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for Economics
Tol, Richard S. J.
Working Paper
The economic impact of climate change
ESRI working paper, No. 255
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Suggested Citation: Tol, Richard S. J. (2008) : The economic impact of climate change, ESRI
working paper, No. 255
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Working Paper No. 255
September 2008
The Economic Impact of Climate Change
Richard S.J. Tola,b,c,d
Abstract: I review the literature on the economic impacts of climate change, an
externality that is unprecedentedly large, complex, and uncertain. Only 14 estimates of
the total damage cost of climate change have been published, a research effort that is in
sharp contrast to the urgency of the public debate and the proposed expenditure on
greenhouse gas emission reduction. These estimates show that climate change initially
improves economic welfare. However, these benefits are sunk. Impacts would be
predominantly negative later in the century. Global average impacts would be
comparable to the welfare loss of a few percent of income, but substantially higher in
poor countries. There are over 200 estimates of the marginal damage cost of carbon
dioxide emissions. The uncertainty about the social cost of carbon is large and rightskewed. For a standard discount rate, the expected value $50/tC, which is much lower
than the price of carbon in the European Union but much higher than the price of carbon
elsewhere. Current estimates of the damage costs of climate change are incomplete,
with positive and negative biases. Most important among the missing impacts are the
indirect effects of climate change on economic development, large scale biodiversity
loss, low probability – high impact scenarios, the impact of climate change on violent
conflict, and the impacts of climate change beyond 2100. From a welfare perspective,
the impact of climate change is problematic because population is endogenous, and
because policy analyses should separate impatience, risk aversion, and inequity
aversion between and within countries.
Key words: Impacts of climate change; social cost of carbon
JEL Classification: Q54
Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland
Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
ESRI working papers represent un-refereed work-in-progress by members who are solely
responsible for the content and any views expressed therein. Any comments on these papers will
be welcome and should be sent to the author(s) by email. Papers may be downloaded for
personal use only.
The Economic Impact of Climate Change
Climate change is one of the defining issues of the early 21st century. The research effort
is enormous, and media attention is intense. Climate change is an election issue, and it
has won people an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize. Economic research is centred on three
questions: What if? So what? What should we do? This paper assesses the first two
questions. What are the implications of climate change? And how serious is this
problem? The paper also touches on the third question. What are the elements of an
optimal climate policy? The paper does not answer these questions. Two decades of
economic research yielded valuable insights, but only now the scope of the problem has
become clear. This paper surveys what we know and what we still need to learn about the
economic impacts of climate change – and what this implies for climate policy.
Climate change is the mother of all externalities, larger, more complex, and more
uncertain than any other environmental problem. Sulphur dioxide emissions, one of the
main causes of acidification, arise from impurities in fossil fuels. Sulphur is a nuisance as
well as an externality. However, thermal energy is generated by breaking the chemical
bonds in carbohydrates (e.g., oil) and oxidising the components to CO2 and H2O. That is,
CO2 is intrinsic to fossil fuel combustion. Similarly, methane (CH4) emissions are
necessary to prevent the build-up of hydrogen in anaerobic digestion. One cannot have
beef, dairy, or rice without methane emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions are therefore
fundamental to our food production and our energy system. There are no easy solutions.
The sources of greenhouse gas emissions are also more diffuse than that of any other
environmental problem. Every company, every farm, every household emits some
greenhouse gases. The impacts are similarly pervasive. Agriculture, energy use, health,
and nature are directly affected by the weather, and this in turn affects everything and
everyone. Indeed, it cannot be excluded that poor countries are poor partly because they
are hot. The depletion of the ozone layer is another global externality, but its causes
(substances used in a small number of industrial processes and residential applications)
and consequences (human health, ecosystems) are rather confined. The causes and
consequences of climate change are very diverse, and those who contribute least are most
vulnerable. Climate change is therefore not just an efficiency problem, but also an equity
problem. As the status quo is an unjust externality, the Coasian separation of equity and
efficiency has little practical value. Climate change is also a long-term problem. Some
greenhouse gases have an atmospheric life-time of tens of thousands of years, and a small
part of carbon dioxide will stay in the atmosphere practically forever. Greenhouse gas
emissions are in this sense comparable to nuclear waste, but the quantities are too large to
permit the containment approach that is used to store radioactive material. Finally, the
uncertainties about climate change are vast – indeed so vast that the standard tools of
decision-making under uncertainty and learning may not be applicable. As all these issues
come together in the emission of greenhouse gases, climate change truly is one of the
greatest intellectual challenges of our times.
Therefore this paper cannot possibly cover all economic aspects of climate change. I
focus on the impacts of climate change, and sketch the implications for policy. Section 2
reviews the estimates of the total economic impacts. Section 3 surveys the marginal cost
estimates. Section 4 discusses the many and large research gaps. Section 5 concludes.
Estimates of the total impact of climate change
The first studies of the welfare impacts of climate change were done for the USA (Cline,
1992; Nordhaus, 1991; Titus, 1992; cf. Smith, 1996). Although Nordhaus (1991; cf.
Ayres and Walter, 1991) extrapolated his US estimate to the world, and Hohmeyer and
Gaertner (1992) published some estimates, the credit for the first serious study of the
global welfare impacts goes to Fankhauser (1994, 1995). Other global estimates were
published by Nordhaus (1994a,b), Tol (1995), Nordhaus and Yang (1996), Plambeck and
Hope (1996), Nordhaus and Boyer (2000), Mendelsohn et al. (2000a,b), Tol (2002a,b),
Maddison (2003), Rehdanz and Maddison (2005) and Nordhaus (2006). 1
There are a dozen studies. The number of authors is lower, and can be grouped into a
UCL group and a Yale one. 2 Most fields are dominated by a few people and fewer
schools, but dominance in this field is for want of challengers. The impact of this is
unknown, but this insider argues below that the field suffers from tunnel-vision. This
situation is worrying. Politicians proclaim that climate change is the greatest challenge of
this century. Billions of dollars have been spent on studying the problem and its
solutions, and hundreds of billions may be spent on emission reduction (e.g., Weyant et
al., 2006). Yet, the economics profession has essentially closed its eyes to the question
whether this expenditure is justified.3
The reasons for the dearth of research are:
lack of funding – this work is too applied for funding by academic sources, while
applied agencies dislike the typical results and pre-empt embarrassment by not
funding economic impact estimates;
lack of daring – this research requires making many, often questionable
assumptions, and taking on well-entrenched incumbents; and
lack of reward – the economics profession frowns on applied research in general
and interdisciplinarity in particular.
In addition, many people, including many economists, would argue that climate change is
beyond cost-benefit analysis (e.g., van den Bergh, 2004) and that monetary valuation is
unethical (e.g., Spash, 2007; Ackerman, 2008).
The numbers used by Hope (2006) are averages of previous estimates by Fankhauser and Tol; Stern et al.
(2006) adopt the work of Hope (2006).
Nordhaus and Mendelsohn are colleagues and collaborators; Fankhauser, Maddison and Tol all worked
with David Pearce and one another; Rehdanz was a student of Maddison and Tol.
There is a large literature on the economics of climate change, but it is focussed on international
agreements, policy instruments for emission reduction, and impacts of emission reduction.
Table 1 shows selected characteristics of the published estimates. Figure 1 displays these
estimates against the global mean temperature. A few insights emerge. First, the welfare
impact of a doubling of the atmospheric concentration on the current economy is
relatively small. Although the estimates differ, welfare losses are a few percent of GDP
or less. It is therefore no surprise that cost-benefit analyses of climate change recommend
only limited greenhouse gas emission reduction – for instance, Nordhaus (1993) argues
that the optimal rate of emission reduction is 10-15%. 4
Second, although the impact is relatively small, is not negligible. A damage of a few per
cent of GDP per year is a real concern.
Third, some estimates (Hope, 2006; Mendelsohn et al., 2000a,b; Tol, 2002b) point to
initial benefits of climate change. 5 This is more clearly seen in Figure 1. The initial
benefits are partly because more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reduces water stress in
plants and may make them grow faster (Long et al., 2006). Another reason is that the
global economy is concentrated in the temperate zone, where warming reduces heating
costs and cold-related health problems. At the same time, the world population is
concentrated in the tropics, where the impacts of initial climate change are probably
Even if, initially, economic impacts may well be positive, it does not follow that
greenhouse gas emissions should be subsidized as the climate responds rather slowly to
changes in emissions. The initial impacts cannot be avoided; they are sunk benefits.
Impacts start falling at roughly the same time emission control affects climate change
(Hitz and Smith, 2004; Tol, 2002b; Tol et al., 2000). The fitted line in Figure 1 suggests
that the turning point is at 1.1ºC warming, with a standard deviation of 0.6 ºC. Even
though total impacts of 1-2ºC warming may be positive compared to today, incremental
impacts are negative.
This is one of the more contentious findings of the climate economics literature. It is rejected by most
natural scientists and many economists, despite the impeccable pedigree of the estimate and its author.
Studies published after 1995 all have regions with net gains and net losses due to global warming; earlier
studies only find net losses.
The fourth insight is that relative impacts are higher in poorer countries (see also Yohe
and Schlesinger, 2002). 6 This is because poorer countries are less able to adapt to climate
change (Adger, 2006; Alberini et al., 2006; Smit and Wandel, 2006; Yohe and Tol,
2002), particularly in health (Tol, 2005). Poor countries are more exposed to climate
change, particularly in agriculture and water resources. Furthermore, poorer countries
tend be hotter and therefore closer to biophysical temperature limits and short on spatial
analogues should it get warmer still. However, there are fewer studies on the impacts of
climate change on developing countries than on developed countries. 7 This has two
policy implications. Firstly, greenhouse gases mix uniformly in the atmosphere. It does
not matter where they are emitted or by whom, the effect on climate change is the same.
Therefore, any justification of stringent emission abatement is an appeal to consider the
plight of the poor and the impacts imposed on them by the rich (Schelling, 2000).
Secondly, if poverty is the root cause for vulnerability to climate change, one may
wonder whether stimulating economic growth or emission abatement is the better way to
reduce impacts. Indeed, Tol and Dowlatabadi (2001) and Tol and Yohe (2006) argue that
the economic growth foregone by stringent abatement more than offsets the avoided
impacts of climate change, at least for malaria, while Tol (2005) shows that development
is a cheaper way of reducing climate-change-induced malaria than is emission reduction.
Moreover, richer countries may find it easier and cheaper to compensate poorer countries
for the climate change damages caused, than to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Such
compensation may be explicit, but would more likely take the shape of technical and
financial assistance with adaptation (cf. Paavola and Adger, 2006).
A fifth insight from Table 1 is that impact estimates have become less pessimistic over
time. The trend is that estimates increase by 0.23% of GDP per year, with a standard
deviation of 0.10%/yr. There are three reasons for this. Firstly, the projections of future
emissions and future climate change have become less severe over time – even though
the public discourse has become shriller. Secondly, the earlier impact studies focused on
the negative impacts of climate change, whereas later studies considered the balance of
Emissions are higher in richer countries. This hampers an international agreement on emission reduction.
Note that some studies (e.g., Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994) assume rather than conclude that poorer
countries are more vulnerable.
positives and negatives. Thirdly, earlier studies tended to ignore adaptation. That is,
climate changes, but agents continue to do the same thing. Large and negative impacts
are the result. More recent studies – triggered by Mendelsohn et al. (1994) – include
adaptation. Climate changes, and agents change their behaviour to minimize losses and
make the best of the new opportunities. However, agents are typically assumed to have
perfect foresight, and to be flexible and properly incentivized. Although climate change is
slow relative to economic and social change, these assumptions may be optimistic.
Forecasts are imperfect, agents are constrained in many ways, and markets are often
distorted – particularly in the areas that matter most for the impacts of climate change,
viz. water, food, energy, and health. Therefore, recent studies may be too optimistic on
adaptation and thus on the impacts of climate change. The observed trend cannot be
The broad agreement between the studies in Table 1 is remarkable as they used different
methods. The studies by Fankhauser, Nordhaus (1994), and Tol use the enumerative
method. That is, ‘physical’ impact estimates are obtained one by one, from ‘natural
science’ papers based on ‘process-based’ models or ‘laboratory experiments’. Physical
impacts are multiplied with their respective prices, and added up. The ‘prices’ are
obtained by benefit transfer (see below). In contrast, Mendelsohn’s work is based on
direct estimates of the welfare impacts, using observed variations (across space) in prices
and expenditures to discern the effect of climate. Mendelsohn estimates are done per
sector and then added up, but physical modelling and benefit transfer are avoided.
Nordhaus (2006) uses empirical estimates of the aggregate climate impact on income,
while Maddison (2003) looks at patterns of aggregate household consumption. Like
Mendelsohn, Nordhaus and Maddison rely exclusively on observations, assuming that
“climate” is reflected in incomes and expenditures. Rehdanz and Maddison (2005) also
empirically estimate the aggregate impact using self-reported happiness. The difference
with Nordhaus and Maddison is that their indicator is subjective rather than objective.
The enumerative studies rely on controlled experiments (albeit with detailed, processbased models in most cases). This has the advantages of ease of interpretation and
physical realism, but the main disadvantage is that certain things are kept constant that
would change in reality. Adaptation is probably the key element. The statistical studies
rely on uncontrolled experiments. This has the advantage that everything varies as it does
in reality, but the disadvantages are that the assessment is constrained by observed
variations 8 and that effects may be spuriously attributed to climate. The broad agreement
of the estimates from such different methods enhances confidence.
The shortcomings of the estimates in Table 1 are interesting too. Welfare losses are
approximated with direct costs, ignoring general equilibrium and even partial equilibrium
effects (see below). In the enumerative studies, impacts are assessed independently of one
another, even if there is an obvious overlap as between water resources and agriculture.
Estimates are often based on extrapolation from a few detailed case studies, and
extrapolation is to climate and levels of development that are very different from the
original case study. Little effort has been put into validating the underlying models
against independent data – even though the findings of the first empirical estimate of the
impact of climate change on agriculture (Mendelsohn et al., 1994) were in stark contrast
to earlier results (e.g., Parry, 1990). Valuation is based on benefit transfer, driven only by
difference in per capita income. Realistic modelling of adaptation is problematic, and
studies either assume no adaptation or perfect adaptation. Many impacts are unquantified,
and some of these may be large (see below). The uncertainties are unknown – only 5 of
the 14 estimates in Table 1 have some estimate of uncertainty. These problems are
gradually solved, but progress is slow. Indeed, the above list of caveats is similar to those
in Fankhauser and Tol (1996, 1997).
The enumerative method for estimating total impacts uses the inner product of a vector of
quantities and prices. For traded goods and services, market prices are used. For nontraded goods and services, other methods are needed. As primary valuation studies are
expensive, time-consuming, and situation-specific, monetisation of climate change
impacts relies on benefit transfer. That is, values estimated for other issues are applied to
climate change concerns. Furthermore, values estimated for a limited number of locations
are extrapolated to the world, and values estimated for a given period are extrapolated to
This particularly limits estimates of the direct impact of higher ambient concentrations of carbon dioxide.
the future. This is unavoidable. However, tests of benefit transfer methods have shown
time and again that extrapolation errors are substantial (Brouwer and Spaninks, 1999).
There is also a conceptual issue with valuation. Empirical studies have shown that values
can differ up to an order of magnitude depending on whether one estimates the
willingness to pay (WTP) for improved environmental services, or whether one estimates
the willingness to accept compensation (WTAC) for diminished services. There is a
substantial literature on this matter (cf. Horowitz and McConnell, 2002), and it is now
clear that this is more than a measurement error. People seem to be averse to risks
imposed on them by others, and this would drive a wedge between WTP and WTAC. The
impact studies listed in Table 1 all use WTP as the basis for valuation, as recommended
by Arrow et al. (1993). Implicitly, the policy problem is phrased as “how much are we
willing to pay to buy a better climate for our children?” Alternatively, the policy problem
could be phrased as “how much compensation should we pay our children for
deteriorating their climate?” Because of the deviation between WTP and WTAC, these
two questions have different answers. Reducing emissions is more practical than setting
up an intergenerational compensation fund, and this argues for WTP. However, the WTP
formulation takes “no emission reduction” as the default, while the WTAC formulation
takes “no climate change” as the default – WTP thus violates the “do no harm” principle
that is paramount in ethics and law (Tol and Verheyen, 2004).
Table 1 and Figure 1 make clear that the uncertainty about the impact of climate change
is vast – just how vast will become clear when the marginal impacts are discussed below.
The studies that are based on a benchmark warming of 2.5ºC have an average impact of 0.7% of GDP, and a standard deviation of 1.2% of GDP – note that this is the uncertainty
about the best estimate of the impacts, rather than the uncertainty about the impacts. Only
5 of the 14 studies in Table 1 report some measure of uncertainty. Two of these report a
standard deviation, suggesting symmetry in the distribution. Three studies report a
confidence interval – of these, two studies find the uncertainty is right-skewed, but one
study finds a left-skewed distribution. Although there is little and contradictory evidence,
negative surprises should be more likely than positive surprises. While it is relatively
easy to imagine a disaster scenario – involving massive sea level rise, mass migration and
violent conflict – it is not at all easy to argue that climate change will be a huge boost to
economic growth. Even though there are no reliable estimates of the uncertainty, it should
be large and right-skewed. The policy implication is that emission reduction should err on
the ambitious side.
Estimates of the marginal damage cost of greenhouse gas emissions
Although the number of studies of the total costs of climate change is small (Table 1 has
13 studies and 14 estimates), a larger number of studies estimate the marginal costs: Tol
(2008) reports 47 studies with 211 estimates, and a few more have been published since
(Hope, 2008a,b; Nordhaus, 2008; Stern and Taylor, 2007). The marginal damage cost of
carbon dioxide, also known as the social cost of carbon, is defined as the net present
value of the incremental damage due to an infinitesimally small increase in carbon
dioxide emissions. The marginal damage cost equals the Pigou tax if it is computed along
the optimal trajectory of emissions. Marginal damage cost estimates thus derive from
total cost estimates. Note that some of the total cost estimates (Maddison, 2003;
Mendelsohn et al., 2000a,b; Nordhaus, 2006; Rehdanz and Maddison, 2005) have yet to
be used for marginal cost estimation. Therefore, the 211 estimates of the social cost of
carbon are based on 9 estimates of the total impact of climate change. The empirical basis
for the optimal carbon tax is much smaller than is suggested by the number of estimates.
There is only one way to take a first derivative, so how can it be that 9 totals yield 211
marginals? The total impact of climate change is typically estimated as the difference
between today’s economy with today’s climate and today’s economy with some future
climate. The same comparative static estimate of total impact implies different marginal
costs along different projections of emissions and climate change. Alternative population
and economic scenarios also yield different estimates, particularly if vulnerability to
climate change is assumed to change with development. Marginal cost estimates further
vary with the way in which uncertainty is treated (if at all). Estimates also differ with
regional aggregation of impacts. Most studies add monetary impacts for world regions,
which roughly reflects the assumption that emitters of greenhouse gases will compensate
the victims of climate change. Other studies add utility-equivalent impacts, assuming a
social planner and a global welfare function. Different assumptions about the shape of the
welfare function imply widely different estimates of the social cost of carbon. However,
the discount rate is the most important source of variation in the estimates of the social
cost of carbon. This is not surprising as the bulk of the avoidable impact of climate
change is in the distant future. Besides combinatorial sensitivity analyses with the three
components of the Ramsey rule for geometric discounting, more recent studies have also
analyzed numerous variants of hyperbolic discounting.
Table 2 shows some characteristics of the published estimates of the social cost of
carbon. Following Tol (2008), I fitted a Fisher-Tippett distribution to each published
estimate using the estimate as the mode and the sample standard deviation. The FisherTippett distribution is the only parsimonious (two-parameter), fat-tailed distribution that
is defined on the real line. A few published estimates are negative, and fat-tails seem
appropriate (cf. Tol, 2003; Weitzman, forthcoming). The joint probability density
function follows from addition, using weights that reflect the age and quality of the study
as well as the importance that the authors attach to the estimate – some estimates are
presented as central estimates, others as sensitivity analyses or upper and lower bounds.
Table 2 reaffirms that the uncertainty about climate change is very large. If all estimates
are included, this is partly explained by the use of different pure rates of time preference.
However, as is shown by the estimates for three subsamples of the data using the same
pure rate of time preference, time discounting is only part of the uncertainty. For a 3%
pure rate of time preference, the mean social cost of carbon is $50/tC, and the median is
$37/tC. However, the 99%ile is $271/tC. That is, the uncertainty is large and rightskewed. For a 1% pure rate of time preference, these numbers are more than twice as
high. If the pure rate of time preference is lowered further, to 0%, estimates increase
further – but by less than one might have expected, because most estimates are
(inappropriately) based on a finite time horizon. 9 Table 2 shows that the estimates for the
With an infinite time horizon, the social cost of carbon would still be finite as fossil fuel reserve are finite
and the economy would eventually equilibrate with the new climate.
whole sample are dominated by the estimates based on lower discount rates. Note that
there is one estimate (Hohmeyer and Gartner, 1992) based on a zero consumption
discount rate (cf. Davidson, 2006) and thus a negative pure rate of time preference.
To place these numbers in their context, new power plants would be carbon-free for a
carbon tax of $50-100/tC (Weyant et al., 2006) while transport would decarbonise only at
a much higher carbon tax (Schaefer and Jacoby, 2005, 2006). Substantial emission
reduction requires a carbon tax of at least $50/tC, and can barely be justified with a pure
rate of time preference of 3%. Note that the social cost of carbon is a global estimate –
the contribution of each country to the damages is smaller.
Research needs
Higher order impacts
The literature reviewed above is largely limited to estimates of the direct costs, that is
price times quantity, with constant prices. This is a crude approximation of the welfare
impact. General equilibrium studies of the effect of climate change on agriculture have a
long history (Kane et al., 1992; Darwin, 2004). These papers show that markets matter,
and may even reverse the sign of the initial impact estimate (Yates and Strzepek, 1998).
Bosello et al. (2007) and Darwin and Tol (2001) show that sea level rise would change
production and consumption in countries that are not directly affected. Ignoring the
general equilibrium effects leads to small negative bias in the global welfare loss, but
differences in regional welfare losses are much greater and may be negative as well as
positive. Similarly, Bosello et al. (2006) show that the direct costs are biased towards
zero for health, while Berrittella et al. (2006) emphasize the redistribution of impacts on
tourism through markets. More research alone these lines is needed.
A cross-sectional analysis of per capita income and temperature may suggest that people
are poor because of the climate (Nordhaus, 2006; van Kooten, 2004). This would,
wrongly, suggest that warming could cause economies to shrink or grow slower. This
would increase the damages of climate change. As poverty implies higher impacts, this
would drag the economy down further. However, as shown in Fankhauser and Tol
(2005), only very extreme parameter choices would imply such a scenario. This is in
sharp contrast to the econometric results of Dell et al. (2008), who find conclude that
climate change would slow the annual growth rate of poor countries by 0.6 to 2.9 per cent
points. Accumulated over a century, this effect would dominate all earlier impact
estimates. Unfortunately, Dell et al. (2008) have only few explanatory variables in their
regression, so their climate effect may suffer from missing variable bias. Gallup et al.
(1999) and Masters and McMillan (2001) find a relationship between geography and
development, but Easterly and Levine (2003) show that the results are not robust, and that
institutions are a better explanation of income difference than is geography and climate.
Acemoglu et al. (2002) reach the same conclusion. However, Acemoglu et al. (2001; cf.
Albouy, 2008) argue for climate as a root cause of development, via the route of the
mortality of European settlers. Future climate change will not affect history, though.
Demo-economic models (Galor and Weil, 1999) also put mortality 10 centre stage. In their
models, the difference between Malthusian stagnation and exponential growth is
determined by the quality-quantity trade-off for children, which is partly driven by infant
mortality. A risk-averse parent would opt for more children, so as to increase the chance
of old-age care; a large number of inadvertently surviving children would reduce the
money spent on their education. These children would become poor adults, unable to
afford health care for their offspring. Should climate change increase the prevalence of
malaria and diarrhoea, then the poverty trap would widen. This mechanism has not been
studied for climate change, but the impact of climate change on economic growth may
dominate the static impacts shown in Table 1.
Missing impacts
The impacts of climate change that have been quantified and monetised include the
impacts on agriculture and forestry, water resources, coastal zones, energy consumption,
air quality, and human health. Obviously, this list is incomplete. Also within each impact
albeit of infants, not of grown settlers from distant places
category, the assessment is incomplete. Studies of the impacts of sea level rise on coastal
zones, for instance, typically omit saltwater intrusion in groundwater (Nicholls and Tol,
2006). Furthermore, studies typically compare the situations before and after climate
change, but ignore that there will be substantial period during which adaptation is
suboptimal – the costs of this are not know.
Some of the missing impacts are most likely negative. Increasing water temperatures
would increase the costs of cooling power plants (Szolnoky et al., 1997). Redesigning
urban water management systems, be it for more of less water, would be costly (Ashley et
al., 2005), as would implementing the safeguards against the increased uncertainty about
future circumstances. This is true for other infrastructure as well. Extratropical storms
may increase, leading to greater damage and higher building standards (Dorland et al.,
1999). Tropical storms do more damage, but it is not known how climate change would
alter the frequency, intensity, and spread of tropical storms (McDonald et al., 2005).
Ocean acidification may well harm fisheries (Kikkawa et al., 2004). These matters are
relatively small compared to overall economic activity. Even if climate change would
double or triple the cost, the impact would be small.
Other missing impacts are probably positive. Higher wind speeds in the mid-latitudes
would decrease the costs of wind and wave energy (Breslow and Sailor, 2002). Less sea
ice would improve the accessibility of arctic harbours, would reduce the costs of
exploitation of oil and minerals in the Arctic, and may even open up new transport routes
between Europe and East Asia (Wilson et al., 2004). Warmer weather would reduce
expenditures on clothing and food, and traffic disruptions due to snow and ice
(Carmicheal et al., 2004). Also in these cases, the impact of climate change is likely to be
small relative to the economy.
Some missing impacts are mixed. Tourism is an example. Climate change may well drive
summer tourists towards the poles and up the mountains, which amounts to a
redistribution of tourist revenue (Berrittella et al., 2006). Other impacts are simply not
known. Some rivers may see an increase in flooding, and others a decrease (Kundzewicz
et al., 2005).
These are the small unknowns. There may also be big unknowns: biodiversity loss,
extreme climate scenarios, violent conflict, and the very long term. The impact of climate
change on economic development, discussed above, may also be included among the “big
Climate change would have a profound impact on nature. Plants and animals are directly
affected temperature and precipitation, and indirectly through interactions with other
organisms. Climate change implies changes in distribution and abundance, invasions, and
local and global extinctions (Gitay et al., 2001). Economists have problems with this.
First, there are few quantitative studies of the impacts of climate change on ecosystems
and biodiversity because quantitative ecology is still in its infancy, and there are many
species to be modelled. Second, changes in land use and nutrient cycles, alien invasions
and acidification also have large-scale and profound effects on nature. This hampers
interpretation of past observations, complicates projections of the future, and muddles the
attribution of impacts to causes (Parmesan and Yohe, 2003). Third, valuation of
ecosystem change is difficult. Over the years, methods and applications have grown more
specific (e.g., Champ et al., 2003) while benefit transfer remains difficult (Brouwer and
Spaninks, 1999). Wide-spread change that is hard to detect and to attribute is beyond
current valuation methods. Nevertheless, valuation studies have consistently shown that,
although people are willing to pay something to preserve or improve nature, they are not
prepared to pay a large amount. Most studies put the total willingness to pay for nature
conservation at substantially less than 1% of income (Pearce and Moran, 1994). Even if
climate-change-induced biodiversity loss would be worth as much as 1% of GDP, this
would not fundamentally change the total impact estimates of climate change.
Extreme climate scenarios are another big unknown. Examples are a shutdown of the
thermohaline circulation (e.g., Marotzke, 2000), a collapse of the West-Antarctic Ice
Sheet (Vaughan and Spouge, 2002), and massive releases of methane from the permafrost
(e.g., Harvey and Huang, 1995). These scenarios have a number of things in common.
First, they would lead to rapid changes in the natural system. Second, impacts have
hardly been studied. Third, the mechanism is only partially understood. Fourth, the
probability is unknown but probably low. Rapid climate change would be a problem, as
there would be little time to adapt. This suggests that impacts would be large. Impact
models, however, have been designed for more gradual climate change. Nicholls et al.
(forthcoming) find that the impacts of sea level rise sharply increase should the WestAntarctic Ice Sheet collapse, but they may have overestimated adaptation and hence
underestimated impacts (Olsthoorn et al., forthcoming). Link and Tol (2004) estimate the
impacts of a shutdown of the thermohaline circulation which slows global warming, at
least over land. Unsurprisingly, they report benefits of a THC shutdown.
Research into the determinants of violent conflict has concluded that resource scarcity is
at best a contributing factor to, but never a cause of war (Alesina and Spolaore, 2005;
Collier and Hoeffler, 1998; Homer-Dixon, 1994). The corollary is that climate-changeinduced resource scarcity would not lead to war either, although it may intensify preexisting conflicts. It is therefore impossible to estimate the impact of climate change on
violent conflict without a scenario with background conflicts. Such scenarios do not exist;
all future scenarios for climate change are nice and peaceful (Nakicenovic and Swart,
2001). Clearly, an intensification of conflict would be something to worry about.
Butkiewicz and Hanakkaya (2005) find that political instability (i.e., the chance of war)
may decrease per capita economic growth in the poorest countries by 2% per year –
although actual war has no significant effect. Conflict may thus dominate climate change
impacts, but, as said, it is not clear whether climate change would lead to conflict.
The fourth big unknown is the impact in the very long term. Most static impact analyses
are for 2xCO2 only, while most dynamic impact studies stop at 2100. Climate change will
not stop there, but most estimates for 2100 suggest that climate change has a negative
impact, that the impact is growing, and that the growth rate is accelerating – see Figure 1.
Obviously, what happens after 2100 is important for climate policy, but we have not even
started to study this – this is true for emissions, for climate change, for impacts, and for
the monetary value of those impacts.
The information gaps described above require research that combines economics with
other disciplines. There are two issues that are pure economics. Both have to do with the
specification of the welfare function.
The impacts of climate change are uncertain, but will likely fall heaviest on poorer
countries (cf. Table 1). In textbook economics, attitudes towards uncertainty are
measured by the rate of risk aversion, or the elasticity of marginal utility with respect to
consumption. The same parameter plays an important role in the Ramsey discount rate, as
it also partly governs the substitution of future and present consumption. Furthermore,
this parameter drives the trade-offs between differential impacts across the income
distribution, both within and between countries. 11 The consumption elasticity of marginal
utility thus plays four roles. Although conceptually distinct, all climate policy analyses
that I am aware of use a single numerical value (cf. Saelen et al., 2008). The reason for
this is simple. It is well known that consumption smoothing over time and risk aversion
are different things, and different again from inequity aversion – and that attitudes
towards income gaps are different within and between jurisdictions (e.g., Amiel et al.,
1999). Despite considerable research, welfare theorists have yet to find welfare and utility
functions that make the necessary distinctions and can be used in applied work. Climate
change adds urgency to solving the theoretical problems.
There is a similar problem with population. Standard welfare functions work fine if
population growth is exogenous, but produce peculiar and undesirable results if
population is endogenous (Blackorby and Donaldson, 1984). As climate change affects
The differences in impacts between countries are described above. Although research is scarce (O’Brien
et al., 2004), there is no reason to assume that climate change impacts would be homogeneous within
countries; certainly, certain economic sectors (e.g., agriculture), regions (e.g., the coastal zone) and age
groups (e.g., the elderly) are more heavily affected than others.
mortality and migration, population is endogenous to climate policy. A standard welfare
function such as W = Pln(C/P), with W welfare, P population and C total consumption,
would put a premium on migration from poor to rich countries and would thus encourage
sea level rise and discourage coastal protection. As above, this problem is well recognised
in welfare theory, but a practical solution has yet to be found.
Discussion and conclusion
Research into the economic impacts of climate change began in earnest with the
publication of Nordhaus (1991). The tone of the survey of Pearce et al. (1995) suggest
that the authors (including the present one) thought that everything was roughly known,
and that research would be complete within a few years. This view was entirely mistaken.
After 17 years of research, I am reasonably confident that we know the scope of the
research agenda. As argued above, there are a number of impacts for which we have
reasonable estimates, and a number of impacts for which we know the order of
magnitude. We also have a clear idea of the sensitivities of these estimates to particular
assumptions, even though in some cases we do not really know what to assume. There are
also a number of issues for which we are aware of our ignorance. I believe that the result
of 17 years of research is that there are no more unknown unknowns, at least no sizeable
This is a sobering conclusion, and I would not be the first expert to suffer from
overconfidence (Morgan and Henrion, 1990). It is worrying conclusion if one considers
the amounts of money politicians are proposing to spend on greenhouse gas emission
reduction. At present, we do not know whether this investment is too much or too little.
The number of published studies fit on a single page (see Table 1), and none of the
researchers listed work full-time on this issue. This level of research effort is
incommensurate with the perceived size of the climate problem, the expected costs of the
solution, and the size of the research gaps.
Nonetheless, decisions should be made with the best available knowledge – even if the
best available knowledge is not very good. The main advice to policy is given in Table 2.
A government that plays a cooperative game on climate policy, and uses the same
discount rate for climate change as for other decisions, should levy a carbon tax of $26/tC
(mode) to $50/tC (mean). A higher tax can be justified by an appeal to risk (Weitzman,
forthcoming), but not necessarily by an appeal for a lower discount rate (Nordhaus, 2008,
Ch 9) or international equity (Schelling, 2000). The price of carbon dioxide emission
permits in the European Union is $134/tC. 12 In the USA, there is no federal emission
reduction policy, although utilities apparently factor in a carbon tax of $15/tC in their
investment decisions (Richels, personal communication). This suggests that neither EU
nor US policy is optimal, and that the preferred policy lies somewhere in between.
Outside the OECD, there is no climate policy – although these countries are most
vulnerable to climate change, and their share of the social cost of carbon is positive even
at high discount rate. Many of these countries subsidise fossil fuel use, rather than taxing
it. Weak as the current knowledge on the economic impacts may be, the direction of
policy adjustments are clear. While this does not constitute “a case for strong action on
climate change” (Heal, 2008), it does constitute a strong case for action on climate
Discussions with David Anthoff, Sam Fankhauser, Bill Nordhaus, David Maddison,
Robert Mendelsohn, Steve Pacala, Katrin Rehdanz, Rich Richels, Joel Smith, Rob
Socolow, John Weyant, Bob Williams, and Gary Yohe have shaped my thinking on the
issues discussed in this paper. David Pearce stands out for his early encouragement and
for emphasizing intellectual honesty over political correctness. Rob Stavins also deserves
special mention. Financial support by the ESRI Energy Policy Research Centre and CEC
FP7 Climate Cost project is gratefully acknowledged.
Permit price and exchange rate at August 29, 2008.
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degree centigrade
Figure 1. The 14 estimates of the global economic impact of climate change, expressed as
the welfare-equivalent income loss with income measured by Gross Domestic Product, as
a functions of the increase in global mean temperature relative to today. The dots
represent the estimates. The central line is the least squares fit to the 14 observations: D =
2.46 (1.25) T – 1.11 (0.48) T2, R2 = 0.51, where D denotes impact and T denotes
temperature; standard deviations are between brackets. The other two lines are the 95%
confidence interval, where the standard deviation is the least squares fit to the 5 reported
standard deviations: S = 0.43 (0.18) T, R2 = 0.58, where S is the standard deviation.
Table 2. The social cost of carbon ($/tC); characteristics of the Fisher-Tippett distribution
fitted to 232 published estimates, and to three subsets of these estimates based on the pure
rate of time preference.
Pure rate of time preference
Table 1. Impact estimates of climate change; numbers in brackets are either standard deviations or confidence intervals.
Nordhaus (1994a)
Nordhaus (1994b)
Fankhauser (1995)
(-30.0 to 0.0)
Tol (1995)
Nordhaus and Yang (1996)a
Plambeck and Hope (1996)a
Mendelsohn et al. (2000)a,b,c
Nordhaus and Boyer (2000)
Tol (2002)
Maddison (2003)a,d,e
Rehdanz and Maddison
Hope (2006)a
(-0.5 to –11.4)
(-0.6 to -39.5)
Asia (w/o China)
(-0.4 to 10.0)
Nordhaus (2006)
(-0.2 to 2.7)
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Asia (w/o China)
Note that the global results were aggregated by the current author.
The top estimate is for the “experimental” model, the bottom estimate for the “cross-sectional” model.
Note that Mendelsohn et al. only include market impacts.
Note that the national results were aggregated to regions by the current author for reasons of comparability.
Note that Maddison only considers market impacts on households.
Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union
Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union
Former Soviet Union
(-0.2 to 1.5)
Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union
Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union
Western Europe
(-2.5 to 0.5)
Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union
Western Europe
South Asia
ESRI Authors/Co-authors Italicised
Measuring International Inequity Aversion
Richard S.J. Tol
Using a Census to Assess the Reliability of a
National Household Survey for Migration Research:
The Case of Ireland
Alan Barrett and Elish Kelly
Risk Aversion, Time Preference, and the Social
Cost of Carbon
David Anthoff, Richard S.J. Tol and Gary W. Yohe
The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Economic Growth
and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Ireland
Thomas Conefrey, John D. Fitz Gerald, Laura
Malaguzzi Valeri and Richard S.J. Tol
The Distributional Implications of a Carbon Tax in
Tim Callan, Sean Lyons, Susan Scott, Richard S.J.
Tol and Stefano Verde
Measuring Material Deprivation in the Enlarged EU
Christopher T. Whelan, Brian Nolan and Bertrand
Marginal Abatement Costs on Carbon-Dioxide
Emissions: A Meta-Analysis
Onno Kuik, Luke Brander and Richard S.J. Tol
Incorporating GHG Emission Costs in the Economic
Appraisal of Projects Supported by State
Development Agencies
Richard S.J. Tol and Seán Lyons
A Carton Tax for Ireland
Richard S.J. Tol, Tim Callan, Thomas Conefrey,
John D. Fitz Gerald, Seán Lyons, Laura Malaguzzi
Valeri and Susan Scott
Non-cash Benefits and the Distribution of
Economic Welfare
Tim Callan and Claire Keane
Scenarios of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from
Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
The Effect of the Euro on Export Patterns:
Empirical Evidence from Industry Data
Gavin Murphy and Iulia Siedschlag
The Economic Returns to Field of Study and
Competencies Among Higher Education Graduates
in Ireland
Elish Kelly, Philip O’Connell and Emer Smyth
European Climate Policy and Aviation Emissions
Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
Aviation and the Environment in the Context of the
EU-US Open Skies Agreement
Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
Yuppie Kvetch? Work-life Conflict and Social Class
in Western Europe
Frances McGinnity and Emma Calvert
Immigrants and Welfare Programmes: Exploring
the Interactions between Immigrant
Characteristics, Immigrant Welfare Dependence
and Welfare Policy
Alan Barrett and Yvonne McCarthy
How Local is Hospital Treatment? An Exploratory
Analysis of Public/Private Variation in Location of
Treatment in Irish Acute Public Hospitals
Jacqueline O’Reilly and Miriam M. Wiley
The Immigrant Earnings Disadvantage Across the
Earnings and Skills Distributions: The Case of
Immigrants from the EU’s New Member States in
Alan Barrett, Seamus McGuinness and Martin
Europeanisation of
Reference Groups
Christopher T. Whelan and Bertrand Maître
Managing Capital Flows: Experiences from Central
and Eastern Europe
Jürgen von Hagen and Iulia Siedschlag
ICT Diffusion, Innovation Systems, Globalisation
and Regional Economic Dynamics: Theory and
Empirical Evidence
Charlie Karlsson, Gunther Maier, Michaela Trippl,
Iulia Siedschlag, Robert Owen and Gavin Murphy
Welfare and Competition Effects of Electricity
Interconnection between Great Britain and Ireland
Laura Malaguzzi Valeri
Is FDI into China Crowding Out the FDI into the
European Union?
Laura Resmini and Iulia Siedschlag
Estimating the Economic Cost of Disability in
John Cullinan, Brenda Gannon and Seán Lyons
Controlling the Cost of Controlling the Climate: The
Irish Government’s Climate Change Strategy
Colm McCarthy, Sue Scott
The Impact of Climate Change on the BalancedGrowth-Equivalent: An Application of FUND
David Anthoff, Richard S.J. Tol
Changing Returns to Education During a Boom?
The Case of Ireland
Seamus McGuinness, Frances McGinnity, Philip
‘New’ and ‘Old’ Social Risks: Life Cycle and Social
Class Perspectives on Social Exclusion in Ireland
Christopher T. Whelan and Bertrand Maître
The Climate Preferences of Irish Tourists by
Purpose of Travel
Seán Lyons, Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
A Hirsch Measure for the Quality of Research
Supervision, and an Illustration with Trade
Frances P. Ruane and Richard S.J. Tol
Environmental Accounts
Ireland: 1990-2005
Seán Lyons, Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
Assessing Vulnerability of Selected Sectors under
Environmental Tax Reform: The issue of pricing
J. Fitz Gerald, M. Keeney and S. Scott
Climate Policy Versus Development Aid
Exports and Productivity – Comparable Evidence
for 14 Countries
Richard S.J. Tol
The International Study Group on Exports and
Energy-Using Appliances and Energy-Saving
Features: Determinants of Ownership in Ireland
Joe O’Doherty, Seán Lyons and Richard S.J. Tol
The Public/Private Mix in Irish Acute Public
Hospitals: Trends and Implications
Jacqueline O’Reilly and Miriam M. Wiley
Regret About the Timing of First Sexual
Intercourse: The Role of Age and Context
Richard Layte, Hannah McGee
Determinants of Water Connection Type and
Ownership of Water-Using Appliances in Ireland
Joe O’Doherty, Seán Lyons and Richard S.J. Tol
Unemployment – Stage or Stigma?
Being Unemployed During an Economic Boom
Emer Smyth
The Value of Lost Load
Richard S.J. Tol
Adolescents’ Educational Attainment and School
Experiences in Contemporary Ireland
Merike Darmody, Selina McCoy, Emer Smyth
Acting Up or Opting Out? Truancy in Irish
Secondary Schools
Merike Darmody, Emer Smyth and Selina McCoy
Where do MNEs Expand Production: Location
Choices of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Europe
after 1992
Frances P. Ruane, Xiaoheng Zhang
Holiday Destinations: Understanding the Travel
Choices of Irish Tourists
Seán Lyons, Karen Mayor and Richard S.J. Tol
The Effectiveness of Competition Policy and the
Price-Cost Margin: Evidence from Panel Data
Patrick McCloughan, Seán Lyons and William Batt
Tax Structure and Female Labour Market
Participation: Evidence from Ireland
Tim Callan, A. Van Soest, J.R. Walsh
Distributional Effects of Public Education Transfers
in Seven European Countries
Tim Callan, Tim Smeeding and Panos Tsakloglou