing project proposals
• Advice on potential project partners
• A route to UK Government approval of projects
• Access to UK expertise in emissions trading and climate
change project development
The Climate Change Projects Office
The Climate Change Projects Office
Jonathan Thomas
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)20 7215 1608
The Climate Change Projects Office