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Is there a difference
between a
Direct Democracy
and a
Define Direct Democracy from
looking at this picture
Define, in your own words, a Republic.
Romulus was Rome's first king and
the city's founder
The Sabines
Romulus permitted men of all
classes to come to Rome as citizens,
including slaves and freemen
without distinction.
The Etruscans
Under the monarchy, the Senate possessed
very little power and authority
The chief function of the Senate
The king was, by custom, to seek the advice of
the Senate on major issues.
Only the king possessed the power to convene
the Senate
Numa Pompilius
Tullus Hostilius
Ancus Marcius
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus
Servius Tullius
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
Tarquinius used violence,
murder, and terrorism to
maintain control over
By 510 BC he was taken out
of office and the Republic
You are now a Public Policy Analyst.
Your charge is to examine why Rome
became a Republic.
Fill out Worksheet #1
Tarpeian Rock
What it was like in the Roman Republic
As you view the Brain Pop,
complete the Vocabulary Sheet.
After viewing the Brain Pop,
complete the Graphic Organizer.
Is there a difference between
Direct Democracy
and a
Mrs. Kline
North Syracuse Junior High School