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AP Biology
Evolution Test Review
Chapters 21, 22, 23
Suggestions: Study your notes (using an interactive study technique like notecards), then make sure you
can answer all of these questions. Afterward, read your textbook.
What is microevolution? Macroevolution?
What three things cause microevolution?
What is genetic variation? What are the sources of genetic variation?
How are new alleles formed?
How does genetic variation make evolution possible?
What is gene variability?
What are the sources of genetic variation?
What does the Hardy-Weinberg equation test?
What is a population?
What is a gene pool?
What does it mean when an allele for a particular locus is fixed in the population?
What is allele frequency?
What are the formulas used to solve Hardy-Weinberg problems? What does p stand for? q? p2?
q2? 2pq? Make sure you can solve Hardy-Weinberg problems.
What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle?
What is Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
Describe the five conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
What three factors cause the most evolutionary change in a population?
Describe how natural selection creates individuals that are more suited for their environment.
What is genetic drift?
What is the founder effect? The bottle neck effect?
Describe the effects of genetic drift.
What is gene flow?
What is adaptive evolution? What causes adaptive evolution?
What is directional selection? Disruptive selection? Stabilizing selection?
What is sexual selection? Sexual dimorphism?
Describe the two types of sexual selection.
Describe how genetic variation is preserved. What is diploidy? Balancing selection?
Heterozygote advantage? Frequency dependent selection?
Why can’t natural selection make perfect organisms?
What is speciaton?
How do we define a species?
Describe the biological species concept. What are its limitations?
What is reproductive isolation?
What is a hybrid?
34. What are reproductive barriers? Prezygotic barriers? Post zygotic barriers? Examples?
35. Describe the morphological species concept, ecological species concept, and phylogenetic
species concept.
36. What is allopatric speciation? Describe the process that causes it.
37. What is sympatric speciation? What 3 factors cause it?
38. What is polyploidy? Autopolyploidy? Allopolyploidy?
39. What is a hybrid zone?
40. What is reinforcement? Fusion? Stability?
41. Does speciation occur rapidly or slowly?
42. How many genetic changes are required to cause speciation?
43. What is punctuated equilibria? What does it indicate?
44. What is the model of gradual change? What does it indicate?
45. How quickly can speciation occur? How slowly?
46. What is the richest source of fossils?
47. What is strata?
48. How does the fossil record provide information about evolution?
49. How is the fossil record limited?
50. What techniques are used to date fossils?
51. What is radiometric dating? How does it work?
52. What is an isotope?
53. What is a half life?
54. What are the limitations of radiometric dating?
55. What is the geologic record?
56. What eons make up the geologic record?
57. Why is the Panerozoic eon important?
58. What is a stromatolite? What does it help us to know about the history of the earth?
59. Describe the general history of the Earth.
60. Describe the theory of plate tectonics.
61. What is continental drift?
62. How has continental drift affected the process of evolution?
63. What is a mass extinction?
64. How many mass extinction events have occurred during the history of the earth?
65. How have mass extinctions affected the process of evolution?
66. What is adaptive radiation?
67. What causes major changes in body form?
68. What is heterochony? How has it affected evolutionary history?
69. Describe paedomorphosis. How has it affected evolutionary history?
70. What are homeotic genes? How have they affected evolution?
71. What is a Hox gene?
72. What does it mean when we say that evolution is not goal oriented?
73. What are exaptations?