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CHAPTER 4 – The Cell In Action
A) Section 1: Exchange with the Environment
“Through the Cell Membrane”
1) What
Is Diffusion . . .
2) Osmosis—Diffusion of Water
3) The Cell Environments and Osmosis
4) Moving Small Particles—Comparing Active and
Passive Transport
5) Moving Large Particles—Endocytosis and
B) Section 2: Cell Energy
1) From
Sun to Cell—Photosynthesis
2) Getting Energy from Food—Cellular Respiration
3) Linking Photosynthesis and Respiration
4) Fermentation
C) Section 3: The Cell Cycle
1) The
Life of a Cell—Cell Cycle
2) Chromosomes—Making More Cells
3) Homologous Chromosomes . . . Pg. 99
4) Mitosis—will ensure that each new cell receives
an identical copy of each chromosome.
 Particles move from
 The diffusion of
water through a
an area of high
concentration to an
area of low
 Does not require
ATP (energy)
 Water
 Particles move from
an area of high
concentration to an
area of low
 Does not require
ATP (energy)
 Sugar
 Particles move from
an area of low
concentration to an
area of high
 Particles move
through proteins
 Requires ATP
 The water particles
will move out of the
cells to where water
molecules are less
concentrated in the
salty solution; thus,
the cells will shrink.
 The movement of
substances across a
cell membrane
without the use of
energy by the cell.
 Diffusion is when
any kind of particles
move from a
crowded area to a
less crowded area.
 The movement of
substances across
the cell membrane
that requires the
cell to use energy;
b/c the cell must
work against the
flow of particles.
 Endocytosis and
exocytosis are
examples of active
transport. In both
processes the cell
must change shape,
wrap around a
particle, and make
other movements
that require the cell
to use energy.