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Marketing 3344
Taking on a Huge International
Advertising and IBP Challenge
International Advertising
Advertising that crosses national
and cultural boundaries
Important issue: Cultures not
nations define the nature of
advertising messages
Overcoming Cultural Barriers
Barriers to successful international
 Ethnocentrism
– Tendency to view and value things
through one’s own cultural
 Self-Reference Criterion (SRC)
– Unconscious reference to own
cultural values, experiences, and
knowledge to make decisions
Cross-Cultural Audience
Economic conditions (LDC, NIH,
Demographic characteristics
Custom and ritual
Product use and preferences
Challenges in Executing
Advertising Worldwide
The Creative Challenge
The Media Challenge
The Regulatory Challenge
Creative Challenge
Written and spoken language
 Translation difficulties
 Culture-bound “picturing”
 Assumptions and inferences
 Identifying cross-cultural icons
and symbols
Ad in Context Example
Why could this ad be
used on a world-wide
The Media Challenge
Availability and Coverage
 Too few options
 Too many options
 Global television now possible though
Costs and Pricing
 Complex due to many options
 No set pricing in some markets
 Global coverage is expensive
Regulatory Challenges
What are the . . .
 Products that can be advertised?
 Appeals that can be used?
 Times that products may be promoted?
 Rules regarding foreign language use?
 Restrictions on using national symbols?
 Taxes levied against advertising?
Regulatory Challenges
Can you use:
 Ads directed to children?
 Foreign languages in ads?
 National symbols in ads?
Advertising may be taxed
International Agency Options
Global Agency
 Greater integration
 Economies of scale
Local agency
 Highly localized
 Execution risks
International affiliates
 Local market expertise
 Cultural adaptation
Ad Campaigns: Global versus
Global Campaigns
Local Campaigns
Message 1
Message 2
Message 3
Ad in Context Example
Why can Jack
Daniels’ use a
global ad
campaign when
other advertisers
often cannot?
Trends Promoting Global
 Global communications
 Global youth
 Universal demographics and
lifestyle trends
 Americanization of consumption
Arguments Against Using Global
 Audiences in different cultures place
value on different brand attributes
 Global campaigns can defy local customs
or ignore local competition
 Local managers will not support a global
campaign and message