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Chapter 1-2:
Genetics Progressed
from Mendel to DNA in
Less Than a Century
A Breakdown
Mendel’s Work
Item 1
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Genetic Variation
Search for the Chemical Nature of Genes
Mendel’s Work
Essential Point #1: Mendel’s work
on pea plants established the
principles of gene transmission
from parent to offspring that serve
as the foundation for the science
of genetics.
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
Essential Point #2: The
Chromosome Theory of
Inheritance explains how
genetic information is
transmitted from generation to
Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
Terms to know:
• Diploid (2n): 2 copies; found in body cells.
• Homologous chromosomes:
chromosomes appear in pairs. They are
identical in size and location of
• Mitosis/Meiosis: Replication and division of
chromosomes for cell distribution.
• Haploid (n): half the copies; found in
• Allele: alternative forms of a gene
• Phenotype: observable features.
• Genotype: the set of alleles for a given
trait in the genetic code.
Genetic Variation
Results from any heritable change.
• Discovery of mutations in eye color in
Drosophila, fruit fly, the most common
model organism in genetics.
• These mutations can be found in the
genes of gametes and are passed
through sexual reproduction.
Genetic Variation
Heritable changes are
Cause no change
Cause beneficial changes/
Natural Selection
Cause harmful changes
The Search for DNA or Protein?
Many researchers
thought proteins were
the chemical
responsible for the
passage of genes from
parent to offspring.
1944: Avery, etal
proved that DNA was
responsible for carrying
genetic information in
Questions to Consider
Can we apply Mendel’s theories to the inheritance of
all traits? Give examples.
Why was it difficult for scientists to accept Avery, etal
claim that DNA was the mechanism of heredity in
1944? (hint: when did Watson, Crick, and Franklin
publish their findings?)
1.3: Discovery of the Double Helix and
Molecular Genetics
Once Avery, etal proved that DNA was the
mechanism of inheritance, the stage was set in the
discovery of its structure.
1953: Watson & Crick described the molecular
structure of DNA.
Awarded the Nobel Prize in
Gene Expression:
from DNA to phenotype
Also known as the Central Dogma
Proteins and Biological Function
Proteins are the product of genetic
20 different Amino Acids = the building
blocks of proteins.
Lets do the math…
What is/are the functions of proteins in living
Protein that contains 100 amino acids can
have any one of the 20 A.A.’s at each location
20 100 = 5 trillion possibilities!!!
3-dimensional conformation of the protein
is essential to its biological function.
Enzymes = shape is ESSENTIAL for bonding
with chemicals at the active site.
Case Study
Sickle Cell
Phenotype and Genotype:
Sickle cell trait
RESULT: Can’t bind to
oxygen for transport.