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In the simplest terms, climate is the average of the
◦ “Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get” – Mark
Climate also includes the statistics of the weather:
not only the average, but the variability, and the
Example of a weather forecast: it will be 91 and
sunny on Wednesday
Example of a climate forecast: There is a 40%
probability that the average temperature in College
Station will be below normal in May, June, and July
Or, a longer time in the future: the global average
temperature will be 1.5 to 4.5°C greater in 2100 than
it was in 1990
What might cause these current conditions to change?
A forcing is a change to the global balance of
radiation: it leads to more or less coming in, or
more or less going out
◦ Volcanic Activity
◦ Changes in solar output
◦ Changes in earth’s orbit
◦ Natural changes in greenhouse gas
◦ Ocean currents
Anthropogenic (human-caused)
◦ Greenhouse gases
◦ Aerosols
◦ Land-use change
On the left is a photograph of Muir Glacier taken on August 13,
1941, by glaciologist William O. Field; on the right, a photograph
taken from the same vantage on August 31, 2004, by geologist
Bruce F. Molnia of the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
No direct measurements of temperature, etc.
except in the last ~150 years
Scientists have reconstructed the characteristics of
past climates using fossils, ocean sediments, ice
cores, tree rings, glacial sediments, etc.
These reconstructions show a cycle of ice ages and
interglacials, which are most prevalent in the
northern hemisphere
Volcanic activity
◦ Volcanoes emit ash into the stratosphere, which
keeps out solar radiation and cools the planet
Variations in solar output
◦ Solar energy changes with the sunspot cycle
Human activities
◦ Increasing greenhouse gases
◦ Emission of sulfates can keep out solar radiation
(like with volcanoes)
◦ Other aerosols have direct and indirect effects on
Instead of all the terrestrial
(longwave) radiation
escaping out to space, much
of it is absorbed by gases
(such as water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane) in the
The atmosphere then
radiates in all directions, and
some of it comes back to the
When this is accounted for,
we can calculate the average
temperature of 288 K
The atmospheric greenhouse
effect is the reason the
earth’s temperature is
suitable for life
The primary greenhouse gas is water vapor
(60%), with CO2 being the second most
important (26%)
CO2 concentrations have increased about 30%
since the industrial revolution; surface
temperatures have warmed around 1°F over the
past 100 years
This part of the equation is well understood: if
greenhouse gases are increased, more
longwave radiation will be absorbed and
emitted back to the surface instead of escaping
to space, leading to warming
However, the system has many complexities…
US Climate Change Science Program (2006)
The forcings in the previous slides don’t consider
◦ Positive feedback: initial change is
◦ Negative feedback: initial change is counteracted
Example of positive feedback: Increased
greenhouse gases  warming at surface 
evaporation of more water vapor  enhancement
of greenhouse effect  even more warming
Example of negative feedback: Increased
greenhouse gases  increased plant growth 
plants take CO2 out of the air  decrease in
greenhouse gas concentrations
Some of these feedbacks are not very well
understood and cause difficulty in predicting future
Eight of the 10 warmest
years since 1860 have
occurred in the last
decade; 1998 and 2005
are thought to be the
warmest in the last
1000 years
The rate of warming
slowed somewhat
between 2005-2009
March 2010 was the
warmest March on
record globally
Theory says that surface
temperatures should rise
when greenhouse gas
concentrations increase
There are many lines of
independent evidence
showing warming in the
20th and 21st century, as
well as observations of
changes in radiation due
to greenhouse gases
Climate models run
without increased
greenhouse gases do not
replicate the warming
over the past 150 yrs;
when GHGs are added,
the model results line up
with observations
Fig. 15.17, p. 449
Most models and most
scientists believe that there
will be continued warming
for the next century–current
projections are for a 1.1 to
6.4ºC average increase by
2100 (from 1980—1999
averages), depending on
future emissions
There is, of course, still
plenty of uncertainty due to
feedbacks, poorly
understood forcings, etc.
Yet these aspects we don’t
understand well doesn’t
invalidate the things we do
understand well!
Studies of regional impacts
are only starting
Fig. 15.18, p. 450
How certain do we need to be?
What, if anything, should we do about this?
◦ The global effects are generally well known,
but regional impacts remain uncertain
◦ What’s our tolerance for a changed climate,
relative to other concerns?
◦ If we decide to limit CO2, how?
 Carbon tax? Cap and trade?
These, and many other questions are an
interaction between science and policy, but
science can’t provide all the answers…
Greenhouse gases are increasing due to fossil-fuel
and biomass burning
◦ 280 to 380 ppm since pre-industrial, up 35%. Highest in
650,000 years at least.
Aerosols increasing due to industrial activity.
Earth’s Temp up 1.2°F in past century, mostly in
1920 to 1950 and then starting in 1975.
Sea Level up 2.7 inches in past 40 years, an inch in
the last 10.
Arctic Sea Ice decreased by 15-20% since 1978.
Global temp now highest in at least 500-1000
Global temp variability due to four factors:
Variability of solar output
Volcanic eruptions
Anthropogenic Sulfate Aerosols
Greenhouse gases
Last 30 year dramatic warming due to greenhouse
Without controlling greenhouse gas emissions,
global temp will rise 2.5 to 9°F over the next
6 to 16 inches of sea level rise in next
century, unless …
◦ Greenland goes – ouch - 20 feet!
Rainfall in concentrated events
Drought and Flood increase
◦ More Powerful (already see)
◦ Maybe less frequent
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
US Global Change Research Program:
There are lots of blogs, some credible, some
A nice one I’ve discovered recently is: It shows the scientific
(rather than political or emotional) arguments for
climate change. In that sense, it comes from the
“pro-global-warming” side, but is very balanced
in its presentation
GEOS 210 (2/3 science, 1/3 economics and
GEOS 410 (2/3 Public policy and economics,
1/3 science)