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Steps towards an insurance based
climate compensation scheme
Munich, May 10th, 2004
Christoph Bals
Campaign Director
Sonja Butzengeiger
Climate Advisor
Germanwatch e.V.
Objective: changing structures in the „North“ to improve
living conditions for people in developing countries
• founded in 1991
• about 500 members, sponsors and „campaigners“
• Staff of 15 in offices in Bonn and Berlin
• Work focus / programmes:
 RioKonkret: climate protection, - policy and - responsibility,
emissions trading, transport, sustainable investment
 TradeWatch: security of food supply, agricultural trade,
principles for multinational companies
 Development policy: information and „lobbying“ in
traditional development co-operation and global structural
Structure of presentation
Insurance-based climate compensation scheme (IBCS)
Legal background
Potential barriers
Major questions / design options
– What damages should be covered?
– Which countries/regions should be "recipients"?
– What goods should be included?
• Some general aspects
Why should potential victims contribute?
What premiums should potential victims pay?
How to prevent moral hazard?
Contribution of GHG-emitters
Contribution of World Bank / Development Banks
• Options for financing (second presentation)
Legal Background
of insurance-based climate compensation
• Rio Declaration, Art. 13 (compensation)
• UNFCCC, Art. 4.4 (adaptation)
• UNFCCC, Art. 4.8
(particularly vulnerable countries)
• Kyoto, Art. 3.14
Objectives of an
insurance-based climate compensation scheme
• Offer insurance/compensation for damages of
climate change induced catastrophes
• Financially involve both insured and emitters of
 Prevent moral hazard
 Give incentives to reduce GHG-emissions and risk
exposure (conduct adaptation measures)
Potential barriers against an
insurance-based climate compensation scheme
• Quantification of the contribution of climate change
to a damage event
• Interrelation with other financing/ compensation
schemes (prevention of double-compensation)
• Avoidance of moral hazard
• Reaching potential insured/policy holders
• Insuring the uninsurables
Major questions / design options
Insurance-based climate compensation scheme
• What damage events are to be covered?
– Types of catastrophes
– Connection to climate change
Proportional-approach: global or local probability?
• Which countries/regions should be recipients?
• What damages/goods should be covered?
• How should the system be financed?
(second presentation)
What damage events should be covered?
Initial approach: global probability
• System covers damage categories that will
increase with > 90 % likelihood due to climate
 IPCC estimates or
 analysis conducted by insurance companies
• Share of damages will be covered proportional
to contribution of climate change
 existing data
 future research
What damage events should be covered?
Future approach: regional analysis
• If analysis predicts an increase of damage
events of a certain type, the system covers
additional damage
 e.g. prediction of increase of storm surges by 15%
leads to a coverage of 15% of damages by IBCS
• Basis: independent vulnerability analysis
What countries/regions should be
Option 1
• Only highly vulnerable regions
 basis: vulnerability maps
• Only persons from countries whose governments
have conducted pre-defined adaptation measures
eligible ??
Option 2
• All Non-Annex-B countries
 further allocation by selection of covered damage
events, see above
Which goods have to be covered?
• Private infrastructure - Yes
– Major objective of IBCS to support poor people which
do not have access to (inter-) national capital market
• Public infrastructure – ??
– Overlapping with international catastrophe/
reconstruction aid
– Limited willingness of donor countries to contribute
– misuse of (WB) credits
– independence of public awareness
General aspects
of an insurance based climate
change compensation scheme
How should the system be financed?
• Contribution of insured
• Contribution of GHG-emitters
• Contribution of other institutions (e.g.
Word Bank / Development Banks)
Detailed proposals in second presentation
Why should potential climate victims
contribute to premiums?
• Not all climate disasters result from global
climate change
• To prevent moral hazard
• To raise awareness
• To create an incentive system for adaptation
What premiums should potential
climate victims pay?
Premiums should depend both on:
• ability to pay
 per capita income or GDP or purchasing power
parities of the relevant region (not necessarily
• level of adaptation activity
 on state- or individual level
How to prevent moral hazard of
potential climate victims?
• Insurance coverage only if certain adaptation
requirements are met
– state and/or regional level
• Deductibles are based on risk reducing
adaptation measures
– Level of policy holders
 also sets an incentive for adaptation measures
Why should GHG emitters pay?
• Polluter pays principle
• To set an incentive to reduce emissions
• Emitters from vulnerable regions: for the own
(financial) protection/insurance
• ability to pay
How should emitters pay?
Responsibility of states e.g. to put a levy on:
 climate change insurance levy for fuels (CO2
emissions outside the EU emissions trading
 emission trading (like CDM adaptation fee)
 aviation levy
Why should the World Bank and
development banks contribute?
• they profit from insurance, as their infrastructure
credits are not "mis-used" for disaster support
• they would only pay a share of the funds needed
– Layer-system: only pay for third layer (very big
catastrophes). In these cases they are also heavily
effected by disasters.
How should the system be financed?
• Contribution of insured
• Contribution of GHG-emitters
• Contribution of other institutions
Layer-system and premium-based system
How should the system be financed?
Option 1 – Layer concept
• First layer: potential climate victims
• Second layer: greenhouse gas
emitters (states or GHG-emitting
entities included by aviation levy,
climate change fee on ET, ...).
• Third layer: financial institutions,
which profit from insurance system:
World Bank etc.
First tier
• Private Insurance
• premiums risk-based, can be
reduced through adaptation
Second tier
• contribution of GHG-emitters
Third tier
• Financial institutions which
Second and third layer pay, if damage passes
defined threshold in physical damages and/ or $
indirectly profit from IBCS
How should the system be financed?
Option 2 – premium-based concept
policy holder
premium =
risk * potential loss
multiple-layer system
primary insurer
premium =
risk * potential loss
natural disaster
How should the system be financed?
natural disaster
Premium-based IBCS
Objective: reduction of
policy holder
Premium =
risk * potential loss
primary insurer
Premium =
risk * potential loss
Institutional design
• Local/regional insurance companies
 explain both threats of climate change and benefits of an
insurance scheme
 reach people
• Re-Insurance companies
 offer their regular services to insurance companies
• Independent authority (UN)
 regular analysis of regional risk profiles
 regular analysis of additional impact by cc
 derivation of contribution of international community to insurance
 collection and administration of finances of IBCS-fund
Isn‘t it impossible to identify "climate change
born disasters"?
• emitters only pay for losses which are very likely to be
increased by CC;
• only the contribution of the second layer will be paid by
• size of second layer:
 in the beginning: pragmatical judgement;
 later probability based
Premium-based concept:
• only pay for additional damage due to climate change