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The Fall of the Roman Republic
Glossary of key words
A state without a king or sole ruler. The government of Rome before
Augustus became first emperor is known as ‘The Republic’.
The noble families in Rome; the upper classes
The ordinary citizens of Rome; the lower classes
The rich middle classes in Rome; members known as equites or
‘knights’. However, still plebeians.
The council which effectively ruled Rome before the emperors.
Members met in the curia, or senate house, in the forum, discussed all
matters and issued senatus consulta, or ‘decrees of the senate’.
Members wore a broad purple strip on their togas.
Cursus honorum
The ‘course of honours’; normal political career for wealthy
young Romans. All jobs were unpaid. Still operating under the
emperors to give young men with ambition some ‘career path’.
Chief magistrates under the republic. Two elected each year, so that
no one man would become two powerful. Performed the jobs the king
had done, eg chief judge, chief general, head of state etc.
Magistrates who presided in the lawcourts.
Magistrates largely concerned with administration, such as care of the
markets, public roads etc.
Financial magistrates, both in Rome and in the provinces
The tribuni plebis, or ‘tribunes of the people’, were originally
appointed to defend the people’s interests against the patricians.
Their main power was the right of ‘veto’, which meant that they could
stop any discussion in any meeting. At first plebeians only, could be
tribunes, but later open to all.
At times of crisis, the republic would appoint one man to
control everything for a limited time (usually 6 months). Both Sulla
and Julius Caesar were appointed dictator for life.
A group of three men. The first triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus and
Caesar was an unofficial alliance to use their combined influence to
get what they wanted. The second triumvirate of Mark Antony,
Octavian and Lepidus was officially appointed to take control of the
state in a time of crisis, and perhaps marks the actual end of the